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  #111 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

i been gone for awhile, so i just skimmed. what difference's are there from verizon users to sprint users; besides the http:\\mms.sprintpcs.com? i though/assumed that was the only change.

from skimming the last page, ziggy: looks like you made way for verizon/mms/htc. i wish you had sprint. and thanks for everything you done so far and will do for us (sprint)
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 12:42 PM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Originally Posted by ziggy471 View Post
That's about right, and I haven't forgotten about the Sprint Users, that's why I spent so much time on this yesterday, that and all the snow. Once I finish my first cup of coffee, I'll start on it again today.

Thanks Ziggy, be very interested in what you find.

How can you debug Sprint if you are on Verizon though?

I played around a lot last night and I suspect I'm still catching up. But I noticed that there are two sets of settings. One for GSM and one for CDMA. I'm not sure all pieces agree which to use.

Any way I came up with this REG script to set everything consistent (see bottom).

But I notice that when I send something larger than 300k it still warns me it's over 300K even though I set everything 1024K.

Before installing Valyrie (Sprint) Cab it would fail to send. And I'd get a Message Box "Send ... Get ... Failed" or some such. After installing Valyrie (Sprint) Cab. And rerunning the reg script below a Send to myself completes but nothing comes back. I have no other working MMS device to check if it actually sent.

I also googled and noticed some devices use X-sprint-MDN instead of X-SPRINT-MDN not sure if it's case sensitive but usually paramters are case sensitive.




EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 12:47 PM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

can anyone cab up these settings?

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  #114 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 01:07 PM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Originally Posted by imtjnotu View Post
can anyone cab up these settings?
I would not bother until Sprint is sorted out. Also it's not easy to cab because your phone number is in it. Which I X'd out.

I don't think these settings are all that new to the guru's.
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 01:29 PM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Originally Posted by imtjnotu View Post
can anyone cab up these settings?
There is really no way to cab it as it includes your cellular phone # so everybodies settings will be different.

It's really pretty simple to make the changes nowthat we knowwhat has to be done.

My system is a pretty good test case as I DID NOT reflash the system. I am still running Juicy R3 as everything works perfectly for me so I had no reason to flash to R5 or 6.

All I did was change the server url then install the MMS fix cab. I have all my setting adjusted to resize an image to 1280x1024 for MMS as that gives a nice looking fullscreen image & it makes no sense to me to MMS a 3 megapixel image. If I want to send the full size image, I will email it.

Now, when I open the HTC app I can click to add an image. When I pick the image I want to send, I briefly get a screen saying "resizing image" & then it sends it just fine.

My son & I sent/received a half dozen pics back & forth yesterday (he has an eNv3) & it worked perfectly.

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  #116 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 01:31 PM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Originally Posted by mswlogo View Post
Thanks Ziggy, be very interested in what you find.

How can you debug Sprint if you are on Verizon though?

I played around a lot last night and I suspect I'm still catching up. But I noticed that there are two sets of settings. One for GSM and one for CDMA. I'm not sure all pieces agree which to use.

Any way I came up with this REG script to set everything consistent (see bottom).

But I notice that when I send something larger than 300k it still warns me it's over 300K even though I set everything 1024K.

Before installing Valyrie (Sprint) Cab it would fail to send. And I'd get a Message Box "Send ... Get ... Failed" or some such. After installing Valyrie (Sprint) Cab. And rerunning the reg script below a Send to myself completes but nothing comes back. I have no other working MMS device to check if it actually sent.

I also googled and noticed some devices use X-sprint-MDN instead of X-SPRINT-MDN not sure if it's case sensitive but usually paramters are case sensitive.




Just to clarify, did these setting work for sending/receiveing on Sprint or are they just to keep things the same within the registry?
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 01:47 PM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

I have 2 Sprint devices I can test with, just trying to get my bearings on what settings to change and where within TP2. It's been awhile since working within the registry, but no sweat jumping right in.

I'm running MM Impact(6.5.3) with Sense 2.5. I swore I was able to change some mms settings last night, but now can't find where for the life of me. Of course, this was after a few potent vodka libations....lol

Not a n00b, but not a cook by any means, just want to collaborate and succeed with this endeavour.

Originally Posted by mswlogo View Post
Thanks Ziggy, be very interested in what you find.

How can you debug Sprint if you are on Verizon though?

I played around a lot last night and I suspect I'm still catching up. But I noticed that there are two sets of settings. One for GSM and one for CDMA. I'm not sure all pieces agree which to use.

Any way I came up with this REG script to set everything consistent (see bottom).

But I notice that when I send something larger than 300k it still warns me it's over 300K even though I set everything 1024K.

Before installing Valyrie (Sprint) Cab it would fail to send. And I'd get a Message Box "Send ... Get ... Failed" or some such. After installing Valyrie (Sprint) Cab. And rerunning the reg script below a Send to myself completes but nothing comes back. I have no other working MMS device to check if it actually sent.

I also googled and noticed some devices use X-sprint-MDN instead of X-SPRINT-MDN not sure if it's case sensitive but usually paramters are case sensitive.




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  #118 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 02:17 PM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

These are some of the settings taken from Arcsoft on Sprint. They were originally in the WspHeader and WspHeader2 entry folders. I am going to try adding/moving them into some corresponding entries on 2.5. Lets all keep up the good work and give Sprint users a Merry Christmas of Messaging with a working 2.5!!!
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 02:30 PM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Originally Posted by chris1683 View Post
Just to clarify, did these setting work for sending/receiveing on Sprint or are they just to keep things the same within the registry?
NO !! I was just sharing my progress and discoveries. Which I believe ziggy is well aware of.

It does "send" with no error. But I have no idea if it really went since I have no known working receiver.

Folks saying "it works for me" on verizon at this point is not helpful because that appears to be a no brainer for verizon folks now.

I'm waiting for ziggy to finish his morning coffee.
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2009, 02:41 PM
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Re: Native HTC messaging MMS fix (collaboration)

Anyone else notice the url is much different than what we've been working with so far? Seems to make sense if I'm reading it correctly....

Originally Posted by chris1683 View Post

These are some of the settings taken from Arcsoft on Sprint. They were originally in the WspHeader and WspHeader2 entry folders. I am going to try adding/moving them into some corresponding entries on 2.5. Lets all keep up the good work and give Sprint users a Merry Christmas of Messaging with a working 2.5!!!
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