Re: Free TV ??
I got the same message.
Samsung Captivate (new love)
HTC Tilt 2 (for sale, soon to be gone) LG Incite (long gone) |
Re: Free TV ??
I saw a couple entries in their 'support' forum regarding this issue, they basically said don't hold your breath waiting for Hulu to get back to you.
Re: Free TV ??
I'm curious, are AT$T users the only ones that have to disable/enable proxy when switching between the network and a Wifi connection? Are Sprint/T-Mobile/Verizon users having to do this, as well?
Re: Free TV ??
I don't remember where it was to begin with because I move all my shortcuts to various folders to make them easier to get to, but there are Disable Proxy and Restore Proxy shortcuts in a folder in the Start Menu. You need to disable the proxy to use Wifi and restore it to access MediaNet.
Re: Free TV ??