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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 06:56 AM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

Originally Posted by bkrodgers View Post
Wow, we've got the double off topic trainwreck going! Bashing Sprint's 4G plans has now veered off into the evils of Wal-Mart! Impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seems like about the right time to close this thread, don't you think?
I would like to add that walmart buys life insurance on its workers and when they die even after they quit, walmart gets money..or so I heard..cause I've never even seen a walmart in my life except for pictures (no walmarts in NY due to employment policy laws)

On the topic of 4G, sprint is backed by Google and Intel and a lot of cable companies for wimax..so they are not alone. And wimax is superior to HSPA+ in many ways, not just speed. Also, LTE and Wimax are very close to each other in specifications and from what I read, in future revisions, it is possible for cross-compatibility. Not to mention chip has already been developed that does wimax/lte on 1 chip.

As for 6.5...sprint is lacking as hell, I don't care much for the rom, but I WANT A NEW RADIO!

Edit: Also, I forgot to add that from what sprint said, even off network wimax devices should work on their network(don't know about now but it is in their plan). So we may be able to get unlocked devices running.
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Last edited by gTen; 01-16-2010 at 09:31 AM.
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 07:31 AM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Actually, T-Mobile and AT&T's ARE global phones. They both have the European frequencies in them. They do not have the CDMA that Sprint's does though.

The US Cellular, however, is identical to the Sprint version. It has the CDMA, and the GSM, exactly like Sprint's. And it shipped with WM 6.5 out of the box...
If the TP2 from US Cellular is exactly the same as Sprint, why not just copy the WM 6.5 ROM from a US Cellular phone onto a Sprint phone?
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 08:24 AM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

Originally Posted by proimageprints View Post
Yes, Let us get back on the topic.

BTW, check out Info regarding LTE/WiMax
This is a good read regarding Wimax and LTE technologies. Thank you for sharing the White Paper.
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 11:34 AM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

Originally Posted by bkrodgers View Post
Wow, we've got the double off topic trainwreck going! Bashing Sprint's 4G plans has now veered off into the evils of Wal-Mart! Impressive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seems like about the right time to close this thread, don't you think?
Agreed, please close this thread as there are other Sprint upgrade speculation threads out there with less off topic posts...maybe start a Walmart thread on one of the other phones that I see Walmart actually selling?
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 11:51 AM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

Originally Posted by lefty11 View Post
Agreed, please close this thread as there are other Sprint upgrade speculation threads out there with less off topic posts...maybe start a Walmart thread on one of the other phones that I see Walmart actually selling?
Oh no! Not off-topic posts! NOOOOOOO!!!!!

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  #116 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 12:43 PM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
(no walmarts in NY due to employment policy laws)

what the hell you smoking? Dude i live in NY walmarts are all over i got 2 with in a half hr of me.

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  #117 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2010, 01:22 PM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
I would like to add that walmart buys life insurance on its workers and when they die even after they quit, walmart gets money..or so I heard..cause I've never even seen a walmart in my life except for pictures (no walmarts in NY due to employment policy laws)

On the topic of 4G, sprint is backed by Google and Intel and a lot of cable companies for wimax..so they are not alone. And wimax is superior to HSPA+ in many ways, not just speed. Also, LTE and Wimax are very close to each other in specifications and from what I read, in future revisions, it is possible for cross-compatibility. Not to mention chip has already been developed that does wimax/lte on 1 chip.

As for 6.5...sprint is lacking as hell, I don't care much for the rom, but I WANT A NEW RADIO!

Edit: Also, I forgot to add that from what sprint said, even off network wimax devices should work on their network(don't know about now but it is in their plan). So we may be able to get unlocked devices running.
No one said hspa+ is better technology, but when wimax drops and hspa+ drops hspa+ will be faster. Check sprints website, wimax currently max is 10mbps with average of 3-6mpbs, hspa+ whill have way faster speeds. By the time wimax upgrades again, lte will be out.

We know wimax has major backing from the cable companies thats been stated in this forum already (actually by me because i work for comcast, the number 1 cable company in america) and we already sell 4g cards but that has nothing to do with the fact that lte is going to be better then wimax. you are only worried about the american investors which honestly are even investing that much, Sprint still owns over 50% of wimax so I can guess where thats headed. The future of cell phones is what the overseas companies are doing which is lte and once we have the coverage voice over data is going to be what we speak on. lte has backing by companies that have way more $ then the investors that own less then 50% of wimax.

the chipset you speak of is coming from clearwire and they are stating they are the only company who can go from wimax to lte without a hitch, so even they know they will eventually be off of wimax. Clearwire made statements so that they could calm investors because EVERYONE is wondering why they chose wimax.
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Last edited by p-slim; 01-16-2010 at 06:48 PM.
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 02:08 PM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

Originally Posted by kaos View Post
what the hell you smoking? Dude i live in NY walmarts are all over i got 2 with in a half hr of me.
I meant NYC...


HSPA+ may be faster in raw numbers, but how will it fair under load? So even if you have higher theoretical speeds, it may end up being crippled. not to mention , it'll be harder to cover a city with no blind spots with HSPA+ and easier with wimax.

The primary concern though lies with bandwidth, Verizon lately stated that once LTE comes out..no way can things remain "unlimited"..so in what direction will this go :/

Wimax and LTE both have their uses and some scenarios does better/worse. Both ideally can do 1gbps once updated.

Wimax from what I understand is cheaper to roll out in rural areas and etc. From what I hear, there are many uses of wimax already all over the USA by smaller companies outside of clearwire/sprint.

Last edited by gTen; 01-17-2010 at 02:10 PM.
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 02:15 PM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
The primary concern though lies with bandwidth, Verizon lately stated that once LTE comes out..no way can things remain "unlimited"..so in what direction will this go :/
That's just another money-hungry company prepping the public for metered internet that will never happen. Time Warner did the same thing. Metered internet causes an uproar and eventually lawmakers and politicians get involved. Verizon again, looking on how to fatten their wallets even more...
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 02:20 PM
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Re: Is there a official 6.5 update for touch pro 2 for sprint

There has been an official release date...well sorta here you go,

" ** NOTE: Windows Mobile 6.5 Planned for HTC Touch Pro2 from Sprint
Sprint and HTC are currently developing a release of Windows Mobile 6.5 for the HTC Touch Pro2 that is expected to be available by end of first quarter, 2010. This upgrade will provide updates to the Windows Mobile platform, along with significant enhancements to the Touch Pro2 user interface to allow additional customization/personalization options and more integration with applications users access the most."
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