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Old 03-05-2010, 02:37 PM
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Re: Seriously there has to be a way!!!

Originally Posted by dtrush View Post
Use a different player. I use Nitrogen and it will randomly play songs within a folder, not necessarily the SD card or anything. Give it a shot and see if it works for you. Unfortunatly the WMP doesn't too a good job. Might want to look at the Core player also. Maybe that one does a good job at MP3's. I've used it to play .mp4's and other video sources.
Thanks given anyways for the effort. I already have coreplayer and Im not wanting to play music with a different music player. I am trying to customize the music on the music tab in TF3D. I keep getting my ringtones stored with my music. So when I go to the music tab and try and play music I randomly have to listen to the beeps and alerts that are stored in the phone. I just want music on the music tab.
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