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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 03:32 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by racemepls View Post
but give other platform users a reason to check out wm as well
True, but the problem is that how many phones will there really be when the new Windows 7 phone comes out? Right now it seems every manufacturer is putting out new Android phones.

Again, Microsoft will not go away. They are too big and have too much money. They will definitely have a role, but a very diminished role compared to say, 3 years ago.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 04:01 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by bloodhound3785 View Post
Firefox isnt being developed for win 6.5 or 7,
does that mean winmo 7 is dying?
This is just politics b/t huge software companies...
mozilla wants an ndk before any further development...
msft is probably trying to keep this a tight platform at launch for minimal crashes / bugs / etc and this will open the doors as things dont break - also with the whole eu ballot thing, this might be their way of saying f.u. to mozilla too.
Oh and mozilla wants to develop for winmo 7 (idk bout 6) as they see it will be a solid platform for the future or mobile smartphone os's
Ok..it is given that once M$ said no wm6.5 compatibility that many would stop developing it..firefox and adobe were already far in developing wm apps but due to the announcement stopped because they see that M$ has abandoned the platform.

As for WP7..Mozilla wants native execution because if they don't have that they can't make a decent browser that will compete or surpass with IE which does have native execution.

Now on the topic of M$..I honestly think M$ is dieing...my reasoning is..when was the last time M$ did something innovative? And no matter ow you look at it Google is gaining ground..because their business model is far superior to M$...many don't realize that google makes 99% of its money on 1 product and everything they do revolves around that 1 product.

Microsoft will end up dieing at this rate...their stronghold that is windows while does dominate the OS market you gotta consider this...90% of the people who use pcs only want to read their email and surf the internet..that is why netbooks our outselling everything now..Linux debuted on netbook but it is not made for average user..which Google plans to fix with ChromeOS. (And if Google can include a windows app emulator in Chrome then windows will pretty much loose everything)

Their other stronghold is the office suite but Open Office is also gaining ground..and in mobile market Android is beating them too..

Don't get me wrong I'm not pro Google in any way..but at this rate they will destroy M$ alogn side other companies.

Again, Microsoft will not go away. They are too big and have too much money. They will definitely have a role, but a very diminished role compared to say, 3 years ago.
Same could have been said about Enron, AIG, the banks or even Roman Empire..all things come to an end eventually
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Last edited by gTen; 03-23-2010 at 04:11 PM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 04:19 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by gTen View Post

Same could have been said about Enron, AIG, the banks or even Roman Empire..all things come to an end eventually
As long as Microsoft still dominates the desktop/notebook and to some a smaller degree, office they will a force. I don't see them as an Enron or AIG yet. They are still very much on solid ground.

The point being is that Microsoft unlike Palm does NOT depend on their mobile OS to stay afloat. So for that reason, that's why I think they'll still be around for a while.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 04:33 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
As long as Microsoft still dominates the desktop/notebook and to some a smaller degree, office they will a force. I don't see them as an Enron or AIG yet. They are still very much on solid ground.

The point being is that Microsoft unlike Palm does NOT depend on their mobile OS to stay afloat. So for that reason, that's why I think they'll still be around for a while.
Microsoft makes as much money on office as they do on windows..that is why they saved Apple from bankruptcy back in the days...they did not want to loose their Office for Apple revenue.

But in general Microsoft is loosing on many fronts.

WM = going down the drain
IE = Due to EU thing they already lost like 2% and it is probably gonna go up
Office=had no competition before but now open office and for live they face google
Windows=They have improved but many still use xp because they dont need new windows and if chrome comes out for free may kill it in the low end market
MSSQL=is being destroyed by Mysql which has now got Oracle behind it
Search= Google is wiping the floor with them, they did team up with yahoo on this but this also means less revenue profit for them unless they pull it off.

Only thing they are doing well on is maybe xbox now that they got over their 50% fail rates...

But the loss of windows mobile for business will most likely impact M$ Exchange..and many are starting to use Gmail sync rather. Not to mention the SyncML protocol. If Exchange dies, their Server OS will be hurt...see its all a domino effect.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 04:41 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

enron and aig were very very poor examples to use for you comparison. enron had make believe numbers and aig discounted thier premiums to the point where they imploded upon themselves. i really dont see the corellation with microsoft in either one of those examples.

anyways, i personally am going to whichever platform releases a snapdragon+ powered device with a hardware keyboard. got the wife an hd2 today and i literally dont even want to touch my tp2 anymore.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 04:43 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
you took the words out of my mouth.

on another note, didn't adobe stop development because WP7 is right around the corner or did MS say they would not allow flash support ala iphone and RIM?

