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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 10:03 PM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by nyCecilia View Post
Seriously, I don't mind tweaking. But I feel like the amount of tweaking to get my phone to usable level has become craaaazy.

My phone stays in my purse most of the time, it's got a special slot, but somehow it butt-dials anyway (or purse-dials? it dials randomly, even when it's not in my purse, pocket, or whatever, I always seem to be on some screen or other without pressing anything, it even sometimes randomly changes my time zone).

hah, my comment about the iPhone is kinda sarcastic. First, I can't stand ATT, will NEVER give them another dime (not to mention that where I live service is beyond horrible), and I can't stand iTunes and will never install it on my pc. I do appreciate the glass screen comment, though, the screen on the tp2 isn't all that. And while iPhone may work out of the box, there are things that don't work quite right and it's not so easy to tweak at all. I just want a solution somewhere in-between: something that works well enough OTC, but that I can tweak a bit to get it to work just as I like it.

I suppose it's a love/hate relationship. When it's all put together, it's great, but the getting there has become too cumbersome.

Oh, and I couldn't do my music/gps/phone/evernote/calendar scenario on an iphone, and that's what made me love the tp2 to begin with.
i use the standard winmo/htc lock and have never had a problem with it unlocking itself. sometimes the screen wakes up with notifications, but it doesn't unlock the screen, then after 10min, it goes back to sleep (i hate my screen dimming when i'm messing with my phone, so i keep it pretty power heavy).

the one on the screen. no fancy lock programs.

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 10:06 PM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

OP, i feel for ya, i really do.. when i bought my first mogul back in the day, i hated trying things, cuz if they went badly, that meant a hard reset and man did it suck..i lurked on PPCG for months and months... asked rare questions and never contributed much... i built that name up a little bit.. then started on this one im on now when i got my first TP1...and now, though I have my overly critical/flamming moments, i try to be helpful as often as i have time to sit down and get on the site...Ill be honest, all this tweaking/hacking/modding, it isnt for part-timers really(lets face it, youve been on here a year and have fewposts for that amount of time-your a part-timer lol).. it takes alot of time, reading/studying, trial/error, etc.. even more so for the dedicated chefs and developers....

i hate to say this to you OP, but the source of your problems has nothing to do with kind of Device your using.. the Platform/OS your running.. the Harware its running(or lacking)... Or your Carrier.. its kind of your own fault dont ya think??... your going around making all these changes, and you, yourself say you cant keep up with everything your doing or remember it all... well thats kind of an issue wouldnt you think?? your not educating yourself on What your really doing, your just doing random things it seems like.. "Knowledge is King, in the world of Iliteracy"... people have 2 choice on this site on who they can be.. 1) a contributor, no matter what level 2) or someone who asks a zillion and one questions because they dont understand really what their doing, nor how to fix it if it goes wrong

backing things up is Modding/Tweaking/Hacking 101 lesson 1. Backing up is to save you the time and hassle of constantly having to redo every single little thing.. And to ease the transition from ROM to ROM or even hard reset to hard reset... and remember, anything stored on your mem card doesnt get erased so those apps,tweaks,etc all stay there, you just have to re-add the .ink whereever you like(theres even an app for that)

***i feel like if you took a little time and did some research and studying to:
-back up app reg entries(app for that)
-back up reg entries for all your settings(app for that)
-or- learn to use Sashimi or UC(user customization), sd_config, etc
then youd see that all these things we do, ie flash and all the hard resets from trying new things- its not bad at all.... i can Hard reset, or flash a new rom, and be up and runnin in 20minutes... without a PC or something like MS Myphone... and i probably have over 70things to install on my device*** (yes other readers, i realize i should just be cooking with that amount of modding involved-dont have the time for it lol)

