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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 07:37 PM
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Frozen with "Backlight is off. Press button to turn on" message?

My TP2 would sometimes freeze in a weird way.
When you press the wake button or the power button, you get a "Backlight is off. Press button to turn on" message at the upper lefthand corner. But presseing the wake button does nothing. Neither does long-pressing the power button.
So effectively it's frozen. I have to soft reset it after removing the back cover.

Has this happen to others? Is there a solution to this other than soft-resetting the phone?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 07:50 PM
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Re: Frozen with "Backlight is off. Press button to turn on" message?

Do you have any mods or tweaks on your phone. If so check your mods to see if any of them are causing this issue.

Give some
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 12:58 AM
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Re: Frozen with "Backlight is off. Press button to turn on" message?

Welcome to the club.

If you search "failure to wake" here or XDA you'll find you're not alone.

If you do enough searching, you'll find it's not only a Touch Pro 2 issue. Nor is it solely limited to HTC devices... or even Windows Mobile 6.5 for that matter. I've had it hit while running a bone-stock Verizon ROM, too (2 hard resets to prove it).

Generally speaking, it usually seems to strike when there is somthing running in the background/minimized to the taskbar as the device goes into a sleep mode (backlight off and device goes into standby mode).

Microsoft is aware of the issue. If you read through their testing proceedure for new apps in the Marketplace, they actually mention the situation and test new applications to see if they will trigger this lock-up.

A few have got new phones after showing this lock up to techs. You could try that. Since it only hits me every other week or so (and generally under predictable circumstances), I'm holding out a bit to see how things shake out or what more I can find. I can create the situation on-demand, so I have that as my Ace in the hole if I want to to a warranty claim.

Good luck. Keep your ears open and pray that someone here smarter than me takes an interest in solving this issue.
Running a slightly tweaked Windows Mobile 6.5 (21874.5.0.83) and HTC Sense 2.1 (ROM Version 3.04.605.3)
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