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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2010, 02:22 AM
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spb shell locking up

Hey I had spb shell on my old tp2 and all was well. I got a new tp2 and upgraded to 3.5 shell. Locked up within 3 seconds. I lived with it locking up maybe twice a day for a month or so. I just got another tp2 and tried it again and the freaking thing locked up instantly. It sent a report but I dont know what it siad. How do I trouble shout this?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2010, 05:42 AM
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Re: spb shell locking up

delete and reinstall to device, not SD. Make sure you have a good download. Disable TF3D. Do you have any locking app installed like S2U2,S2U,POCKETSHIELD.....anything that could inerfere? been running spb forever on all devices ,all versions...tp2 now ok.
Da Believer....
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 02:09 AM
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Re: spb shell locking up

ok I reloaded it from the net right to the phone, copy filed to phone then ran it. It woeked for 10 min then wanted to send report. Once I send report it locks up, and I have to reboot. Is there a help desk or something for spb? Im not sure what else I can do. Thanks for the help!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 03:01 AM
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Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro 2 (Sprint): Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)

i dumped spb shell .. every1 experiences different things but it caused to much chaos on my phone. ive never soft reset my tp2 as much as i did with that running ... i reported this a while ago but decided to once again give it a chance this past weekend. wish i didnt cuz it sucked & ended up uninstalling it. unresponsive icons, freezing my phone during incoming calls, not showing new texts unless i press the end key to name a few of my major gripes. but to each his own
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 05:21 AM
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Re: spb shell locking up

Right on my friend, to each his/her own.However this thing works, it has been working since the old days...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 08:31 AM
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Re: spb shell locking up

I had the same problems with it on both of my phones,with stock roms. Glad there is a trial so I wouldnt have wasted my money.
Kiss my grits
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 10:46 AM
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Re: spb shell locking up

Works fine for me. Never had a problem with it and I've been running it since day 1 on the Touch Pro 2.

If you're having trouble with it, post here:

SPB employees answer posts there, so they can help you fix the problem.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 11:00 AM
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Re: spb shell locking up

Good move Salty, been using with Mogul,TP and now TP2. Nothing comes close to it for my needs.
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