**i hope nothing negative was takin from this OP, just trying to be real here**
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 10:08 PM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
OP, i feel for ya, i really do.. when i bought my first mogul back in the day, i hated trying things, cuz if they went badly, that meant a hard reset and man did it suck..i lurked on PPCG for months and months... asked rare questions and never contributed much... i built that name up a little bit.. then started on this one im on now when i got my first TP1...and now, though I have my overly critical/flamming moments, i try to be helpful as often as i have time to sit down and get on the site...Ill be honest, all this tweaking/hacking/modding, it isnt for part-timers really(lets face it, youve been on here a year and have fewposts for that amount of time-your a part-timer lol).. it takes alot of time, reading/studying, trial/error, etc.. even more so for the dedicated chefs and developers....

i hate to say this to you OP, but the source of your problems has nothing to do with kind of Device your using.. the Platform/OS your running.. the Harware its running(or lacking)... Or your Carrier.. its kind of your own fault dont ya think??... your going around making all these changes, and you, yourself say you cant keep up with everything your doing or remember it all... well thats kind of an issue wouldnt you think?? your not educating yourself on What your really doing, your just doing random things it seems like.. "Knowledge is King, in the world of Iliteracy"... people have 2 choice on this site on who they can be.. 1) a contributor, no matter what level 2) or someone who asks a zillion and one questions because they dont understand really what their doing, nor how to fix it if it goes wrong

backing things up is Modding/Tweaking/Hacking 101 lesson 1. Backing up is to save you the time and hassle of constantly having to redo every single little thing.. And to ease the transition from ROM to ROM or even hard reset to hard reset... and remember, anything stored on your mem card doesnt get erased so those apps,tweaks,etc all stay there, you just have to re-add the .ink whereever you like(theres even an app for that)

***i feel like if you took a little time and did some research and studying to:
-back up app reg entries(app for that)
-back up reg entries for all your settings(app for that)
-or- learn to use Sashimi or UC(user customization), sd_config, etc
then youd see that all these things we do, ie flash and all the hard resets from trying new things- its not bad at all.... i can Hard reset, or flash a new rom, and be up and runnin in 20minutes... without a PC or something like MS Myphone... and i probably have over 70things to install on my device*** (yes other readers, i realize i should just be cooking with that amount of modding involved-dont have the time for it lol)

**i hope nothing negative was takin from this OP, just trying to be real here**
not to hijack the thread, but what are you using to back up settings?
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 10:29 PM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
i hate to say this to you OP, but the source of your problems has nothing to do with kind of Device your using.. the Platform/OS your running.. the Harware its running(or lacking)... Or your Carrier.. its kind of your own fault dont ya think??... your going around making all these changes, and you, yourself say you cant keep up with everything your doing or remember it all... well thats kind of an issue wouldnt you think?? your not educating yourself on What your really doing, your just doing random things it seems like.. "Knowledge is King, in the world of Iliteracy"... people have 2 choice on this site on who they can be.. 1) a contributor, no matter what level 2) or someone who asks a zillion and one questions because they dont understand really what their doing, nor how to fix it if it goes wrong
I hear ya, and I hope I'm not taking it in a negative way, because I know there are people who do this, and it appears that I am one of them...but in my slow time, I do spend an inordinate amount of time reading this board and trying to get information, but some of the stuff just really seems waaay over my head at times, even if it might not be in reality. I find that in order to learn those things you have to do SO much digging, that you end up spinning your wheels half the time with false starts and wrong leads. If there were a one-stop shop, I mean a REAL one stop shop, not one where step 1, 2, 3 work fine, but then 4,5 don't, so you have to start all over, or so many caveats your head spins (this for Sprint, but this for verizon, but this for your sprint phone IF you've done this first and if not...) I know, the world isn't perfect, but the level of searching you have to do for the simplest thing is crazy. I mean, how much time do I need to devote to learn how to program a SmartPhone? and then I still need time to work on my pc, my network, XBMC, etc etc etc. I feel like my head is stuck in a machine sometimes.

