Poking around I figured out how to get the phone to be in the dim glowing state first mentioned in this post...
Note: I am using the UserIdle power state simply because it is not enabled by default and is a good place to test changes to the power management.
Here is what I did:
- Add a timeout for the UserIdle State on both AC and Battery.
- Set the Power-Manageable display to state D0 - always on (if this is turned off (D4) it also kills any backlight control - Some other power management states are available, but are not relevant to this thread)
- Set Backlight to go to power state D3 (this is what dims the screen way down and turns off the button backlighting)
Make sure you have the Display and PowerOff timeouts set to longer than the UserIdle timeouts specified below. Make the registry changes, wait the prescribed number of seconds and you see the "dim" state we have been seeing. Any user action will make the screen brighten to the normal level.
So the question is since none of the power related registry keys are putting the backlight into D3, what is explicitly forcing it to D3, and what can we do to stop it.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\UserIdle\{EB91C7C9-8BF6-4a2d-9AB8-69724EED97D1}]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\Timeouts]