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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-24-2010, 01:26 PM
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Re: My Timezone keeps changing...

I think I know the problem to this. Remember about two years ago, DST months were changed. Apparently they were not updated on your cell towers. So new DST takes place in March but old DST happened in APRIL. You will be asking but my time changes on my mobile phone (non PDA). Yes it does because they change time zones on their towers between the month of march and april. Your non PDA phones are not smart enough to get updated with time zones but ur pocket pc phones do get updated. So this solves ur time problem.
But when you active Sync or 'Quick GPS' it uses accurate info and smart phones are smart enough to use time zones and update ur time.

So if you have automatic time synchronization on you need to remove that. This should solve your problems.
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