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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 07:01 AM
JakFrost's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC RhodiumW (Sprint Touch Pro 2)
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Exclamation Internet Not Working - Sprint #777 = Error 67 - MightyROM Provisioning No Go

Long story short, I flashed MightyROM 2010-02-10 before I activated my phone with Sprint and I never got a chance to use the Sprint OEM Stock ROM's "Update Profile" utility in the Settings \ System menu.

My phone's EPST (##778# + MSL) settings in the M.IP Settings tab show "Active User Profile Index" = "0" and M.IP Customer Profile1 tab shows "NAI" = blank so I know that the profile hasn't been setup for Internet usage otherwise those fields would be "1" and "username@sprintpcs.com". I have the MSL code for my phone so I've edited the EPST IP profiles to set it active "1" and Profile1 NAI with my correct username but I get "Error Code: 67 Registration failure. Your PCS Vision username and/or password may be incorrect. Please try again.". I've tried putting my password into the "HA Secret" and "AAA Secret" fields but that doesn't work. There is also a EPST Security tab but the fields there are binary coded so I won't bother putting in clear-text info there.

I compared the fields in EPST from my wife's phone to mine and they are all the same except for the two I mentioned above and also for the fact that I can't see some of the fields since her EPST version software is older since she' still running Sprint OEM Stock ROM and I have a new EPST from MightROM 2010-02-10.

I've had this exact problem when I updated to the HTC Mogul from the HTC Apache and forgot to do the same thing. I was able to fix it in the end by re-flashing the Sprint OEM stock ROM, doing the IOTA Setup (Internet Over The Air) in the Phone \ Options, which is probably similar to Update Profile and then flashing back to a new ROM.

I'm just wondering if there is a way to setup my phone without having to flash back to Sprint OEM and then back to MightyROM.

I thought that MightyROM's System \ Carrier Provisioning = Sprint would create the "Update Profile", "Update PRL" icons so I can update my EPST IP Profile settings but it doesn't. The System \ Connections settings do show correct info for Sprint = #777 though, so maybe the Carrier Provisioning is only updating the Connection profile and not the EPST IP Profile? Also the old Phone \ Options \ IOTA setting is missing also so I can't use that to setup my Internet.

I just don't know enough at this point so I'm hoping someone can help out with more information.
Phone: HTC RhodiumW (Sprint Touch Pro 2); Carrier: Sprint; Networks: CDMA 2x, GSM 4x, UMTS 2x
Hard-SPL: 1.10R3, Radio: 2.23.00WU, Security: SIM Unlocked, ROM: MightyROM 2010-02-10
OS: Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional (CE OS 5.2.21890 Build 21890.5.0.8

Last edited by JakFrost; 02-14-2010 at 07:04 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2010, 07:43 AM
JakFrost's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC RhodiumW (Sprint Touch Pro 2)
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Re: Internet Not Working - Sprint #777 = Error 67 - MightyROM Provisioning No Go

Forget it, I realized that it would just be faster to reflash twice than to hope that someone would know the answer. I searched the forum for an answer and nothing about NAI profiles and EPST.

After the update Sprint OEM Stock ROM, I checked EPST M.IP Settings and "Active Profile" was set to "1" and M.IP Customer Profile1 "NAI" is my "username@sprintpcs.com" that I set online at Sprint.com years ago and the "HA Secret" is "secret" and the "AAA secret" is a 6-character alphanumeric password, different than the 8-character that I set online years ago, so AAA Secret it must have been pushed down from the network to my phone during "Hands Free Activation..." that started after the stock ROM update. I did "Update PRL" also and got the newest 60660 PRL also. Then I reflashed MightyROM back and just finished syncing.

Time to reinstall all the manual apps I need. I really need to get some kind of a program to save my settings and CABs and use that XDA_UC thing for MightyROM next time.
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