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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 03:38 PM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

I ask this more out of curiosity (in other words, not trying to troll), but I just have to ask; what do people intend to gain by making threads like these?

Are these threads intended to make us run out and get Android phones, or is it simply for closure? Again, not trying to be mean or anything, but I've see waaaaaaaay too many threads like this, so I'm guessing that there's gotta be a reason for starting one.

And also, I'm not specifiically referring to you OP, but just to those who feel compelled to start a thread about moving to Android.

Oh, and as long as I'm posting, I may as well advertise too: I'm running the newest Mightyrom (the 5-1-2010 version), and I haven't seen a speck of lag anywhere on my winmo phone. In fact, my phone is running at about the same speed as the Android OS and *takes antibiotics* iphone, so as far as Winmo and speed is concerned, I'm happy.

Not getting another phone until Winmo 7, just like the user above posted =).
Got Windows Phone 7. Love Windows Phone 7.

Last edited by Oxymoron238; 05-10-2010 at 11:17 PM.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 05:16 PM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

Originally Posted by Oxymoron238 View Post
I ask this more out of curiosity (in other words, not trying to troll), but I just have to ask; what do people intend to gain by making threads like these?
I think people just like posting about their experience. I'm sure there are Winmo users out there that are on the fence and thios type of post may help them decide. If you're tiured of reading posts like these and you see "made the switch" in the title just keep it moving.

Its funny, when someone makes a post saying, "went to android and it sucked, came back to winmo," no one says i'm tired of seeing these. But I guess thats because we're in a predominantly winmo forum.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2010, 11:20 PM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

Originally Posted by BetaMan View Post
I've been able to download much the same apps I used on WindowsMobile for the Droid and most of them were FREE from the Market (App Store).

I do miss the hardware keyboard some and the tilting screen, but the phone is AWESOME!
I'm awaiting the EVO as well but, I did make the switch to a Hero recently.

I agree about the Market...I don't even care that they're free, I just like that the Android Apps get UPDATED!! and don't look like they were made 30 years ago.

I really liked WinMo once I got a custom ROM on it, but android does seem to run better.

With you there on the hard keyboard, but with the way things are going it looks like we're going to have to get used to the soft keyboards...
PPC History - Touch Pro (x2), Touch Pro 2, Hero, Evo....
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 10:32 AM
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Re: Gone to the Incredible

Wasn't trying to start anything. I've been with Windows Mobile since the days of PocketPC 2002, and haven't had a desire to switch ESPECIALLY since I've spent a TON of money on apps for it! I just got tired of having to reset the phone several times a day because it would lock up. And because I have so much PIM data, it would take about 15 minutes after resetting it to be able to use it without much lag.

After reading many articles about the Incredible and EVERYONE of the articles were RAVING about the phone, I had to try it out, and I haven't been sorry 1 bit! I've had it for 2 weeks and haven't had to reset the phone 1 single time! It just works!

It's truely an AWESOME phone and lives up to it's name, Incredible!
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Verizon Droid Incredible => Touch Pro 2 => XV6800 => XV6700 => XV6600
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