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  #511 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 03:06 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

If anyone is looking for screen protectors just like the one that came in the box with your Sprint TP2, go to AT&T and pick up a pack for the Tilt2 (Stupid Sprint does not sell them ) . They fit perfect, are super easy to install, and only 10$ for a 3 pack!!
2GB of free online storage accessable from any device with Dropbox: http://db.tt/DhSdics
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  #512 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 03:12 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by fceeviper View Post
Question guys,

My Pro2 recently started to ask me to have a password to unlock my phone, and I really hate this. I can't remove this feature because the check box to remove this service is grayed out...

Can someone please help me remove this? I hate putting in a password every time I wake up my phone. Please, please help!

Thx in advance..
You can make the checkbox clickable by changing this registry setting:

Change the value from "0" to "1" and the checkbox should no longer be greyed out. You may need to reset.

A word of warning - if you disable the password then the next time you connect to your work's Exchange server it will impose the security policy again.
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  #513 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 03:18 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by horizons1 View Post
You can make the checkbox clickable by changing this registry setting:

Change the value from "0" to "1" and the checkbox should no longer be greyed out. You may need to reset.

A word of warning - if you disable the password then the next time you connect to your work's Exchange server it will impose the security policy again.
Thanks for the tip.
"Yup, There's an .apk for that"

Originally Posted by BillJr106 View Post
"Hey did anyone hear about release of the Windows Mobile 6.5 update
for the Touch Pro 2 coming out tomorrow??!!
I just read at the top of this thread and wanted to share it with everyone"
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  #514 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 03:47 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Rather than posting all cabs, maybe link to the thread where the mods are from, i.e. Santod's mods, link to the thread/post they're from, so that the creator can get credit and thanks when deserved, and also so that they can kinda judge based on use if people like them or not. I know Santod likes to see the numbers of d/l's/uses so that he can gauge interest and move on if a mod/tweak isn't used too much. And people can also leave the modder comments on possible changes to whatever it is.
+1 on that! Thanks fishingmedic!
I appreciate the consideration and respect!
And for explaining my reasoning as well.

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  #515 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
...and also so that they can kinda judge based on use if people like them or not. I know Santod likes to see the numbers of d/l's/uses so that he can gauge interest and move on if a mod/tweak isn't used too much. And people can also leave the modder comments on possible changes to whatever it is.
Just to add- the numbers of ppl complaining about apps causing problems esp. on Sprint's 6.5 updates are the ones who need to read those original threads beforehand the most!

Just picking cabs off a post in an aggregator thread like this one without more than 1 or 2 ringing non-detailed endorsement is dangerous to your OS's health. LOL!

Also - this is not a knock on the OP. This was a well intended start for ppl looking for cabs...but it should be just that - a start to their research.

Last edited by Q_Q; 03-31-2010 at 04:00 PM.
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  #516 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 03:59 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by santod View Post
+1 on that! Thanks fishingmedic!
I appreciate the consideration and respect!
And for explaining my reasoning as well.
Even tho I started Archiving the links others posted, I have almost all of the links pointing back to the origional thread...Soon I promise
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  #517 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 04:04 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by neudof View Post
Even tho I started Archiving the links others posted, I have almost all of the links pointing back to the origional thread...Soon I promise
You're doing a fine job of it too.
I have to agree that the best way for the users to see what they are getting and what issues it does or doesn't have in the specific thread it came from, is pretty valuable as well.
So links are the way to go, for many reasons.
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  #518 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 05:39 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

I am loving this thread. Long time lurker, this thread is making me get involved.

I've already installed these cabs and 6.5 is that much better:
Co0kie's tabs and editor (wow, more buttons than I know what to do with)
jd TaskManager
Manila 2.5 NoCurtain`s

I was gonna install the LED thing from Mr. X but after reading other's comments I am glad I didn't. I agree Q_Q, don't blindly install cabs without reading everything.

Two more things I'd like suggestions on:

1. Hide the My Location option on the Weather tab (I already disabled my location so this is just a blank page and a distraction)

2. Disconnect after 60 seconds: On 6.1, I used a tweak that logged me off of data connections after 60 seconds of inactivity. A real power saver. Doesn't seem to work in 6.5 though.
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  #519 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 05:51 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by horizons1 View Post

2. Disconnect after 60 seconds: On 6.1, I used a tweak that logged me off of data connections after 60 seconds of inactivity. A real power saver. Doesn't seem to work in 6.5 though.
Actually - horizons1 - this worked for me!
It's 1 of the must have tweaks I transitioned over from 6.1 that worked great.

I use strra's disconnect cab - since i found the reg edit by itself doesn't work as well - as it had worked on the 6.1 perfectly & now 6.5.

The data timer has stopped running constantly & currently my battery is @ 86% with average usage of net, mail, text & phone since being off the plug at 8am.
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  #520 (permalink)  
Old 03-31-2010, 09:21 PM
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Re: Sprint 6.5 ROM Touch Pro 2 Tweaks Discussion

Originally Posted by horizons1 View Post

2. Disconnect after 60 seconds: On 6.1, I used a tweak that logged me off of data connections after 60 seconds of inactivity. A real power saver. Doesn't seem to work in 6.5 though.

I did the following reg edit and it works fine...

1) Using a registry editor find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Planner\Settings\

2) Find the entry called... SuspendResume. Change the string from 1501 (default on my i910, yours may be different) to GPRS_bye_if_device_off

3) Find the entry called... CacheTime. Change the value from 600 (my system default) to 60 (my preferred). This is the amout of time in seconds after which your GPRS will automatically be disconnected if the signal is idle... 60 for 1 min, 120 for 2 min, ect...

4) Soft reset your device

it will not auto disconnect if you are still on IE, Opera or any other internet app if you are still viewing it on your screen. in other words, if you are on ppcg reading a long post, it will not disconnect even if its idle for 60 secs, because you are still using an internet app... i hope i didnt lose you lol. in other words, it took me more than 60 secs to type this and my data did not disconnect but i jus hit END and it disconnected...

UPDATE: Data will not auto disconnect unless opera (or other internet app) is fully exited... the only way to disconnect data with opera open is to press the END key... the END key disconnects data regardless even if it hasnt been idle for 60 secs...

EDIT (AGAIN): do not, i repeat, DO NOT change the SuspendResume to GPRS_bye, it causes alot of lag when trying to answer the phone using the onscreen buttons and renders the TALK/END hardware keys useless when trying to answer... just erase the #777 from SuspendResume and leave it blank... this reg edit is well worth it. i used to miss lots of calls before due to being online, but i called my tp2 like 10x in a row and received every call after this edit. also, after leaving SuspendResume blank, my data DOES auto disconnect even if opera IS still open... i hope this helps you guys, ive saw lots of people having trouble trying to get this edit to work properly and i fixed it all by myself with a little trial and error lol.

Last edited by puff601; 04-01-2010 at 04:56 AM.
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