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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 02:11 AM
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I Don't Hate iPhone, I'm Just Pro-Touch Pro 2!

Recently while at a 3 year olds birthday party I over heard people discussing phones. A person wanted to get a new phone and was talking to a iPhone user, he was telling her the features of the phone...

I gravitated toward the conversation, whipped out my Touch Pro 2 and said...
"The iPhone is cool and all, you have to check out my phone..." she immediately expressed how she liked my phone just by looking at it...

I told her that the two phones have similar features and she will find more useless apps, on the iPhone than the TP2...

The iPhone user quickly mentioned how easy it was to navigate through the iPhone interface, how the screen was only activated by touch, has weather updates, etc...

I countered by showing her the ROM I was running (MightyRom Love). To be fair I told her that it was not how the phone came

Again the iPhone user said "yeah, he had to install a special interface, my iPhone is stock!!"

That opened the door for me, "correct, you can customize the phone to your liking. It's not locked like the iPhone, which is even locked to a specific carrier..."

The story goes on much longer, in short she decided she was going to look at the HTC Touch Pro 2, she has Sprint.

I did mention if she wanted AT&T that the Tilt 2 is a rebraned TP2.
If she wanted to go to Verizon or T-Mobile it's the Touch Pro 2...

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 02:17 AM
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Re: I Don't Hate iPhone, I'm Just Pro-Touch Pro 2!

another one of these threads??

iPhone stock is locked to a carrier but even you must know it can be unlocked if you are privy to this site.

I would be honest to that lady, if she doesnt want to put some work/time into it then this phone is not for her. if she is willing to learn then yes its great
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 02:23 AM
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Re: I Don't Hate iPhone, I'm Just Pro-Touch Pro 2!

Easy there cowboy, I told you there was more to the story than just what I typed, I too mentioned that she could jailbreak the iPhone

As I said, I'm not an iPhone hater, I just like the phone I have better... that's why I have it

Oh yeah, she did say too that she'd rather have a phone that has a slide out qwerty keyboard, that is what she was most interested in
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 02:31 AM
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Re: I Don't Hate iPhone, I'm Just Pro-Touch Pro 2!

Originally Posted by elephant007 View Post
Easy there cowboy, I told you there was more to the story than just what I typed, I too mentioned that she could jailbreak the iPhone

As I said, I'm not an iPhone hater, I just like the phone I have better... that's why I have it

Oh yeah, she did say too that she'd rather have a phone that has a slide out qwerty keyboard, that is what she was most interested in
no offense intended. Just there was another thread heatin up in here over the last few days about same thing.

Yea if she likes the sliding keyboard then iphone is not for her, that is one thing i do hate about it, although their input is far more accurate than softkeyboard in android. but at the same time the sliding keyboard mechanisms on theses htc's is a shakey, every one ive owned gets a little loose after only a months use. and the tp1 had to be the worst, that thing would half way slide by itself. I wish they could make it solid enough to keep its stiffness, makes the phone feel more solid

Last edited by newone757; 12-27-2009 at 02:36 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 03:23 AM
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Re: I Don't Hate iPhone, I'm Just Pro-Touch Pro 2!

Why can't we leave the iPhone alone...

People seriously have this huge inferiority complex with it. It's nice to show people what the TP2 can do but is it really a contest? Do we really "win" if she choses a winmo device? Everyone denies it but it's such a classic insecurity with the iphone.

Over the summer my sister asked me what smartphone to get. Knowing how she hates tweaking and customizing tech stuff I told her to just to look at an iphone. She didn't listen to me and got a Blackberry instead. She loves it. I guess we both lose... LOL.

Last edited by x10guy; 12-27-2009 at 03:25 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 03:26 AM
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Re: I Don't Hate iPhone, I'm Just Pro-Touch Pro 2!

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 03:30 AM
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Re: I Don't Hate iPhone, I'm Just Pro-Touch Pro 2!

I try very hard to NOT talk friends into the TP2, or any WM PPC, or anything else techie in life, unless I'm willing to hold their hand forevermore. If they're a techie, they probably already know about these types of phones, and if not, I don't see any need to risk a friendship over talking anyone into anything.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 03:35 AM
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Re: I Don't Hate iPhone, I'm Just Pro-Touch Pro 2!

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
I try very hard to NOT talk friends into the TP2, or any WM PPC, or anything else techie in life, unless I'm willing to hold their hand forevermore. If they're a techie, they probably already know about these types of phones, and if not, I don't see any need to risk a friendship over talking anyone into anything.
Ive always felt the same way. I really get sick of people asking me how i do stuff (mod 360, wii, jailbreaking, unlocking phones, etc) and i never tell them because i dont want to have them break/brick something and I be the one the call to try and fix it. My wife wanted a tp2 but i couldnt let that happen, she would be throwing this thing against the wall after a week trying to figure out the simplest stuff lol
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 03:39 AM
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Re: I Don't Hate iPhone, I'm Just Pro-Touch Pro 2!

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
I try very hard to NOT talk friends into the TP2, or any WM PPC, or anything else techie in life, unless I'm willing to hold their hand forevermore. If they're a techie, they probably already know about these types of phones, and if not, I don't see any need to risk a friendship over talking anyone into anything.
You are correct. Ppl know I'm always messing with my phone, but then I will ask them some what they want in a phone. I'll tell them what my phone can do, but most of the ppl I DO refer them to the iphone and they love it.

Honestly, I wish we could have some of those "useless apps" for winmo. Iphone users can play games with each other. Words with friends is pretty cool and my friends are playing it....but I'm left out. haha. it's basically scrabbled and you can connect to other users. When you try to connect the other person gets notified that you want to play them. not bad....
Another day, another rom:
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 03:43 AM
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Re: I Don't Hate iPhone, I'm Just Pro-Touch Pro 2!

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
I try very hard to NOT talk friends into the TP2, or any WM PPC, or anything else techie in life, unless I'm willing to hold their hand forevermore. If they're a techie, they probably already know about these types of phones, and if not, I don't see any need to risk a friendship over talking anyone into anything.
Amen. I actually don't show them anything unless they ask. And even when they do show alot of interest I tell them that my phone is very customized the way I like it... and there is a bit of a learning curve to be this way... (ie "a Geek"). The people that I tend to help are people that actually have Winmo phones and are struggling with them. Most of the time, they are just running completely stock and are on the verge of switching to an easier device.

I really like Winmo phones but over the years, I've realized that it's not really that great for the average person.
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