Cleanup time!
I have Clear temp and clean RAM installed and have been using them daily. I am now running at 70-80m free.
What settings are you running each at? I have CleanRAm @ level 3, as I dont know what is safe to have set on the custom tab. Cleartemp has the following boxes checked:
Recent programs
Internet addresses
What setting should i be running for max performance?
What is safe to delete from the drive in the following folders?
-Docs and Settings
-Windows (this folder is HUGE!)
-My Docs
*Can i delete things like avatars in the my pictures folder, anything in the UAContents folder?
-Program Files
-Application Data
I DONT want to delete anything that may hurt me further down the road. I have already gotten rid of Spring NFL Live, NASCAR, NFL Mobile.
póg mo thóin!