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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 06:57 PM
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Re: Verizon 6.5 Upgrade Tweaks?

Originally Posted by brent372 View Post
er... What is the reg path and i will be more than happy to check and report my results.

ShareMemSize=????x???? (????)

If the value is 0x20000 (131072) then Dynamic Resourse Proxy didn't really do anything for you. You might as well uninstall it from your programs list.

As for those concerned with memory and what percentage your running at... I wouldn't. If things are running quick and smooth... and if you don't have trouble starting programs or keeping them running, who cares.

I'm using MemMaid to optimize for speed over memory, and I put along all day (normal usage) between about 55-70% with push internet, weather and stocks set to manual update only. E-mail on three accounts recieveing every hour. Not a big deal IMO.

Memory allocation is the one of the first thing I've come to appreciate about 6.5. It seems to do a decent job running heavy load programs that would usually caused issues for me when using 6.1. Need For Speed Ungerground is a good example.

If you really want to know/control what's running (services, programs, whatever), look for FDC Soft's Task Manager.
Running a slightly tweaked Windows Mobile 6.5 (21874.5.0.83) and HTC Sense 2.1 (ROM Version 3.04.605.3)

Last edited by msh441; 01-14-2010 at 07:10 PM.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 08:00 PM
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Re: Verizon 6.5 Upgrade Tweaks?

Edit: Oops, missed MSH's post

Originally Posted by brent372 View Post
Er... what is the reg path and I will be more than happy to check and report my results.
The proxy hack is

The cab set's it to "0", but on mine the OS re-writes it to the default 131072.

I agree with you. With just the No Push Internet Hack, I'm around 55% and happy with that.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2010, 01:38 PM
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Re: Verizon 6.5 Upgrade Tweaks?

Originally Posted by SecretAgentMan View Post
I think that you're referring to the Dynamic Resource Proxy tweak which changes the ShareMemSize value in the registry to 0. My experience, noted by others as well, is that the default value keeps getting re-set, essentially making this tweak useless, for now. Some have suggested that the CM Guardian service is putting this back, but disabling it apparently doesn't have any effect on the re-setting.
I see that too. But I think something else is going on....

First, on my Verizon 6.5 Stock ROM, my memory use seems to be down. Remember, the fix isn't supposed to reduce memory usage imediately on soft reset, but KEEP it down. I've brought up some web pages, brought up Monopoly, and usually at this point my memory free is around 50MB. As of right now it's still above 60. I'll play some more and see what happens.

But I have some other reasons to think something else is going on...

--- 131072 bytes (or even 10x that much) is chicken s&%t as far as memory goes. If thats all this fix saved, it wouldn't be worth it for anyone. I'm suspecting that when ShareMemSize is zeroed it causes something else to NOT start, and the following things I see makes me think that even more...

-- The ShareMemSizeInUse key under the same Registry branch is 0 and seems to stay 0. Previously that did populate with numbers

-- ShareMemSizeFree is at it's initial FFF00000h and isn't changing, and it did for sure before (BTW that number is over 4GB, so I'm suspecting it's set to a number as large as possible to mean "use as much memory as you want")

I'm going to let this run some more and see what happens
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2010, 01:47 PM
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Re: Verizon 6.5 Upgrade Tweaks?

To completely disable resproxy, unzip then copy the following file to windows directory. Do a soft reset and you then can alter all the resproxy registry values and soft reset again.
Attached Files
File Type: zip ResProxy.zip (122 Bytes, 9 views) Click for barcode!
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2010, 06:20 PM
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Re: Verizon 6.5 Upgrade Tweaks?

Originally Posted by ac0x View Post
I see that too. But I think something else is going on....

First, on my Verizon 6.5 Stock ROM, my memory use seems to be down. Remember, the fix isn't supposed to reduce memory usage imediately on soft reset, but KEEP it down. I've brought up some web pages, brought up Monopoly, and usually at this point my memory free is around 50MB. As of right now it's still above 60. I'll play some more and see what happens.

But I have some other reasons to think something else is going on...

--- 131072 bytes (or even 10x that much) is chicken s&%t as far as memory goes. If thats all this fix saved, it wouldn't be worth it for anyone. I'm suspecting that when ShareMemSize is zeroed it causes something else to NOT start, and the following things I see makes me think that even more...

-- The ShareMemSizeInUse key under the same Registry branch is 0 and seems to stay 0. Previously that did populate with numbers

-- ShareMemSizeFree is at it's initial FFF00000h and isn't changing, and it did for sure before (BTW that number is over 4GB, so I'm suspecting it's set to a number as large as possible to mean "use as much memory as you want")

I'm going to let this run some more and see what happens
Well, looks like this tweak really DOESNT work. After some hours of use I'm below 50MB and there are numbers populated in both ShareMemSizeFree and ShareMemSizeInUse. Oh well
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2010, 12:02 AM
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Re: Verizon 6.5 Upgrade Tweaks?

Originally Posted by Rhodium500 View Post
To completely disable resproxy, unzip then copy the following file to windows directory. Do a soft reset and you then can alter all the resproxy registry values and soft reset again.
How do you replace a dll file? tx.
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