I hardely think that development for winmo is dying, just development for an old almost dead platform is dying (a platform that i love very much by the way).

I'm gonna be totally honest here forgive me:

I wish Adobe would just die, what a bunch of losers. If they expect me to believe for one second that they "were gonna" develop a working version of adobe flash for WM then Iran really isn't trying to develop nuclear weapons. Just like they are coming out with a x64 flash too. What a bunch of losers if it wasn't for Photoshop and Apple I don't think they would even be around today.

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Old 03-23-2010, 04:46 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Microsoft makes as much money on office as they do on windows..that is why they saved Apple from bankruptcy back in the days...they did not want to loose their Office for Apple revenue.

But in general Microsoft is loosing on many fronts.

WM = going down the drain
IE = Due to EU thing they already lost like 2% and it is probably gonna go up
Office=had no competition before but now open office and for live they face google
Windows=They have improved but many still use xp because they dont need new windows and if chrome comes out for free may kill it in the low end market
MSSQL=is being destroyed by Mysql which has now got Oracle behind it
Search= Google is wiping the floor with them, they did team up with yahoo on this but this also means less revenue profit for them unless they pull it off.

Only thing they are doing well on is maybe xbox now that they got over their 50% fail rates...

But the loss of windows mobile for business will most likely impact M$ Exchange..and many are starting to use Gmail sync rather. Not to mention the SyncML protocol. If Exchange dies, their Server OS will be hurt...see its all a domino effect.

Actually they fixed the xbox a while ago and every sale now is almost a 100% profit (RD was paid for a long time ago). XBox live makes a fortune. You know this is 2010 right cause you seem a little out dated with your info. OK carry on..
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 04:48 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by zone23 View Post
I'm gonna be totally honest here forgive me:

I wish Adobe would just die, what a bunch of losers. If they expect me to believe for one second that they "were gonna" develop a working version of adobe flash for WM then Iran really isn't trying to develop nuclear weapons. Just like they are coming out with a x64 flash too. What a bunch of losers if it wasn't for Photoshop and Apple I don't think they would even be around today.
There is also PDF..but flash was developed by Macromedia which adobe bought out.

enron and aig were very very poor examples to use for you comparison. enron had make believe numbers and aig discounted thier premiums to the point where they imploded upon themselves. i really dont see the corellation with microsoft in either one of those examples.
I was not making a comparison..I was trying to prove a point that nothing is "too big to fall"

Actually they fixed the xbox a while ago and every sale now is almost a 100% profit (RD was paid for a long time ago). XBox live makes a fortune. You know this is 2010 right cause you seem a little out dated with your info. OK carry on
Thats why I said the xbox was a success...was I not clear? and as for fail rates they are measured in 1 - 2 years..Jasper chip helped fix the issue and latest one forgot its name returned it to normal..Fail rates needs time to measure you know...I am in 2010 but the data will always be behind thats how it works.

Last edited by gTen; 03-23-2010 at 04:52 PM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 04:52 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
I was not making a comparison..I was trying to prove a point that nothing is "too big to fall"
well sure ur right nothing is to big to fail but if u do retarded things of course u will fail. has zero to do with the size of the company. if i had a 2 man company and i had imaginary books or i manipulated the books to push me losses further into the future i would fail too. i know you were trying to make a point, you just used poor examples to do it.

Last edited by redd214; 03-23-2010 at 05:01 PM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 03-23-2010, 04:59 PM
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Re: No more firefox for winmo..and proof development is dieing

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
well sure ur right nothing is to big to fail but if u do retarded things of course u will fail. has zero to do with the size of the company
That is exactly the point I'm getting at.. Microsoft is did a retarded thing by telling everyone it won't be backwards compatible...in doing so Manufacturers will be less interested in releasing a dieing platform and developers would loose interest in developing for a dieing platform..from a marketing perspective I can easily estimate their sales went to half for the year just by announcing that.
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