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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 04:50 PM
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Re: STAYING with WinMo

Originally Posted by OMGWTF_BBQ View Post
I just want my phone to work for me, not me have to work for it.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Touch Pro 2. The only way I could love it more is if it had a Snapdragon and more RAM. For now, it makes due and I don't regret my purchase what so ever.
That was a long read. I like these two points This,

I just want my phone to work for me, not me have to work for it.

..should be another companies slogan
Droid Incredible & Touch Pro 2 Running MightyROM & Android 2.1

Don't click me
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 04:57 PM
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Re: STAYING with WinMo

Not to stir the poo pot again ... but shrug. Flashing your phone does not void the warranty. Just like installing Ubuntu on your Win7 Dell Laptop doesn't void the warranty. If you're THAT worried about your warranty and your phone has to go back to Sprint, reflash it to stock.

Now, that isn't to say that Sprint has to warranty the non-stock software you've installed, either. Their response to "omg i flashed my phone now it sucks" could be "well we can restore it to how it came from us if you want" or "oh well that sucks for you". Either way, if your screen backlight dies or the internals(CPU RAM etc) die, chances are you'll be covered without a fight - and if they DID put up a fight, they'd lose any court case, because they'd have to prove that the new software killed the hardware. See: Magnusson-Moss Warranty Act.

I agree w/OMG_WTF_BBQ though - I'm going over to the EVO, not because of "OMG APPS" but because I want a phone I don't have to beat into submission to make it work.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 06:06 PM
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Re: STAYING with WinMo

Originally Posted by QMeli907 View Post
That was a long read. I like these two points This,

I just want my phone to work for me, not me have to work for it.

..should be another companies slogan
i used to feel just like that lol, but once you start tweaking and modding, you get addicted! and thanks for the short version of that post .
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 02:08 AM
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Re: STAYING with WinMo

Right now WM is really the only smartphone OS that you truly have control over...
Unfortunately it appears that that aspect of WM may die with WM7... so WM6.X is really the only smartphone OS that you truly have control over... MS has given indication that it will take that control away from its customers, indeed even from its OEMs...

So I'll stay with WM6.x for now... because of many of the reasons given above (Slingbox, Exchange, many other apps, SERO, etc), but since WM7 will not allow the running of older WM apps, I fully anticipate leaving WM at some point in the next year or so...
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 11:50 AM
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Re: STAYING with WinMo

Originally Posted by QMeli907 View Post
Since everyday I get online and see new threads pop up about changing phones, I decided to start a thread about people STAYING with WinMo/TP2.

Comment if you like this or are staying
Trying like HECK to stay. Really I am. They don't make it easy, though
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 11:56 AM
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Re: STAYING with WinMo

Come on over to the Android side... I can pretty much promise you wont look back. I didnt.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 12:09 PM
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Re: STAYING with WinMo

sprint sero means I am staying on Sprint with a Winmo phone however it would be the best gift ever if Sprint got a snap dragon winmo phone before WP7 hits the streets.
Device: Sprint Touch Pro 2
ROM: The one with Windows 6.5.x
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 12:38 PM
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Re: STAYING with WinMo

I've been a windows mobile user ever since the first wm phone device came out and all programs that I am using are for wm OS so I may need to stay with my tp2 for a while now. I wish EVO 4G was a world phone that I can use internationally, then I'd switch to EVO 4G right away. Just stick with my TP2 for now.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 01:02 PM
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Re: STAYING with WinMo

Originally Posted by oxymoron238 View Post
warning!! Wall of text!!

I'm definitely staying with winmo. I like being able to go online, and google the lates and greatest tp2 software (not look it up in some app store). Most apps for winmo aren't those useless novelty apps (like having ants on your screen and stuff); instead, they are functional things (like remote access to nearly anything).

If i see a flash game i like, i can just download the swf and play it on my phone (can't do that with the iphone or droid). If i see a movie i like, i can download it (or rip it), and watch it on my phone. If i see a song i like, i can download it and play it on my phone (with quality that is waaaay better than the ipod or iphone- many iphone and ipod owners have told me so themselves). Even if i see an os i wanna try, i can download it and run it on my phone (android, ubuntu, etc.).

If i wanna type out ideas for my novels, i can do so on my phone. When i was in college, and i wasn't near a computer, i could download my unfinished papers on my phone and complete them. If i wanted to study my teacher's lecture notes, i could download the pdf files and study them on my phone.

Need to see the weather? Check my phone. Need to look up something on the web? Check my phone. Need to see if that email came in yet? Check my phone. Lost on the road? Check my phone. Need to look up a quick youtube vid? Check my phone. Facebook? Appointments? Tasks? Check my phone.

As far as speed goes, my phone is just as fast as an iphone or a droid if not faster, thanks to mighty's new rom. I have all the eye candy i want. I have all the speed i want. And... My battery lasts all day without my charger.

