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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2010, 11:47 PM
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Re: What is the fastest ROM?

I am a flashaholic for sure. I have used over the years ROMS from most of the prominent builders from the TP and since the stressful days of waiting for the TP2 unlocker, the TP2.

I have flashed my TP2 100 times easy. they all have their strenghts. That being said, the ROMs that NRGZ28 has put out recently are freaky fast for the things that I use.

Flashing takes so little time any more, I would recommend you try 5-10 and see what works for you. through thanks or props, I have appreciated mike, scott, psyki, juicy, calkulin, mr x, JD, indagroove, deck, timberwolf, nrgz28 and more that I can't remember. ROMS from all of these builders have stayed on my phones for significant amounts of time. Hats off to all builders. You have enriched my life tremendously.

With very few exceptions, you can't break it. Flash flash flash. Most of us have spent a lot of money on our phones, enjoy it!!
Sprint Touch Pro 2

EnergyRom 23529 withMAX MANILA 3.o cooked in. Sweet
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 12:47 AM
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Re: What is the fastest ROM?

Originally Posted by chardog View Post
stock rom is fastest. Next fastest is blackout rom(6.1/2.5), followed by silence rom (6.5/2.1)
I disagree that Stock rom is fastest...my stock rom would delay on EVERYTHING, I would get the spining ball just trying to CLOSE a window! I was ready to toss my phone out the window, until MightyMike saved me.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 04:03 AM
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Re: What is the fastest ROM?

Don't forget to give Mr X's rom a try. From the video Dash put up, it looks like this one is pretty quick, and it runs sense 2.5. Maybe less info as this is a recent porting (2012) but it looks like it'll be the newest platform that a lot of cooks will be exploring. Still fast and stable.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 05:28 AM
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Re: What is the fastest ROM?

Originally Posted by mikewest View Post
Originally Posted by chardog View Post
stock rom is fastest. Next fastest is blackout rom(6.1/2.5), followed by silence rom (6.5/2.1)
I disagree that Stock rom is fastest...my stock rom would delay on EVERYTHING, I would get the spining ball just trying to CLOSE a window! I was ready to toss my phone out the window, until MightyMike saved me.
did you run the sprint clean up cab in the sticky's section?
I don't know if it is the fastest but it is not laggy for me.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 10:04 AM
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Re: What is the fastest ROM?

i suggest you look into it. but i do disagree that stock is the fastest. unless you do the clean up in sticky's thread. but most ppl go for the extra's and smoothness of the rom when they flash well atleast its what i did. i've used mighty and Energy and i like energy more but thats my preference because Energy comes more ready to use and less things needed. Mighty comes with more stability and doesnt need any cabs to get things like mms to work since its just build over the stock. but again those are just my options
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 11:31 AM
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Re: What is the fastest ROM?

Been using Mighty Mike's ROMs since my days of using the Touch Pro 1. Been thinking of trying another just to see if there is a difference or something better, but the theme everyone seems to say about Mighty ROMs is the stability.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 11:41 AM
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Re: What is the fastest ROM?

I like MightyROM right now. Stability > speed any day of the week. Who cares how fast your contacts scroll if you crash as soon as you try to call one?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 04:03 PM
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Re: What is the fastest ROM?

Freeza's Bare Naked ROM is definitely the absolute fastest ROM available. Ive tried just about all of the others. Its so stripped down and clean that everything is just super responsive. But you must realize that for one thing its still 6.1 which for many is a big turn off, and alot of the things your used to like volume enhancement and notifications and such are not included so you have to install them yourself unlike many other ROMS. But Freeza makes them very easily available so its not that big of a deal and actually IMO allows for the exact customization of each person to their liking. Try it out, install Mobile Shell or Sense or any interface you like and itll definitely be the fastest ROM available for u.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 04:19 PM
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Re: What is the fastest ROM?

I just used Mighty IMPACT for two days, and the stability thing is a lie. It was stable on first install, but after getting the cabs I want to use, it was crashing ALL THE TIME. I would open Opera 10, CRASH, I would mess with some options and try to close a window, CRASH. On a regular basis I would go to minimize something and it would freeze on trying to get to the homescreen -- I could go to the Windows Menu, but nothing would let me get to the homescreen but a soft reset and sometimes a hard reset.

So if you use Mighty, I guess you have to not want to add much on top of it with the danger of not knowing what the problem is and your phone not working properly. I'm sure LOVE or WAR might be more stable.

I will say, however, that when it worked, it was pretty quick. I just couldn't stand not being able to do pretty basic functions without random freezing.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 04:46 PM
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Re: What is the fastest ROM?

Originally Posted by srsizzy View Post
I just used Mighty IMPACT for two days, and the stability thing is a lie. It was stable on first install, but after getting the cabs I want to use, it was crashing ALL THE TIME. I would open Opera 10, CRASH, I would mess with some options and try to close a window, CRASH. On a regular basis I would go to minimize something and it would freeze on trying to get to the homescreen -- I could go to the Windows Menu, but nothing would let me get to the homescreen but a soft reset and sometimes a hard reset.

So if you use Mighty, I guess you have to not want to add much on top of it with the danger of not knowing what the problem is and your phone not working properly. I'm sure LOVE or WAR might be more stable.

I will say, however, that when it worked, it was pretty quick. I just couldn't stand not being able to do pretty basic functions without random freezing.
Don't blame chief's for self inflicted slowdowns and crashes.
Sprint SERO Premier

Myn's 2.2 RLS3
Netarchy-toastmod-4.21-bfs-bfq-havs-more-smartass-universal (More Aggressive Undervolting) //// Testing Ziggy471Kernel-EVO-update_signed-11052010-1609
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