Originally Posted by howardtl
New to the forum here, but have the same memory leak problem. Something I noticed is the Auto Lock Screen uses 8 M. And, each time it is activated, it uses slightly more. That makes no sense... I installed the disable auto lock cab and that alone saves more than 8M. I'll see how it does throughout the day with this disabled. Also, I have no memory leaks using the standard WinMo Today Screen. Agree that it must be something in 2.5.
I have had the same issues with sense and the memory leaks.
Until then, I have moved to SPB Mobile Shell 3.5.
Don't like the non-gps location aware weather but its livable.
Till memory leaks is solved with sense 2.5 I am sticking with spb ms3.5.
also, I tried the disable auto lock after noticing the 8mb usage.....didn't really solve much. it kept the 8mb free (acatully about 7 or so) but still has the memory leak which results in having to restart every 6hrs just to use the phone in a normal manor (I have 3 email accounts one of which is work with exchange push email; get about 75 emails a day.) I also have to clear out SMS each morning to keep the sms working smooth....too many txt for sense to comb over makes it really sluggish (its been well documented already).
Till then adios Sense 2.5. Maybe a 2.6 port will come along and help the memory leak.