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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 01:16 AM
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Re: sprint 5g cap on TP2?

Originally Posted by w7excursion View Post
Cap is for modems. Unlimited for phones(not including pam). I can read.
very well because your right



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Last edited by WarChild; 05-13-2010 at 10:36 PM.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 01:17 AM
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Re: sprint 5g cap on TP2?

Originally Posted by ShadowDrake View Post
I know it's only a matter of time before big red bends them over.
you are no more likely to get shafted by VZ than you are by Sprint.

I have never heard of anyone being charged by either company at this time.

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 01:32 AM
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Re: sprint 5g cap on TP2?

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
you are no more likely to get shafted by VZ than you are by Sprint.

I have never heard of anyone being charged by either company at this time.

I haven't ether.

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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 02:03 AM
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Re: sprint 5g cap on TP2?

I have been going over 5gb easily every months for years now. The 5gb is limited to data cards and PAM.

If you contact sprint and ask them about tethering without PAM and their answer would be impossible without the plan. Similar to text messaging from Canada.

I think the stealth cab does not hide your data usage but hides the fact that you are tethering.

Also, even if you get to the point for whatever reason, most likely they would give you a warning. I mean sprint is loosing customers and fast and no reason to loose more customers for stupid reasons. That said I have not heard 1 case of anyone getting in trouble for going over 5gb.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 02:18 AM
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Re: sprint 5g cap on TP2?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
I have been going over 5gb easily every months for years now. The 5gb is limited to data cards and PAM.

If you contact sprint and ask them about tethering without PAM and their answer would be impossible without the plan. Similar to text messaging from Canada.

I think the stealth cab does not hide your data usage but hides the fact that you are tethering.

Also, even if you get to the point for whatever reason, most likely they would give you a warning. I mean sprint is loosing customers and fast and no reason to loose more customers for stupid reasons. That said I have not heard 1 case of anyone getting in trouble for going over 5gb.
Data is data. Its not limited to anything. When someone says 5 gig limit on data it means 5 gig limit on data. I think it is well established now that no one has heard of anyone getting in trouble for going over.


Last edited by WarChild; 05-13-2010 at 10:36 PM.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 07:09 AM
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Re: sprint 5g cap on TP2?

CW, i think you just need to scan a Sprint plan pamphlet from a store or a copy of a contract to make these people who obviously don't pay attention to what they sign believe you, LOL. IT IS SPRINTS POLICY ON THE CONTRACT, subject closed. Whether they enforce it or not is at their discretion, and believe me, i know for a fact 100% they look at these forums, so all you people who are bragging about your data usage, i'm gonna laugh all the way home when you start whining in the forums cuz you got a crazy bill cuz sprint started enforcing it's own rules, LOL, cuz i know you will.

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 10:28 AM
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Re: sprint 5g cap on TP2?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post

I think the stealth cab does not hide your data usage but hides the fact that you are tethering.
Like CW said - data is data.
Look @ your bill, they don't care how your faucet is leaking, the meter still is counting it.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 12:09 PM
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Re: sprint 5g cap on TP2?

Wow @ some of the responses on here. Look I know the data cap debate has been going on for sometime but chastising someone because they downloadeded a lot more than the TOA permits does not entitle you to make siren noises and shout "pull over it's the effin data police".

We all come here downloading these awesome cabs that mods have posted and use them to convert our phones into routers and try to "hide" ourselves from using the web from sprint. Everyone who posted in this thread is equally guilty of it so you can all take your left hand and slap the back of your right one on that.

To keep the answer simple, download like a pirate and keep to the code. If you're so worried about charges on sprints network then know your download limits. Don't go torrenting the next bangbus episode or the new pearl jam cd if you can simply take 10 minutes out of your time at home and use your other high speed connection. If you are downloading half a gig a day, you better beleive you are on a watch list and when you get caught it will not be good. The TOA bandwidth limit is more like a guideline and that is if you push for an inch and ask for a mile, then sooner or later someone will pump the brakes on you. But if you are casual about it then you should not have to worry.

We might not have this free ride for long with all the new features and mods that can be made in the Windows Mobile operating system. I know I use my phone almost the same as I do my laptop and while at work (yes when I should not be on my phone) I am still listening to Slacker radio or checking facebook/email.

This post is just me throwing my two pennies at the dead horse on the matter. But it's a nice rule of thumb.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 12:14 PM
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Re: sprint 5g cap on TP2?

Originally Posted by Ncognito View Post
Wow @ some of the responses on here. Look I know the data cap debate has been going on for sometime but chastising someone because they downloadeded a lot more than the TOA permits does not entitle you to make siren noises and shout "pull over it's the effin data police".

We all come here downloading these awesome cabs that mods have posted and use them to convert our phones into routers and try to "hide" ourselves from using the web from sprint. Everyone who posted in this thread is equally guilty of it so you can all take your left hand and slap the back of your right one on that.

To keep the answer simple, download like a pirate and keep to the code. If you're so worried about charges on sprints network then know your download limits. Don't go torrenting the next bangbus episode or the new pearl jam cd if you can simply take 10 minutes out of your time at home and use your other high speed connection. If you are downloading half a gig a day, you better beleive you are on a watch list and when you get caught it will not be good. The TOA bandwidth limit is more like a guideline and that is if you push for an inch and ask for a mile, then sooner or later someone will pump the brakes on you. But if you are casual about it then you should not have to worry.

We might not have this free ride for long with all the new features and mods that can be made in the Windows Mobile operating system. I know I use my phone almost the same as I do my laptop and while at work (yes when I should not be on my phone) I am still listening to Slacker radio or checking facebook/email.

This post is just me throwing my two pennies at the dead horse on the matter. But it's a nice rule of thumb.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 01:29 PM
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Re: sprint 5g cap on TP2?

Originally Posted by dibbson View Post
cw, i think you just need to scan a sprint plan pamphlet from a store or a copy of a contract to make these people who obviously don't pay attention to what they sign believe you, lol. It is sprints policy on the contract, subject closed. Whether they enforce it or not is at their discretion, and believe me, i know for a fact 100% they look at these forums, so all you people who are bragging about your data usage, i'm gonna laugh all the way home when you start whining in the forums cuz you got a crazy bill cuz sprint started enforcing it's own rules, lol, cuz i know you will.
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