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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 03:04 PM
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Just Got my TP2, very disappointing...is there hope

Hi fellows. I just got my TP2 from Verizon. I updated to WM 6.5, loaded pocket informant, ewallet, and thats it. The phone works terribbbbblllly slow. When traveling through the environment, different applications, contacts, tasks, voicemail....the phone takes somewhere between several seconds to 1/2 minute or more to become active again.

I have been using an HP iPAQ 4155 for nearly 6 years now, and an LG phone for about 5 years. My PDA is awesome, works fast, is great for calander, task, notes....ya know, PDA stuff. My LG vx8300 is great, too, and I mean great for a dedicated phone. Of course I've wanted to get a PDA phone for several years, but nothing has ever come out that was desirable for me. Either the PDA would be good, with a crummy phone, or the phone would be great, but the PDA stunk. As such, I waited several years....until I saw the reveiws for the TP2.

I finally decided to make the jump. Only problem, verizon doesn't have these phones at the stores. I wasn't close enough to anyone else that has one. So, I ordered, and am shocked at how different my exeperience is with this phone compared to great reveiws. While the functionality of the phone is great, has "neat" features, the productivity is terrible. I can call my voice mail and get 2 messages before I can get visual voice mail to load, for example. Even the touch seems to be quite finiky. Many times I swipe, but end up selecting something I never intended to select.

I'm curious, am I just expecting more because of my use of a dedicated PDA, or do I have a bum phone that just isn't performing?

As a side note, went to look at the Droid. Extremely responsive. Never mis-selected anything. As quickly as an application was selected, you're there.

So, coul you guys give an account of this? Any ideas. I'm not familiar with this site, or the ROM updates available, but are there some recomendations I should consider for this phone. Any help, I'd appreciate it. I got 20 days left, before this phone goes back...less I could make this thing work more proficiently.

Then lastly, considering a couple different options:
(1) wait for iphone to come to verizon, installed with PI and WDS, giving it some greater PDA ability
(2) wait for HD2 to come to verizon
(3) go to android system, and fuss with getting great syncing ability between Outlook and phone for (contacts, tasks, notes).
(4) .... any other thoughts?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: Just Got my TP2, very disappointing...is there hope

thats not right... something is wrong with your phones software probably something youve installed is slowing it down.

Hard reset
ReFlash to custom rom

play with it and see how fast everything is

install your programs 1 at a time, soft reset and note the difference in speedyness with every change.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: Just Got my TP2, very disappointing...is there hope

hey.. why dont you try a custom rom? ive been using them since ive had the touch pro 1 and the first thing i did when i got the touch pro 2 was to put a custom rom on it... in my experience they run so much better then the stock rom... have you tryed any of the cab files posted around here to free up more ram? im currently using mightymikes rom and i love this phone.. hope this helps
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 03:17 PM
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Re: Just Got my TP2, very disappointing...is there hope

Hard Reset. For whatever reason, I had this EXACT issue with my Sprint TP2, took it into a corporate store and the tech hard reset it saying that for whatever reason new TP2s seem to have this issue until you hard reset once you get it. Now, no more issues.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 05:46 PM
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Re: Just Got my TP2, very disappointing...is there hope

Originally Posted by sanjsrik View Post
Hard Reset. For whatever reason, I had this EXACT issue with my Sprint TP2, took it into a corporate store and the tech hard reset it saying that for whatever reason new TP2s seem to have this issue until you hard reset once you get it. Now, no more issues.

Do a clear storage. Then watch your apps and what you install. Make sure your using the newest builds of the software you run.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 05:56 PM
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Re: Just Got my TP2, very disappointing...is there hope

Originally Posted by sanjsrik View Post
Hard Reset. For whatever reason, I had this EXACT issue with my Sprint TP2, took it into a corporate store and the tech hard reset it saying that for whatever reason new TP2s seem to have this issue until you hard reset once you get it. Now, no more issues.
this is key.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 06:37 PM
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Re: Just Got my TP2, very disappointing...is there hope

Originally Posted by smokiibear View Post
Hi fellows. I just got my TP2 from Verizon. I updated to WM 6.5, loaded pocket informant, ewallet, and thats it. The phone works terribbbbblllly slow. When traveling through the environment, different applications, contacts, tasks, voicemail....the phone takes somewhere between several seconds to 1/2 minute or more to become active again.

I have been using an HP iPAQ 4155 for nearly 6 years now, and an LG phone for about 5 years. My PDA is awesome, works fast, is great for calander, task, notes....ya know, PDA stuff. My LG vx8300 is great, too, and I mean great for a dedicated phone. Of course I've wanted to get a PDA phone for several years, but nothing has ever come out that was desirable for me. Either the PDA would be good, with a crummy phone, or the phone would be great, but the PDA stunk. As such, I waited several years....until I saw the reveiws for the TP2.

