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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 06:07 PM
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DAVENRISH is right... I really dont think sprint cares about our complaining. I have an idea... If we all let sprint know that we will leave sprint and go to AT&T for the new HTC TILT unless they fix the bluetooth issue and enable Rev A by a certain date like say ahhhhh... Nov. 15. I bet they will listen then but we have to mean it and really stick to whatever deadline is set! I'd be willing to do it. Because my main reason for getting this phone was for Rev. A. Now I'm just pissed off I got up at 7am and went straight to the htc america web site and have been checking it every hour. No update. Boo! Sprint Boo!
  #92 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by jimmiekain View Post
DAVENRISH is right... I really dont think sprint cares about our complaining. I have an idea... If we all let sprint know that we will leave sprint and go to AT&T for the new HTC TILT unless they fix the bluetooth issue and enable Rev A by a certain date like say ahhhhh... Nov. 15. I bet they will listen then but we have to mean it and really stick to whatever deadline is set! I'd be willing to do it. Because my main reason for getting this phone was for Rev. A. Now I'm just pissed off I got up at 7am and went straight to the htc america web site and have been checking it every hour. No update. Boo! Sprint Boo!
Only problem with that is that we all know people WOULD NEVER stick to it. Many of us, myself included, are still under contract. Unless you are willing to pay all of our ETF's for us, in which case, and only then, I would consider this option. Besides, lets be honest, many of us probably don't live in Rev. A areas anyways. I'm still waiting on the EVDO that was quoted to be in this area in October of 2006 (and no sign of that happening anytime soon). Everyone has been saying this date was merely speculation, and I find it funny that many people (no one in particular) that were cautioning that it was probably a lie are the ones going around bitching that they woke up at 4AM or 6AM for the update that they never really believed would happen anyways. Do you have a right to be pissed that a substantial update hasn't happened to this point? Sure... but to be pissed at Sprint that because some guy no one even knows said it would "possibly" happen? Thats just silly, and the reason the wireless industry in America isn't doing as well as it should. Everyone wants it now now now, but then when they get it by demand and the software is half-assed developed, they get pissed about that and start calling, "I'm gonna cancel if you don't release an update for a mere FRACTION of your customers." I know over on SprintUsers, many of the people pissed threatening to cancel are the ones with the SERO plan. Some bargaining chip people. I remember when people complained because the release date was possibly pushed back to I think October... many of you were pissed, and then all the sudden one day it released, months before expected. Many speculated it was customer demand that got the product released, and the same people are the ones crying now because they use it for their "business" and so forth. Last time I checked, someone who owns a business spends a lot of time working, not refreshing a page all day waiting for an update for their high-end phone.

Last edited by land2634; 10-22-2007 at 06:20 PM.
  #93 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 06:22 PM
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Originally Posted by SomeoneE1se View Post
I set my alarm for 9 this morning. woke up at 12:10 pressed the power button and my alarm went off, kinda made me think my phone just forgot about my alarm, it woke up and went 'SHIT, I was supposed to ring at 9am BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. Time to wake up"
lol... my alarm actually went of perfectly right on schedule... my gf's timex clock alarm didn't go off though (I think she set it for 6:45PM not AM)...
  #94 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Tenny View Post
lol... my alarm actually went of perfectly right on schedule... my gf's timex clock alarm didn't go off though (I think she set it for 6:45PM not AM)...
I hate when I set my alarm for PM. My first thought is to throw the clock, but then I realize what I did and start sweet-talking the alarm clock.
  #95 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by land2634 View Post
Only problem with that is that we all know people WOULD NEVER stick to it. Many of us, myself included, are still under contract. Unless you are willing to pay all of our ETF's for us, in which case, and only then, I would consider this option. Besides, lets be honest, many of us probably don't live in Rev. A areas anyways. I'm still waiting on the EVDO that was quoted to be in this area in October of 2006 (and no sign of that happening anytime soon). Everyone has been saying this date was merely speculation, and I find it funny that many people (no one in particular) that were cautioning that it was probably a lie are the ones going around bitching that they woke up at 4AM or 6AM for the update that they never really believed would happen anyways. Do you have a right to be pissed that a substantial update hasn't happened to this point? Sure... but to be pissed at Sprint that because some guy no one even knows said it would "possibly" happen? Thats just silly, and the reason the wireless industry in America isn't doing as well as it should. Everyone wants it now now now, but then when they get it by demand and the software is half-assed developed, they get pissed about that and start calling, "I'm gonna cancel if you don't release an update for a mere FRACTION of your customers." I know over on SprintUsers, many of the people pissed threatening to cancel are the ones with the SERO plan. Some bargaining chip people. I remember when people complained because the release date was possibly pushed back to I think October... many of you were pissed, and then all the sudden one day it released, months before expected. Many speculated it was customer demand that got the product released, and the same people are the ones crying now because they use it for their "business" and so forth. Last time I checked, someone who owns a business spends a lot of time working, not refreshing a page all day waiting for an update for their high-end phone.

