Originally Posted by jmorton10
I really hope you have better luck than I did, but unfortunately Sandisk's QC has dropped dramatically in the last year or so (especially on the higher capacity cards)
If it was just me, I would think it was a problem with my phone -but other posters reported the same thing with Sandisk & one of my cards burned up in an older TP so the phones is not the problem.
well i have 2 people that i know and there both 16gb and one of them uses his on his phone camera alot and nothing no smoke or burning i actually never had a sd card burn on me or stop working..and i have bought alot i still have many rightnow from 2gb 3 of those and 4 one of of them 2 8gb sandisk my bro has one on his blackberry nothing...oh yea! hey when did this happend to you???