As far as my participation on the board, I try to keep my mouth shut as much as possible about things I'm not sure of. I try to do my research before asking questions (today was a little out of the ordinary because I was stressing) so that I don't bother anyone or get a message saying "search is your friend." But if you look, you'll see that I've tried to contribute wherever possible (opinions on PocketShield back when it was working great for me, or even PocketPlayer, or giving out google-ish invites or whatever). Maybe not all the proof that you need that I've been reading like crazy, but I really have.

I do get where you're coming from, I can't stand it when someone asks me to fix their pc and then they say "oh, that was easy" and I think, well, you could've done it too all you had to do was READ and use google search a bit, but I try not to criticize because not everyone has the same level of competence for everything, and what am I gonna tell them, you're not qualified to own a PC?

As far as the tweaks I use, I don't think it's that many, or at least it started out as only a couple for things that *should* have come with the phone to begin with, but then I found that this didn't work right and that didn't work right and soon I had a bunch of band-aids that I shouldn't have needed to begin with (very few of which had to do with the fact that I installed PocketPlayer or Evernote lol).

Hope you're not offended by my response, but I really do disagree with your assertion that I haven't spent my time on this project.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 10:35 PM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
not to hijack the thread, but what are you using to back up settings?
i use sashimi and thats it.. it has its own section for getting all your reg backups.. does PIM backup(your contacts).. and will auto install all your cabs,xml(restore all your email accounts with 1 file),scripts,reg,root folders to your device, automatically for you once your run it.. its amazing, but does require some dedication to getting it all down and set-up just right.. after that, youll laugh at the idea of dreading a hard reset or a ROM switch..

**i txt a ton, over 8,000 a month usually, but i dont back them up.. it slows your phone down.. i could care less about em... so, i wanted to add that sashimi will not back up your texts**

just about everything youd wanna know about it, and backing things up, auto config, anything can be found here..http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=101422 warning, its alot of info and reading.. when it comes to sashimi though, theres 4 videos Youll probably wanna watch that will make it nice and silly simple for ya

Last edited by boredandtattooed; 05-13-2010 at 02:12 AM.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 10:38 PM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Well I Thinks you have to 1st realize.. stock roms are dummied up, and jamned with stuff thats "supposed" to draw a lot of different users. But you really should use custom roms, play with the different ones. Sounds more like you'd like a light rom.

seriously though, get ride of that stock rom, not the phone. It's a great phone once you gt what you really like on it

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 10:52 PM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by nyCecilia View Post
I can't stand it when someone asks me to fix their pc and then they say "oh, that was easy" and I think, well, you could've done it too all you had to do was READ and use google search a bit, but I try not to criticize because not everyone has the same level of competence for everything, and what am I gonna tell them, you're not qualified to own a PC?

Hope you're not offended by my response, but I really do disagree with your assertion that I haven't spent my time on this project.
id say my assurtions pretty right on.. saying me and almost everyone in this thread so far has told you if you knew how to back things up and such, your life would be easier.... is there any reason you thought a smartphone was a simple device??? did you know that Carriers soemtime make their employees take classes on how to work a new device so they can assist the end user when they have questions and such.. maybe you should just go back to the Zach Morris phone and just keep a pen a paper in your purse as well for your notes because obviously this stuff is a little out of your league hunnie..

"Constantly talking ... isnt Communication" just because your reading, doesnt meaning your reading the right things.. or maybe improve your searching techniques, because were nearing the 1 yr mark of TP2s in a few months, theres little left that hasnt been discovered and plastered all over every modding site there is..
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 01:07 AM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
id say my assurtions pretty right on.. saying me and almost everyone in this thread so far has told you if you knew how to back things up and such, your life would be easier.... is there any reason you thought a smartphone was a simple device??? did you know that Carriers soemtime make their employees take classes on how to work a new device so they can assist the end user when they have questions and such.. maybe you should just go back to the Zach Morris phone and just keep a pen a paper in your purse as well for your notes because obviously this stuff is a little out of your league hunnie..

