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Old 01-16-2010, 08:58 AM
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Re: Any help on where to turn would be great

Originally Posted by OR78 View Post
Most Taskbars have a use at your own risk policy, in fact everything here is a use at your own risk but with taskbars they seem to break alot of the phones programs since it is tied to about everything. Leave out the taskbars on any of your updates period is my suggestion.
I've heard that, and don't disagree. Again,, thanks for everyone's responses. My thought from a troubleshooting standpoint, is I've used multiple taskbars and nothing else seems to get broken. In other words, to have the exact same symptoms from different taskbars, when almost nobody else has this same issue with taskbars is a hard pill to swallow.

Also, since this same symptom showed before the taskbar <or anything else> was loaded...I don't know.

that said, next time it happens, since I will hard reset again, I'll leave it off.

One more question though on hard resets, is 'clear storage' the same as the key combo? I thought it was, but then vaguely remember hearing that it isn't...
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