And, if i see a feature of an os that i like, i can just customize my phone to include that feature. For example, when i tried android, the only thing i liked about it over winmo was the fact that the back button closed apps and brought me back to my homepage (but in some menus, it would only backspace, such as the web browser or settings menus). So i'm like, "good job, google." and then i just rebooted, opened rhodium keyboard control, and set my back button to do just that (close any program, but only go back a menu while navigating the start menu). And wah-lah! I had the only feature of android i liked, right here on my own winmo phone. Oh, and might i add... I did all of that, from trying android to fixing my own settings, on my phone!! =).

There are waaaay too many reasons to stay with winmo in my opinion. The other os's can't even hope to compare to it, and i think the same will be the case when wp7 comes out.

Sorry for the wall of text guys. I just wanted to vent because i was sick of hearing people bash winmo because it's slow (and it doesn't have to be slow; they just don't wanna do what is required to make it fast).

Long story short; i'm staying with winmo. Thanks for starting this thread op. I needed it =).

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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 01:35 PM
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Re: STAYING with WinMo

Originally Posted by Oxymoron238 View Post
WARNING!! Wall of text!!

I'm definitely staying with winmo. I like being able to go online, and google the lates and greatest tp2 software (not look it up in some app store). Most apps for winmo aren't those useless novelty apps (like having ants on your screen and stuff); instead, they are functional things (like remote access to nearly anything).

If I see a flash game I like, I can just download the swf and play it on my phone (can't do that with the iphone or droid). If I see a movie I like, I can download it (or rip it), and watch it on my phone. If I see a song I like, I can download it and play it on my phone (with quality that is WAAAAY BETTER than the ipod or iphone- many iphone and ipod owners have told me so themselves). Even if I see an OS I wanna try, I can download it and run it on my phone (Android, Ubuntu, etc.).

If I wanna type out ideas for my novels, I can do so on my phone. When I was in college, and I wasn't near a computer, I could download my unfinished papers on my phone and complete them. If I wanted to study my teacher's lecture notes, I could download the pdf files and study them on my phone.

Need to see the weather? Check my phone. Need to look up something on the web? Check my phone. Need to see if that email came in yet? Check my phone. Lost on the road? Check my phone. Need to look up a quick Youtube vid? Check my phone. Facebook? Appointments? Tasks? Check my phone.

As far as speed goes, my phone is just as fast as an iphone or a droid if not faster, thanks to Mighty's new rom. I have all the eye candy I want. I have all the speed I want. AND... my battery lasts all day without my charger.

AND, if I see a feature of an OS that I like, I can just customize my phone to include that feature. For example, when I tried android, the only thing I liked about it over winmo was the fact that the back button closed apps and brought me back to my homepage (but in some menus, it would only backspace, such as the web browser or settings menus). So I'm like, "Good job, Google." And then I just rebooted, opened rhodium keyboard control, and set my back button to do just that (close any program, but only go back a menu while navigating the start menu). And wah-lah! I had the only feature of android I liked, right here on my own winmo phone. Oh, and might I add... I did ALL of that, from trying android to fixing my own settings, ON MY PHONE!! =).

There are waaaay too many reasons to stay with winmo in my opinion. The other OS's can't even hope to compare to it, and I think the same will be the case when wp7 comes out.

Sorry for the wall of text guys. I just wanted to vent because I was sick of hearing people bash winmo because it's slow (and it doesn't have to be slow; they just don't wanna do what is required to make it fast).

Long story short; I'm staying with winmo. Thanks for starting this thread OP. I needed it =).

Well this one is pretty simple.

Apps. Most of them are crap, outdated with horrible interfaces. It's no secret that you have to SEARCH for them because most of them are years old to begin with. There's no logic whatsoever in actually choosing to have to scour the internet for old apps as compared to NEW apps... with better interfaces... that are developed constantly and kept up to date.

Customization. More of a pain than a gain. Just like the roms are nice, but almost..well not almost, every single one of them has SOME kind of bug that you just have to suck up and swallow. And on top of that Android is just as customizable WITHOUT needing to do all of the unnecessary tweaks just to make the phone run like it should out of the box anyways.

As far as other OS' cant even begin to compare to it.. that part is just a joke. Constant freezes, sleep of death, old apps... SLOW.. the only real benefit is exchange and even that isnt an issue with the new Android 2.1 update. It seems to me like people are just afraid of change or something but it's no secret that the majority of android's new customers come from winmo. I had a tp2 and switched and pretty much everything about it is better to me. Personally winmo doesnt offer anything that would make me stick with an outdated OS.. and as far as WP7 being better... you mean the iphone clone? SMH... none of the other OS touch it but they took pretty much a carbon copy of what Apple did and threw WP7 on it. Irony.
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