"Constantly talking ... isnt Communication" just because your reading, doesnt meaning your reading the right things.. or maybe improve your searching techniques, because were nearing the 1 yr mark of TP2s in a few months, theres little left that hasnt been discovered and plastered all over every modding site there is..
If you seriously feel this way, then instead of criticizing and mocking me, you should be pointing out exact threads/articles that I should be reading.

I've already done the searching thing, and apparently it hasn't worked. I've tried following threads. I've even ventured into the ROMS to see if I could glance at it and figure it out. My head spun. Everytime I got close to figuring it out, dead end. Here's how it goes: "Hey guys, this is great, do this!!! No, doesn't work for me. Works for me if I add in these 10 steps. No that screws everything up. I can do it this way, but it eats up all my battery. Oh, it'll work, but only on Thursday and every other Sunday. It works perfectly! What's wrong with you dummies? Made my phone send SMS death threats to everyone in my contact list, not working. Make sure you run this cab before you even try it! That cab caused a memory leak. No it can't possibly cause a memory leak, it's just not logical. No, my phone is hosed, have to go get an Android." Yeah, really simple, real useful, and definitely not a waste of time.

You know why WM is going away? Because it's difficult to work with, and there's a lot of people in the know that have this same poor attitude, just criticize the user, which certainly doesn't help build an end user base. (there's also a few that are very, very helpful, too ) You're not helping anyone this way.

Last edited by nyCecilia; 05-13-2010 at 01:20 AM.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 01:18 AM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by clueless25 View Post
Well I Thinks you have to 1st realize.. stock roms are dummied up, and jamned with stuff thats "supposed" to draw a lot of different users. But you really should use custom roms, play with the different ones. Sounds more like you'd like a light rom.

seriously though, get ride of that stock rom, not the phone. It's a great phone once you gt what you really like on it
Yeah, I'm getting that I'm committed...next day I have free I'm going to just go for it, if my phone gets fried, I don't even much care anymore.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 01:19 AM
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Re: getting fed up (rant, but maybe someone can help?)

Originally Posted by nyCecilia View Post
I'm really getting fed up with my Sprint TP2. Some things it does really well, but the overall configuration is getting to me. I'm on (at least) my 5th time resetting everything, but I can't even begin to remember all that I did last time, all that I did last time that I don't want to do again, what new stuff I thought might work this time...in other words, it's just plain confusing and waaay too time consuming for a device that is supposed to make my life easier. I can't keep track of all this stuff anymore, and I am a neurotic note-taker/organizer.

I'm still on 6.1 because of all the problems I've read about here re: 6.5. I'm stuck with all sorts of sprint crap that I want to delete, but what I thought would help me get rid of the NFL program (why do I need that?????? Go away already!), the DotFred task manager, is too complicated. At one point I know I used it to disable bluetooth (which I have no use for but likes to slow down my phone) but can't even manage that with the version I have now, I'm completely lost on how to do that and don't remember how I did it before.

Then there's the butt dialing, which initially was solved with PocketShield, but now it seems that Pocketshield is SO effective that I can't even answer a call anymore. I have to turn the phone off then back on again and call the person back. HUH?????? (this recent hard reset is mostly an attempt to fix this)

I really did love my TP2 at one point, but right now I'm just trying my best to hold on until the EVO comes out and hope to all heck that it solves at least some of my problems. But right now I'm trying to put my phone back together sort of how I had it this morning, but without some of the stuff that became annoyances (my battery icon disappeared and I couldn't get it back, and AmazeGPS turned out to be horrible but it wouldn't delete itself properly either). So far I've spent my entire lunchtime, and I'm still not even close to there. Digging through threads on this forum and others...and trying to distinguish 6.1 progs from 6.5...I'll spend the whole day doing this

This is waaaay too stressful. Definitely not fun anymore.

you can gimme your phone so no more stress.

HTC's I have Full Flashed To Metro. (I define Full Flash as Phone, Text, Picture Message, Email, and youtube, GPS on some) Diamond,Touch Pro,Imagio, Touch Pro 2
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