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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 01:04 AM
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Re: Good password lock folder program?

I had the droid for a while and there was an app in the market called picture vault (I think) it worked great, did exactly what I wanted.
you just selected the "sensitive" pics and clicked add to vault then when you wanted to access them you entered a code and there they were.
Iv yet to find an app for windows mobile that works like that,\
but if anyone knows of one point me to it

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Old 01-07-2010, 02:34 AM
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Re: Good password lock folder program?

I posted this in another thread I'll do it again here. Take a look at this app:


It's a very simple freeware app to encrypt files on your ppc. I've used it before and it works.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 11:22 AM
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Re: Good password lock folder program?

Originally Posted by horndoctor View Post
I posted this in another thread I'll do it again here. Take a look at this app:


It's a very simple freeware app to encrypt files on your ppc. I've used it before and it works.
That does looks like a good one but let me ask, does it only work on a file per file basis or can it do entire folders?

And then as well, if it does, once you have entered the PW for that folder does it then allow you to navigate and open any file in or past that in any further subdirectories?

The reason I ask is that I seem to be finding either or. I found one program, (see below) that will do folders but then even when you PW the folder, every file or folder past that needs the PW to be opened as well. As you could imagine this could get real impractical real fast.

Then so far the only other thing I see are single file encryption programs like this one.

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 11:29 AM
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Re: Good password lock folder program?

Originally Posted by Wesley762 View Post
Have you looked at Resco Explorer, it allows you to encrypt individual folders.

Thanks for this Wesley. Just to ask though so I'm sure I understand this correctly, so I would use Resco to navigate to a folder, I guess do a pen hold on it maybe or use the menu once it was highlighted, and click for that folder to be encrypted and give it a PW.

Then in the regular explorer if I went to it or in using any program to find that folder, if I then tried to open it, I would be asked for that PW and then once given, would be allowed to continue?

Again and kinda like I asked above, once in that folder I would be allowed to navigate and open any sub-folder or file without being asked for the PW again?

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 12:25 PM
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Re: Good password lock folder program?

Just to note on this topic has a few have posted that they are looking for something too, here are a few programs I found last night. Note, these are not in any particular order of any kind of useage review.

Synorate File Locker v1.0 for Windows Mobile

This program looks almost like exactly what I want in that at least it will do entire folders but as I mentioned above, I read where it also makes every file and subdirectory after that require a PW to open too, which is kinda impractical if you are going to be doing a lot of navigating.

Best Crypto for Windows Mobile 6 Professional (Pocket PC) version 2.00

This program looks nice to and even has a freeware PC version that supposedly can open the encrpited file with the PW.

The only thing is I don’t know if it will do a whole folder an PW that folder and all its contents, as it seems to work on a file per file basis.

One other little knock which I suppose it irrelevant but they spelled the name of the program wrong, the word Professional is not spelled, Proffesional, but who knows, perhaps then meant to do that.

Pocket Secure v5

This program is really a whole host of security features but it does include an encryption part but again, I think this is only on a file per file basis.

Lot of other complicated stuff that I’m not looking for though that kinda makes this one un-attractive.

Then there was this page which listed quite a few

But it seems most of them were not for WM6, and even for 5 for that matter.

But there is one, Skb Mobile Safety Suite (All in One) 2.02, that looks kinda interesting. It even has quite a lot of other sensitive info locking too.

Will have to look more into this one.

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 12:32 PM
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Re: Good password lock folder program?

Originally Posted by WBFAir View Post
Thanks for this Wesley. Just to ask though so I'm sure I understand this correctly, so I would use Resco to navigate to a folder, I guess do a pen hold on it maybe or use the menu once it was highlighted, and click for that folder to be encrypted and give it a PW.

Then in the regular explorer if I went to it or in using any program to find that folder, if I then tried to open it, I would be asked for that PW and then once given, would be allowed to continue?

Again and kinda like I asked above, once in that folder I would be allowed to navigate and open any sub-folder or file without being asked for the PW again?

Yep, its locked down with a password. to be honest I have lost a few documents because I have forgotten passwords. there is a desktop eddition with it to. it has a fully functional trial so you can test drive it to.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 12:47 PM
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Re: Good password lock folder program?

Originally Posted by Wesley762 View Post
Yep, its locked down with a password. to be honest I have lost a few documents because I have forgotten passwords. there is a desktop eddition with it to. it has a fully functional trial so you can test drive it to.
Thanks again Wesley but just to ask I think again, can this do this only on a file per file basis for can it do it to a folder that contains a bunch of files and sub-folders and then once if that password is cleared for that folder, any of those files or sub-folders are freely navigate-able and able to be opened without a PW prompt again?

Also how are files navigated to, to be opened by a program handled, are they completely able to be navigated to but then when a attempt to open them is made, you are then prompted for a password?

Sorry to ask so much.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2010, 01:40 PM
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Re: Good password lock folder program?

Originally Posted by WBFAir View Post
Thanks again Wesley but just to ask I think again, can this do this only on a file per file basis for can it do it to a folder that contains a bunch of files and sub-folders and then once if that password is cleared for that folder, any of those files or sub-folders are freely navigate-able and able to be opened without a PW prompt again?

Also how are files navigated to, to be opened by a program handled, are they completely able to be navigated to but then when a attempt to open them is made, you are then prompted for a password?

Sorry to ask so much.

Honestly only use it once and a while and its just for folders, they have a free trial and my best sugestion is download it and play with it to see if it will meet your needs.
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