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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2010, 05:56 PM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

I miss my tp1 more when i use my tp2. I have been using winmo phones for a while but android is bad ass right now. Im going to swap my tp2 for a droid. I wont buy a new phone untill winmo 7 comes out tho.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2010, 07:59 PM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

LG Ally is an upcoming 1Ghz Android phone with a keyboard.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 12:11 AM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

Originally Posted by slidebabyslide
I miss my tp1 more when i use my tp2. I have been using winmo phones for a while but android is bad ass right now. Im going to swap my tp2 for a droid. I wont buy a new phone untill winmo 7 comes out tho.
UH, the only thing to miss about the Touch Pro is the flash on the camera......other than that the Touch Pro 2 BLOWS it out in every other way!

And there are a lot of "droid" phones out there.......which one do you plan on switching to.........because I need to warn you about the Motorola Droid!!!!!!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 12:43 AM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

Umm I have a motorola droid (my personal phone) and a HTC Touch pro 2 (my work phone) and I like them both. I will say the motorola is very well built and the web is fast and lots of apps but the calender sucks and you can tell android is still in the works (not completed) little misses like cant make a different alert tone for your emails and text messages. Also I had it hooked up to my work email for a while and when I searched the corporate directory in email it would return names alphabetical by first name only (that sucks)

with wm it has issues too but over all they are both good. I will say this in my opinion the dorid makes a much better phone for web mail (gmail yahoo hotmail) and the TP2 is much better calender and Microsoft exchange support

one other note the droid incredible does have a TV out its a cable you buy just like the TP2
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 01:18 AM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

I tried a Droid last month to replace my Moto Q9c. After a week I couldn't take it anymore and returned it for my TP2. It would not sync correctly with MS Outlook via USB, and my company won't support that platform for Exchange. In fact my company (in compliance with security regulations of the Dept. of Energy) won't allow anything out on a cloud. They've even gone so far as blocking all emails to and from gmail (specifically). I already have a laptop. The ONLY reason for me to own a smartphone is to sync with Outlook, else I'd just use the company issued generic cellphones.

So good luck with it. I hope that HTC syncs better than the Moto Droid does.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 02:56 AM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

Originally Posted by NCX Designs View Post
I have both the Touch Pro 2 and Droid Incredible
and while i use both, the Droid is just so much faster, i can barely stand the speed of the TP2 now...

plus all the apps you can get from marketplace, is Incredible :P

alot of very useful apps and camera is being put to good use too

Sirius is coming this month to Android
Sling Player is in private beta
TVout cables are coming this summer
and there's tons of leaks of HULU as an app is coming to Android
hulu cannot come to mobile until they secure mobile distribution rights, which has been the problem all along. i don't see this happening as a free service (monthly fee most likely), but I guess we'll see.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 06:35 AM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

does the Incredible run WinMo yet???? HMMMM.....I'll BRB , gonna go play around for a few minutes with Android OS on my TP2 ...... I think I will give my TP2 a little bit longer . I think September will be a year(Sprint), maybe then I might see what's available.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 07:05 AM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

Originally Posted by slidebabyslide View Post
I miss my tp1 more when i use my tp2. I have been using winmo phones for a while but android is bad ass right now. Im going to swap my tp2 for a droid. I wont buy a new phone untill winmo 7 comes out tho.
+1 on waiting till WinMo 7 devices hit the street.
TP2 CDMA HSPL Unlocker is here
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 08:21 AM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

Didn't mean to start a war between the two platforms. Just like WindowsMobile, there are different versions of the OS. The Incredible comes with the latest, 2.1, and is about to upgrade to 2.2 which is due out in a few weeks. Older versions of the Andriod OS has shortcomings with email and such, but the newer versions have fixed these issues. I sometimes miss the hardware keyboard, but the predictive text on the Incredible makes typing so easy and fast. I am getting used to it and it's only been a week. And now, I have Swype installed and have been playing with it quite a bit. Takes a little getting used to.

When I pick up my Touch Pro 2, seems like it takes FOREVER to do anything. The Incredible happens instantly! HUGE speed difference! The TP2 seems like visiting my grandparents- I love them and miss them, but it's a much slower pace around their house. The Incredible is like touring around in a luxury italian sports car, fast and sweet! I had to reset my TP2 about 2-3 times EVERY DAY! I have YET to reset my Incredible since I've HAD IT! It just works! And my bluetooth hasn't dropped since I've had the phone either! It would drop 10 times a day with the TP2! Ever misdial someone on the TP2 and try to hang up fast???? Wouldn't happen! Happens instantly on the Incredible, both from the phone AND the bluetooth headset!

The Incredible has been reviewed on ALL the major gadget/smartphone websites and has the highest marks! That NEVER happened with the TP2. And I'm NOT Dissing the TP2! I LOVE my TP2! That is, until I got the Incredible... Now, I only turn it on to use as a hotspot for my laptop so I can talk to the client on the Incredible and connect to their computer using the TP2 on my laptop at the same time.

Seems sad to leave my old friend in my laptop case all day, but it just couldn't cut it anymore. It's short-comings were causing me too much grief and aggrivation.

I will replace the Incredible one day too, but for now, it's the baddest phone out there. Just read the reviews...
"There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don't."

Verizon Droid Incredible => Touch Pro 2 => XV6800 => XV6700 => XV6600
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 10:38 AM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

why would someone you more in monthly service charges to get a phone that is going to be surpassed in a month? I think waiting for the EVO (a month) would have been a better plan, no?
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