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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2010, 09:01 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

OK, to make things easier I have cabbed up the OC_Auto script.

*If upgrading from a cabbed version to a newer cabbed version, uninstall the old version first.

Note: If this post helps you, it would be kind of you to hit the Thanks button

1) Netripper's Msm7kCpuSpeed v2 OC'ing Application MUST be installed in the DEFAULT LOCATION ON YOUR DEVICE (not on your Storage Card)
Get it here: http://netripper.com/raphael/oc/Msm7kCpuSpeed_v2.cab

2) You MUST have MortScript installed. Mortscript cab is attached to this post

3) Install the OC_Auto_v4.2.cab file attached to this post. INSTALL IT TO YOUR STORAGE CARD!!
*Installation will create a shortcut to the script in your startup folder
*Installation will create a shortcut to the GUI in your Programs

Other than that, read the readme!

What is OC_Auto for?
- OC_Auto was developed as a "band-aid" fix for the SOD issues created from
Overclocking the TP2 using Netripper's application. Many users were
experiencing SOD after their phone went to SLEEP, made/received a phone call,
or if the Lockscreen engaged.

What does OC_Auto do?
- OC_Auto basically monitors your phone for the above mentioned activities.
When your Backlight turns off, either from you pressing the button or from the
idle timer, OC_Auto runs Msm7kCpuSpeed and sets your CPU frequency to the
"throttle_speed" which prevents SOD from occuring. As soon as the backlight
turns on, you get off of your phone call, or you unlock the lockscreen - the
script runs Msm7kCpuSpeed and sets your CPU frequency to the "boost_speed"

************************************************** ******************************

1) NetRipper's Msm7kCpuSpeed v2 Application MUST be installed in the DEFAULT
It can be found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=725290

2) Mortscript must be installed on your phone. Location is not important.

3) Run the OC_Auto_vX.x.cab file. Highly recommend that you install to the
DEFAULT LOCATION (which is on your Storage Card). This is for safety as if
you set your CPU Frequency to high and are unable to boot, you can remove
the Storage Card, boot, and lower your CPU frequency via the registry.
*Installation installs the Script, a shortcut to the script in your
/Windows/Startup folder, the GUI, a shortcut to the GUI in your
/Windows/Start Menu folder (the GUI is available in your Programs list)

************************************************** ******************************

1) Access the GUI via your Programs list and configure your preferred settings.

************************************************** ******************************

1) Would you like Safe Mode Enabled? (REG: safe_mode, 0=disabled | 1=enabled)
If enabled, Safe Mode provides an PRE-OVERCLOCK state. It sets the
CPU Frequency to "safe_mode_speed" for "safe_mode_duration" milliseconds.
This does two things: One, it is another safety measure you can use when
pushing your OC to find out how high you can go. If you were to set your
CPU frequency too high (prevent boot), with safe mode you would have time
to get into Windows, run the GUI, and lower your CPU frequency. Two, for
Android users out there, this will allow you to boot at Stock Speed (528 )
and give you time to run Haret.
2) Select New Safe Mode Speed: (REG: safe_mode_speed)
If Safe Mode was Enabled, this is the speed your phone will boot at.

3) Select New Safe Mode Duration: (REG: safe_mode_duration)
If Safe Mode was Enabled, this is how long in milliseconds your phone
will remain at the Safe Mode Speed. When this time is over, the phone
will OverClock to the Standard OC Frequency.

4) Safe Mode Settings
This screen reviews the settings you selected and asks if you would like
to apply them. If you select YES these settings will be saved. If you
select NO these settings will be discarded and the GUI will EXIT.

5) Select New Speed: (REG: boost_speed)
This is the OverClocked (standard) CPU frequency your phone will run at.
This speed will run as long as your backlight is on, you are not on a
call, and the lockscreen is not locked...
6) Select New Throttle Speed: (REG: throttle_speed)
This is the speed your CPU will be set to when your backlight is off,
when you are on a phone call, or when the lockscreen is locked. 604mhz
is recommended for a Safe Speed.
7) Select New Poll Interval: (REG: poll_interval)
This is how often the script checks your phones Backlight, Call, and
Lockscreen Status. The lower the number, the more often it checks and
the less chance you will have SOD - HOWEVER the more CPU it uses. A
higher value uses less CPU but checks less often. 1000ms is recommended.

8 )CPU Settings:
This screen reviews the settings you selected and asks if you would like
to apply them. If you select YES these settings will be saved and your
phone will reboot. If you select NO these settings will be discarded
and the GUI will EXIT.