I finally decided to make the jump. Only problem, verizon doesn't have these phones at the stores. I wasn't close enough to anyone else that has one. So, I ordered, and am shocked at how different my exeperience is with this phone compared to great reveiws. While the functionality of the phone is great, has "neat" features, the productivity is terrible. I can call my voice mail and get 2 messages before I can get visual voice mail to load, for example. Even the touch seems to be quite finiky. Many times I swipe, but end up selecting something I never intended to select.

I'm curious, am I just expecting more because of my use of a dedicated PDA, or do I have a bum phone that just isn't performing?

As a side note, went to look at the Droid. Extremely responsive. Never mis-selected anything. As quickly as an application was selected, you're there.

So, coul you guys give an account of this? Any ideas. I'm not familiar with this site, or the ROM updates available, but are there some recomendations I should consider for this phone. Any help, I'd appreciate it. I got 20 days left, before this phone goes back...less I could make this thing work more proficiently.

Then lastly, considering a couple different options:
(1) wait for iphone to come to verizon, installed with PI and WDS, giving it some greater PDA ability
(2) wait for HD2 to come to verizon
(3) go to android system, and fuss with getting great syncing ability between Outlook and phone for (contacts, tasks, notes).
(4) .... any other thoughts?
dont worry. just take ur Touch Pro 2 and Unlock it,their are plenty of threads explaining how to do this or u could pay a local cell phone shop to unlock the phone for u for a small fee.Then simply rownload and install a custom rom from the ppcgeeks TP2 forum.U can flash the rom urself,bcuz there are plenty of threads on here that explain how to flash ur unlocked TP2.i personally think the sd card flashing method is easiest to learn at 1st.or u can pay ur local cell phone shop that flashes phones,but they might charge u up to $70 to fully flash a TP2.Id just read the stickied thread about how to flash ur TP2 from an sdcard.if u want to start with a stable rom try JuicyRom, or a rom made specifically for verizon or whatever carrier u use.I after flashing a few different roms and yr phone still doesnt function right then u hav a defective TP2 on ur hands,bcuz my Sprint branded Touch Pro that i flashed to the Cricket Mobile Network carier in Omaha, NE bcuz of how cheap Cricket is per month for an everything unlimited plan per month and with no contract.Plus,only with Cricket Mobile,all the apps, programs,GPS and internet along with just about every app that windows mobile has to offer works on a Cricket flashed phone that is running Windows Mobile.and if u use a Sprint branded, and possably USCellular branded,i havnt testd, TP2 then the GPS will work on the TPros and the TPro2s for free,as long as u have a data connecton. and i had an IPhone and ill tell u that for kids that want to play with their phones like a game them get an IPhone,but if u want a phone that is possably the best phone out for a business style3 work phone then the Touch Pro 2 is about the best out.The IPhone was also alot more expensive to use bcuz u hav to use the IPhone ona GSM network.and a Sprint,Verizon,USCellular,etc. are all on CDMA networks and then u can flash any of them to work on any other CDMA network.Like me flashing my Sprint branded TP2 to work on the Cricket Network.and then i flashed alot of different roms until i recently,with alot of visual and graphical and animated,colored mods i did, decided to stay with Deck SsS R5 rom with Sense 2.5. and using maxmanila 3.0.anyway. ggod lock
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 06:47 PM
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Re: Just Got my TP2, very disappointing...is there hope

the other key is dont listen to noobs and flash when you feel comfortable with it. get to know this ppc first. its good to know the stock rom b4 yougo trying everything else.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 06:49 PM
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Re: Just Got my TP2, very disappointing...is there hope

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
the other key is dont listen to noobs and flash when you feel comfortable with it. get to know this ppc first. its good to know the stock rom b4 yougo trying everything else.
That's good advice.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2010, 06:49 PM
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Re: Just Got my TP2, very disappointing...is there hope

as you can tell lots of folks here are recommending custom ROMS which can definitely be speedy. You say you are on Verizon I believe which has a stock rom with 6.5. Either you have installed something or have some software causing an issue , or you have a defective unit. The TP2 is every bit as good or better than a 6 yr old IPAQ .You dfinitely need to try the hard reset ( or clear storage option) and then see how it reacts. While you may experience a faster experience with a custom rom, you still should be fine with the stock rom. There definitely is unneeded software on the stock roms but thaat being said, you still should be as responsive as an old PDA with lesser technical specs. There are some custom roms that are also pretty much a bare bones rom with all the unnecessary software removed from the OEM packages and this may be exactly what you are looking for . Either way, you should be able to keep up with or surpass your old IPAQ experience . I know I gave up my IPAQ long ago and never looked back. good luck
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hd2, iphone, tp2 terrible

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