Just to note on this topic has a few have posted that they are looking for something too, here are a few programs I found last night. Note, these are not in any particular order of any kind of useage review.
Synorate File Locker v1.0 for Windows Mobile
This program looks almost like exactly what I want in that at least it will do entire folders but as I mentioned above, I read where it also makes every file and subdirectory after that require a PW to open too, which is kinda impractical if you are going to be doing a lot of navigating.
Best Crypto for Windows Mobile 6 Professional (Pocket PC) version 2.00
This program looks nice to and even has a freeware PC version that supposedly can open the encrpited file with the PW.
The only thing is I don’t know if it will do a whole folder an PW that folder and all its contents, as it seems to work on a file per file basis.
One other little knock which I suppose it irrelevant but they spelled the name of the program wrong, the word Professional is not spelled, Proffesional, but who knows, perhaps then meant to do that.
Pocket Secure v5
This program is really a whole host of security features but it does include an encryption part but again, I think this is only on a file per file basis.
Lot of other complicated stuff that I’m not looking for though that kinda makes this one un-attractive.
Then there was this page which listed quite a few
But it seems most of them were not for WM6, and even for 5 for that matter.
But there is one, Skb Mobile Safety Suite (All in One) 2.02, that looks kinda interesting. It even has quite a lot of other sensitive info locking too.
Will have to look more into this one.