************************************************** ******************************

Once installed, use only the GUI for changing speeds (do not use Msm7kCpuSpeed).
Msm7kCpuSpeed can be used to CHECK your CPU speed but do not change the speed
and close Msm7kCpuSpeed when done reviewing your speed.
*USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Not responsible for any damage to your device and/or data,
or for that matter anything =)

************************************************** ******************************

4.21 - added higher speed settings
4.2 - added "STOCKSPEED" as a Safe Mode Speed option (Android Users)
4.1 - added "SAFE MODE" feature
4.0 - added GUI
3.0 - removed redundant REG read/writes, optimized code for faster boot/operation
2.0 - switched to HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\DirectShow\isPhoneActive to check Phone Call
Status; more "universal" approach
1.0 - initial release
Attached Files
File Type: cab OC_ Auto_v4.2.cab (17.9 KB, 571 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab MortScript-4.2-PPC.cab (190.9 KB, 845 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: txt OC_Auto readme.txt (5.4 KB, 557 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab OC_ Auto_v4.21.cab (17.9 KB, 811 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by nayr1482; 08-08-2010 at 12:01 PM.
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  #282 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2010, 09:05 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Archived file attached:
Attached Files
File Type: zip OC_Auto2.zip (1.2 KB, 43 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip OC_Auto3.zip (1.1 KB, 50 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip OC_Auto4_GUI.zip (1.9 KB, 29 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip OC_Auto4.1_GUI.zip (2.4 KB, 82 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip OC_Auto4.2_GUI.zip (2.6 KB, 274 views) Click for barcode!
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  #283 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2010, 09:07 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

spb bench mark
Attached Files
File Type: cab Spb Benchmark.CAB (5.64 MB, 60 views) Click for barcode!
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  #284 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Seems like the two threads on overclocking the TP2 should be merged... Might make things a bit easier?
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  #285 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2010, 09:13 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by MixIsMobile View Post
spb bench mark
Sweet I was just looking for this

Benchmark test results (main benchmark group, file system only):

518.4mhz (didn't think I could be in safe mode long enough to run the test, so I changed it in msm7kcpuspeed to just under stock speeds)

and at 787.2mhz
Attached Images
File Type: jpg ScreenShot2.Jpg (55.5 KB, 490 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg ScreenShot1.Jpg (55.7 KB, 485 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by matchstickredgti; 08-06-2010 at 09:45 PM.
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  #286 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2010, 05:43 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by mangomango View Post
Sweet I was just looking for this

Benchmark test results (main benchmark group, file system only):

518.4mhz (didn't think I could be in safe mode long enough to run the test, so I changed it in msm7kcpuspeed to just under stock speeds)

and at 787.2mhz
How is your write 1 MB file so fast?

With netrippers app and set cpuspeed, I can't get under 4000 ms, fresh installs of 6.5 stock.

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm an idiot, was installing spb benchmark to the storage card.

Last edited by bobturismo; 08-07-2010 at 07:33 AM.
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  #287 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2010, 02:27 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Quickly read this thread and very exciting stuff i must admit!!! Quick question though - it sayd it only works while on AC power, so it will not work while on the battery? I am debating whether to try it now or wait for netrippers V3 to come out(which will eliminate the need for scripts mambo-jumbo)!!!
Current: GS4(2.3Ghz)+TP2(787Mhz),HTC prior Diamond, TP,Wizard.HTC freak since Wallaby '02
Who needs home net?

When you can tether for free?: D
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  #288 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2010, 02:42 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

the part about only working on AC power is true for touch pro ( raphael) users not for the touch pro 2 currently im using v2 of net rippers app with a asimple script from jcp (its on the xda thread) the only reason i havent tried the newer versions and this newer programs is that the script does what i need perfectly so far been over a week and not a single freeze / SOD (screen of death) atleast not any that i can attribute to the Overclocking , i did have to soft reset a few times but that was all due to the greatness (read shoddiness) of windows mobile.

By the way writes speeds are good but what about actual cpu benchmark speeds ie like mines are

ENERGY Rom Sense 8/1 edition
Integer =476.8418
Floating Point =10.972
Ram Access =846
Draw Bitmaps =1112

Integer =443.6623
Floating Point =10.286
Ram Access =811
Draw bitmaps =1051

HTC Universal-->Imate Jam(HTC Magician)-->Imate K-jam(HTC Wizard)-->HTC Mogul-->Touch Pro-->Touch Pro 2-->wonder what the next windows phone is going to be ??
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  #289 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2010, 02:44 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Also for bragging about my tp2 being awesome my maximum stable overclock is 806mhz on battery but on AC for some reason i was able to reach 825mhz , 844 would work for a bit but then would hang.
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  #290 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2010, 03:50 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by docnas View Post
Also for bragging about my tp2 being awesome my maximum stable overclock is 806mhz on battery but on AC for some reason i was able to reach 825mhz , 844 would work for a bit but then would hang.
Same for me. I love this phone again lol
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