Re: Official Favorite cabs Thread
p. |
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Re: Official Favorite cabs Thread
Okay, I get it. I'm a newbie that is chronologically past his prime. Where do I start to learn this stuff? Do I have to take a bazillion IT classes in linux, A+, etc etc? Is there any easy way to learn the fundamentals? Any and All help will be greatly appreciated
Wirelessly posted (PPCGEEKS Fire Dept.: Opera/9.70 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) TMO-US_LEO)
what are you trying to do? do you need help with the cab install? |
Re: Official Favorite cabs Thread
if u dont mind me asking..lol |
Re: Official Favorite cabs Thread
Hey Doc, general cry for help. basically just wanting to learn some basics. Flashed my TP2 to wm6 wanting to go to 6.5, but browsing forum some say backup....some say flash back to stock, some say task 29, now I see Droid stuff. I'm lost....just want my phone to be free and lose all the bloatware and be able to have stuff where I want it. (getting old, memory frazzled) Want to be hip and in the know. ( I know, old fashioned lingo!) Lots of words to say...Where do I start so that I may also understand and play the game?
Re: Official Favorite cabs Thread
RE: the above post.
Just looking for info. This is probably the wrong place. Guidance requested. ( yes, some guys do ask for directions!!!) |
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)
Some sites, ahem, were a little slow. However, I had no problems navigating or entering addresses. |
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Re: Official Favorite cabs Thread
When you see droid stuff, that is users instead of going to wm 6.5 they are putting android OS on their devices. I wouldn't recommend that if you are a beginner. I'd stay where you are starting, which is getting to 6.5 from wm6.0.
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