12-17-2009, 04:38 AM
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Re: hard spl unlock not working on my replaced phone...
Originally Posted by Yay 4 Juggs
This is a response i got from htc unlocks...
-- HTC-Unlocks --
Bill Indelicato,
the software is provided as-is with no warranties either express or implied.
If you have security concerns then you should not run the program, simple as that, we provide the service of our own free will under our terms, we are not slaves of the public, the software remains our own.
What I will say is that we don't collect any information that can be used to identify you personally, however, if you're unfortunate enough to live in some despot dictatorship with a government that particularly hates you and also has the power to confiscate your equipment in order to identify you then you could have a problem, but then again, if someone had that much power, I doubt they'll be contacting us to ask if your machine was used to Hard-SPL a device, don't you agree?
either way, it's simple: if you don't trust it, don't use it.
Clearly the person replying is not thinking properly...these concerns only come after using the product. not before...we weren't aware of the raising issue before. We weren't subject to proper terms of the unlocker. Although he/she claims that no information is obtained that may be used to identify me personally...i still must disagree. If he/she has access to the inner workings of the device upon activation then he/she certainly have access to information that is pertinent to my identity including contact info...esn...info on business and personal contacts stored in device...naked pics of my wifey...etc.
JESUS what assumptions. no, we don't have or acquire info on any of that!!! why would we care anyway???