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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 02:09 PM
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Re: Why use SPB Mobile shell with custom roms out?

Originally Posted by n8n View Post
Thanks cbreze,

I have not yet tried MS. I'm returning to the WinMo world with a TP2 after a few years on BB. WinMo now seems sluggish relatively.

I don't need all the eye-candy of the sense UI, particularly if I can trade that for performance and customization. I've been aware of MS since my days of yore with a Treo 700p, although I never tried it.

I feel that with today's hardware, there is plenty of system resources to make it fly and MS is likely the best option to get me the performance I want.

So my question is not really to MS or not to MS, I will in fact try it and most likely make it my default.

The question is really, do I use a custom ROM underneath to enhance MS stability/performance.

All the gee-wiz performance hog crapware and UI drives me crazy. I want speed and flexibility, and will sacrifice all the animations for them.

I have a few killer apps that I'd like to include in a core ROM, and I'm wondering if its worth the trouble of getting into ROM flashing, or whether I should just install on my stock ROM add MS and my killer apps.

Hence the question I posted, soliciting responses from MS users who have used with and without custom ROMs.

I think ms works well with every rom I've tried(about , but , and I'll probably catch crap for this, I think the vzw oem rom is the most stable, quickest, reliable etc etc of any rom out there. I'm running the oem now after yet again switching back from custom for stabilitry issues. I have it set the way I like /need it and I'm running ms as my ui. It runs circles around tf3d(sense) for functionality,stability and ease of use, not to mention all the options it has on board. Your with sprint? I hear that rom is also very good. I was stuck with the oem for 2 months until the unlocker was finished and released. I went flash crazy trying them all and always come back to oem. I'll try more, but have yet to find one as stable as oem stock. I think you'll like ms, no matter which rom you end up with as spb really got it right. All their apps are very good.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 03:02 PM
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Re: Why use SPB Mobile shell with custom roms out?

I'm not a fan of HTC Sense or the Touchflo UI at all. I feel like it forces you to use your phone a certain way. Originally, I was not a fan of SPB Mobile Shell because prior to the TP/TP2, it was a memory hog and lagged my phone a lot. When I got my Touch Pro 2, obviously the phone hardware is better in a lot of respects, so I decided to try the new SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 and see what has changed.

I was pleasantly surprised how much it has improved and how well it works on any custom or stock 6.1/6.5 ROM. (not the 6.5.x roms that have the start menu at the bottom, Mobile Shell doesn't support that version of the WinMo OS).

It's smooth, intuitive, better built-in support for facebook/twitter, and you have better flexibility on customizations. I just noticed that a new version was released today v3.5.2. It does have a slight learning curve but once you RTFM or play around with it to figure it out, there's a good chance you'll appreciate what it has to offer.

If anyone does decide to try it out, my suggestion is to load a custom ROM that is clean without any bloat or any additional UI software that you won't be needing. Then load Mobile shell. JD's ROM is nice but if you can find a custom rom that doesn't have Sense or Touch Flo, the better....

Originally Posted by n8n View Post
Thanks cbreze,

I have not yet tried MS. I'm returning to the WinMo world with a TP2 after a few years on BB. WinMo now seems sluggish relatively.

I don't need all the eye-candy of the sense UI, particularly if I can trade that for performance and customization. I've been aware of MS since my days of yore with a Treo 700p, although I never tried it.

I feel that with today's hardware, there is plenty of system resources to make it fly and MS is likely the best option to get me the performance I want.

So my question is not really to MS or not to MS, I will in fact try it and most likely make it my default.

The question is really, do I use a custom ROM underneath to enhance MS stability/performance.

All the gee-wiz performance hog crapware and UI drives me crazy. I want speed and flexibility, and will sacrifice all the animations for them.

I have a few killer apps that I'd like to include in a core ROM, and I'm wondering if its worth the trouble of getting into ROM flashing, or whether I should just install on my stock ROM add MS and my killer apps.

Hence the question I posted, soliciting responses from MS users who have used with and without custom ROMs.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 03:19 PM
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Re: Why use SPB Mobile shell with custom roms out?

Originally Posted by mprezive View Post
Hey everyone, I'm new here and I just gave mobile shell 3.5 a try (using the trial now). I am not a huge fan of paying for software, but I'm highly considering paying for this It is smooth, I can custimize everything, and it is easy to use. There are some downfalls (bugs), but they are minimal and aren't really a huge deal.

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 03:26 PM
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Re: Why use SPB Mobile shell with custom roms out?

I switched to SPB Mobile for simple battery life alone. I turned off TF3D, installed tweaks, and nueDynamic clock and I'm getting 30 hours + as opposed to 10-14 hrs with average use of phone and net. Interface is really friendly and the contacts tab and search option is really nice.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 04:15 PM
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Re: Why use SPB Mobile shell with custom roms out?

Originally Posted by quazimodem View Post
I just noticed that a new version was released today v3.5.2.
Just upgraded... noticed that the HTC Task Manager is gone after updating! Anyone else with the same issue?
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 04:32 PM
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Re: Why use SPB Mobile shell with custom roms out?

Upgrading now, will post results.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 04:36 PM
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Re: Why use SPB Mobile shell with custom roms out?

No problems here, everything went through smoothly. Have you tried re-installing?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: Why use SPB Mobile shell with custom roms out?

Originally Posted by a_medina626 View Post
No problems here, everything went through smoothly. Have you tried re-installing?
Yes, same result... task manager is gone even though it shows as enabled in the control panel. I checked the SPB forums and there is another one with my same issue:

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 04:56 PM
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Re: Why use SPB Mobile shell with custom roms out?

What about trying to install a custom taskbar? Maybe a file got deleted. It's worth a shot.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2009, 04:57 PM
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Wink Re: Why use SPB Mobile shell with custom roms out?

v3.5.2 build 9745 Change log below

Version 3.5.2 (Dec 09, 2009):

•Fixed issue with SMS opening on HTC HD2
•Fixed issue with alarms on HTC HD2
•Fixed issue with settings opening on HTC Windows Mobile 6.5 devices
•Backlight support for new devices
•Added a possibility to send MMS from an unnamed calllog entry
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