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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 01:16 PM
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Seriously there has to be a way!!!

Ok so I have searched and searched and tried everything that was suggested and nothing seems to work!! All I want to do is stop my ringtones from showing up in my music tab. I really do not enjoy the sound of HTC Beep or any other HTC Ringtone when Im trying to enjoy my music. I am so frustrated that I even was trying to MANUALLY delete them from the HTC library but I cant even do that!! There is no option to delete certain music. I even tried the whole disable manila and then delete the Application sound vol or whatever in Application data-HTC and then used TC to hide all the folders with ringtones in them, but then after a soft reset and I tried to search for music it says something like the playlist folder are either deleted or missing, but when I open up the library from the music tab.....ALL THE SONGS/RINGTONES ARE RIGHT THERE!! They did not delete. I can tap one and it will actually play!! WTF!!! Is there a simple way to keep ringtones with ringtones and music with music??? I have a ringtones folder on the Sd and I have a music folder on the Sd and I hid the ringtones one in TC but like I said it wont look for music now. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 02:20 PM
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Re: Seriously there has to be a way!!!

Originally Posted by youngpro83 View Post
Ok so I have searched and searched and tried everything that was suggested and nothing seems to work!! All I want to do is stop my ringtones from showing up in my music tab. I really do not enjoy the sound of HTC Beep or any other HTC Ringtone when Im trying to enjoy my music. I am so frustrated that I even was trying to MANUALLY delete them from the HTC library but I cant even do that!! There is no option to delete certain music. I even tried the whole disable manila and then delete the Application sound vol or whatever in Application data-HTC and then used TC to hide all the folders with ringtones in them, but then after a soft reset and I tried to search for music it says something like the playlist folder are either deleted or missing, but when I open up the library from the music tab.....ALL THE SONGS/RINGTONES ARE RIGHT THERE!! They did not delete. I can tap one and it will actually play!! WTF!!! Is there a simple way to keep ringtones with ringtones and music with music??? I have a ringtones folder on the Sd and I have a music folder on the Sd and I hid the ringtones one in TC but like I said it wont look for music now. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
Use a different player. I use Nitrogen and it will randomly play songs within a folder, not necessarily the SD card or anything. Give it a shot and see if it works for you. Unfortunatly the WMP doesn't too a good job. Might want to look at the Core player also. Maybe that one does a good job at MP3's. I've used it to play .mp4's and other video sources.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 02:37 PM
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Re: Seriously there has to be a way!!!

Originally Posted by dtrush View Post
Use a different player. I use Nitrogen and it will randomly play songs within a folder, not necessarily the SD card or anything. Give it a shot and see if it works for you. Unfortunatly the WMP doesn't too a good job. Might want to look at the Core player also. Maybe that one does a good job at MP3's. I've used it to play .mp4's and other video sources.
Thanks given anyways for the effort. I already have coreplayer and Im not wanting to play music with a different music player. I am trying to customize the music on the music tab in TF3D. I keep getting my ringtones stored with my music. So when I go to the music tab and try and play music I randomly have to listen to the beeps and alerts that are stored in the phone. I just want music on the music tab.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 02:39 PM
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Re: Seriously there has to be a way!!!

this is annoying, I wonder if there is a way for it to see what directory it wants. I also hate that if you have ringtones in "My Ringtones" they don't show up as being able to be chosen when setting the ring tone in settings..
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 02:40 PM
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Re: Seriously there has to be a way!!!

what i do is always create a playlist on the tf music tab labeled all music and exclude the ringtones and other junk.if you use coreplayer just put all your music in a Music folder without the ringtones and just play that folder.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Seriously there has to be a way!!!

I just used winrar to zip all of the ring files on my storage card,
so they are not imported as music in the first place.
Best regards,
The Doctor
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 03:59 PM
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Re: Seriously there has to be a way!!!

Originally Posted by gmaine02 View Post
what i do is always create a playlist on the tf music tab labeled all music and exclude the ringtones and other junk.if you use coreplayer just put all your music in a Music folder without the ringtones and just play that folder.
Originally Posted by The Doctor View Post
I just used winrar to zip all of the ring files on my storage card,
so they are not imported as music in the first place.
Well glad to see that I am not the only one with this issue. Wheew!! I thought I was going to break my phone trying to figure this out...literally break it by throwing it against the wall. I will try these out and hopfully that will cure my issue. Thanks given to all with suggestions. Thanks.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 04:02 PM
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Re: Seriously there has to be a way!!!

Originally Posted by youngpro83 View Post
Well glad to see that I am not the only one with this issue. Wheew!! I thought I was going to break my phone trying to figure this out...literally break it by throwing it against the wall. I will try these out and hopfully that will cure my issue. Thanks given to all with suggestions. Thanks.

Break your phone????? Thats blashphemy!!!! Go sit in the corner and think about what you just said!

Give some
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 04:08 PM
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Re: Seriously there has to be a way!!!

I moved the ringtones off my storage card to the phone. TouchFlo didn't pick them up after that.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 04:09 PM
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Re: Seriously there has to be a way!!!

dood, calm down. make ur ringtones folder "hidden" using TC or resco. by default HTC Music player dopesnt pull data from hidden folders.

then reset ur music directory

disable manilla
go here: ROOT/application data//HTC/audiomanager_eng/ and delete audiomanger_eng.vol

enable manilla
let it seach for songs and ur hidden folders contents should not appear.
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