LOL calm down dude its not that big a deal... all i was saying is that Sprint is a business and they are in business for one reasona and one reason only. TO MAKE MONEY... If people walk out, they lose money. NO BUSINESS WANTS THAT. I dont have a sero plan. I pay over $80 a month for my service and I dont think im getting the quality that my hard earned money (from my job that I was off of today) is worth. So eventhough I know all of our bitching, crying and moaning wont help it certainly doesnt hurt to put ideas out there. Have a nice day
  #96 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by land2634 View Post
Only problem with that is that we all know people WOULD NEVER stick to it. Many of us, myself included, are still under contract. Unless you are willing to pay all of our ETF's for us, in which case, and only then, I would consider this option. Besides, lets be honest, many of us probably don't live in Rev. A areas anyways. I'm still waiting on the EVDO that was quoted to be in this area in October of 2006 (and no sign of that happening anytime soon). Everyone has been saying this date was merely speculation, and I find it funny that many people (no one in particular) that were cautioning that it was probably a lie are the ones going around bitching that they woke up at 4AM or 6AM for the update that they never really believed would happen anyways. Do you have a right to be pissed that a substantial update hasn't happened to this point? Sure... but to be pissed at Sprint that because some guy no one even knows said it would "possibly" happen? Thats just silly, and the reason the wireless industry in America isn't doing as well as it should. Everyone wants it now now now, but then when they get it by demand and the software is half-assed developed, they get pissed about that and start calling, "I'm gonna cancel if you don't release an update for a mere FRACTION of your customers." I know over on SprintUsers, many of the people pissed threatening to cancel are the ones with the SERO plan. Some bargaining chip people. I remember when people complained because the release date was possibly pushed back to I think October... many of you were pissed, and then all the sudden one day it released, months before expected. Many speculated it was customer demand that got the product released, and the same people are the ones crying now because they use it for their "business" and so forth. Last time I checked, someone who owns a business spends a lot of time working, not refreshing a page all day waiting for an update for their high-end phone.
Like many people here we purchased this phone to use for work (myself included). I work for an internet company and I AM REQUIRED TO HAVE online access 24/7 wherever I go. I am constantly restarting my fone which in turn causes me to miss texts/calls/emails etc. I am getting a little fed up with this phone. When I first got it I had no issues. Then I started adding programs for work and BOOM phone is SLUGGISH AS HELL!! I am constantly cleaning the phone out, defrag, etc. I wouldn't have any of these issues if Sprint made a attempted to release a decent phone without any problems. But in the end it's all about money. The most stable PPC I have ever had was the 6600. The 6700 was OK but not ass speedy as my 6600.
  #97 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 06:31 PM
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"The cake is a lie"

(if you have played Portal, an obvious reference that can be applied to Sprint ROM updates )

Last edited by HobbesIsReal; 10-22-2007 at 06:49 PM.
  #98 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by TC1 View Post
Do you folks really think griping here like a bunch of college frat boys is going to accomplish anything? Why not post over at the the Sprint site and flood the forum with your gripes?

WOW! I've trying to get in to Sprint Forum and guess what! can't. I guess they know it's coming
  #99 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by steps View Post
Like many people here we purchased this phone to use for work (myself included). I work for an internet company and I AM REQUIRED TO HAVE online access 24/7 wherever I go. I am constantly restarting my fone which in turn causes me to miss texts/calls/emails etc. I am getting a little fed up with this phone. When I first got it I had no issues. Then I started adding programs for work and BOOM phone is SLUGGISH AS HELL!! I am constantly cleaning the phone out, defrag, etc. I wouldn't have any of these issues if Sprint made a attempted to release a decent phone without any problems. But in the end it's all about money. The most stable PPC I have ever had was the 6600. The 6700 was OK but not ass speedy as my 6600.
I realize many people use it for their work. The thing I'm saying is that everyone was whining back in May when the release date was going to be around October... everyone pushed and pushed and pushed and it ended up coming out at least 4 months sooner. You say you had the 6600 and 6700, so you of all people should know how PPC's work and should have expected it. You can't have it both ways. If Sprint hadn't released it yet so they could make sure it was bug free, you would be whining and moaning in another thread about how Sprint doesn't care about their customers and why can't they just release it. As I said before, I see a lot of people whining for something that was highly speculated to be rumor in the first place.
  #100 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2007, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by steps View Post
Like many people here we purchased this phone to use for work (myself included). I work for an internet company and I AM REQUIRED TO HAVE online access 24/7 wherever I go. I am constantly restarting my fone which in turn causes me to miss texts/calls/emails etc. I am getting a little fed up with this phone. When I first got it I had no issues. Then I started adding programs for work and BOOM phone is SLUGGISH AS HELL!! I am constantly cleaning the phone out, defrag, etc. I wouldn't have any of these issues if Sprint made a attempted to release a decent phone without any problems. But in the end it's all about money. The most stable PPC I have ever had was the 6600. The 6700 was OK but not ass speedy as my 6600.

Right own brotha right own! LOL
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