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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 08:01 AM
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Any help on where to turn would be great

Hi all,

I have a recurring issue that I have asked previously about and nobody seems to have an idea. So I'm asking one more time with more detail, in hopes someone can shed light on at least which way I should turn next.

I have had this problem on multiple roms, and even once right after a hard reset, right after a fresh flash.

ok, so on to the issue: simply put, I can speak to people on my phone with my bluetooth, but not through the phone itself. All they hear is silence. I hear them perfectly, but they can't hear me, unless I use my bluetooth.

based on the fact that a hard reset or reflash 'fixes' the issue, I have a hard time with it being a hardware issue. If it was broke for one rom it would be broke for the next, yes?, and a hard reset shouldn't fix it.

Also, based on the fact that it has happened on multiple roms, I would have hard time basing it on the roms as well.

that leads me to software. Here is what I currently have loaded on my device:

MM 4 season splash
briggs audiopara
gadget freak gadget rom task bar
arcsoft mms
dhr lockdevice
elvelynn cleanstartseite <not sure where this came from, but has been there for 2 or 3 different roms>
NisseDILLIGAF no curtains
pegasus modified dusk clock
quick99si 2016 fix
bsb ram speeper 2
rhodium kybd
phm reg editor
psshutxp power key

when it happens, i've tried uninstalling various apps (like taskbars etc. but nothing but a hard reset or re flash fixes the issue)

That's it for extras. I'm currently on MR 01132010 - happened on previous MM roms and on Juicy's rom (back in Dec).

fyi, after flashing, and before loading s'ware and syncing, I do a clear storage.

also, if it were related to the phone thinking there was an audio cable still plugged in, bluetooth wouldn't work, would it?

K, that's about all the detail I can think of. I do thank you all for any input. Yes, I have performed MULTIPLE searches from many different areas of the net for this, not just here.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 08:15 AM
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Re: Any help on where to turn would be great

I am by no means an expert, but my guess is that the BSB Ram Sweeper program may be the culprit, depending perhaps on how you have it set up with the whitelist. I have heard others state that CleanRam from HTC addicts can have undesirable effects on BlueTooth as well. I've never experienced that, however, and it is constantly updated and runs perfectly on my phone. I'd uninstall the other and then try it. Additionally, it is possible that your bluetooth device has a problem, and lastly, that the phone may be the issue. One way to test that would be to reflash back to stock, not install any software, and see if the problem exists. That would pretty much isolate it to either phone or bluetooth hardware. Hope you find a solution!

If I've helped in any way, please hit the THANKS button - and thanks!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 08:20 AM
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Re: Any help on where to turn would be great

Uninstall the audiopara & the taskbar.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 08:22 AM
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Re: Any help on where to turn would be great

Originally Posted by jaworthen View Post
I am by no means an expert, but my guess is that the BSB Ram Sweeper program may be the culprit, depending perhaps on how you have it set up with the whitelist. I have heard others state that CleanRam from HTC addicts can have undesirable effects on BlueTooth as well. I've never experienced that, however, and it is constantly updated and runs perfectly on my phone. I'd uninstall the other and then try it. Additionally, it is possible that your bluetooth device has a problem, and lastly, that the phone may be the issue. One way to test that would be to reflash back to stock, not install any software, and see if the problem exists. That would pretty much isolate it to either phone or bluetooth hardware. Hope you find a solution!
Thank you. Ram sweeper is gone. Problem with going back to stock is it is impossible to determine when it will happen, or if. It has happened so sporadically once the same day of flashing others days or weeks after.

something else I forgot to include, before MM's previous rom, I flashed to the new VZ 6.5 rom and hard reset, then flashed. so it has been back to stock 'recently'.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 08:25 AM
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Re: Any help on where to turn would be great

Originally Posted by kabuk1 View Post
Uninstall the audiopara & the taskbar.

thanks for the response. Audiopara is gone, uninstalled. However it has happened with multiple task bars. That was why I went to this taskbar, cause, I thought it might be the culprit.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 08:45 AM
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Re: Any help on where to turn would be great

Originally Posted by georgepink View Post
thanks for the response. Audiopara is gone, uninstalled. However it has happened with multiple task bars. That was why I went to this taskbar, cause, I thought it might be the culprit.

Most Taskbars have a use at your own risk policy, in fact everything here is a use at your own risk but with taskbars they seem to break alot of the phones programs since it is tied to about everything. Leave out the taskbars on any of your updates period is my suggestion.

Give some
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 08:58 AM
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Re: Any help on where to turn would be great

Originally Posted by OR78 View Post
Most Taskbars have a use at your own risk policy, in fact everything here is a use at your own risk but with taskbars they seem to break alot of the phones programs since it is tied to about everything. Leave out the taskbars on any of your updates period is my suggestion.
I've heard that, and don't disagree. Again,, thanks for everyone's responses. My thought from a troubleshooting standpoint, is I've used multiple taskbars and nothing else seems to get broken. In other words, to have the exact same symptoms from different taskbars, when almost nobody else has this same issue with taskbars is a hard pill to swallow.

Also, since this same symptom showed before the taskbar <or anything else> was loaded...I don't know.

that said, next time it happens, since I will hard reset again, I'll leave it off.

One more question though on hard resets, is 'clear storage' the same as the key combo? I thought it was, but then vaguely remember hearing that it isn't...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 09:37 AM
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Re: Any help on where to turn would be great

i only half read the thread so if its fixed forgive me. i would do this. hard reset. if its working use it just like that for a day or two. long enough that you can deturmine it is wroking correct. install ONE app at a time. and then use it again. eventually you will discover the app (or multiple apps) that are causing it.

simply uninstalling the app might not fix the problem as it might not undo the changes to teh os settigns that the app did.

good luck
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 02:33 PM
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Re: Any help on where to turn would be great

try the ram sweeper posted in mighty mike's rom thread. i modded the whitelist inside of the app to include bluetooth so it doesnt affect it.

try hard resetting and just installing that app, then run it and see how it goes.
im about 99.5% sure its that program causing it
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 04:50 PM
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Re: Any help on where to turn would be great

Originally Posted by codybear View Post
try the ram sweeper posted in mighty mike's rom thread. i modded the whitelist inside of the app to include bluetooth so it doesnt affect it.

try hard resetting and just installing that app, then run it and see how it goes.
im about 99.5% sure its that program causing it
Thanks again to all responders. I have uninstalled ram sweeper, installed cleanram. I have not hard reset again and so far still working. (Like I said I loaded MR 011010 yesterday, so before I reset again, i'll give it some time) thanks again.

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