Tethering, ##778#, and EPST app question. another way?
i was looking through this epst app since i was already in there fixing my slow ringer. i got the idea from the reg tweaks thread.
Anyway i had a queestion here. i was looking through all the tabs. and i saw this
M.IP Customer profile. there are 2 of these enabled. the default and profile 1.
the M.IP im assuming stands for mobile ip. Each of these has an NAI option in them.
in the default profile, under NAI it has my hex ESN number with -at-hcm-dot-sprintpcs-dot-com following after it. so it would look something like this...
357F1789-at-hcm-dot-sprintpcs-dot-com - following me so far?
the next profile. M.IP profile 1 has something different under the NAI option. it has my first initial and last name with 07 at the end followed by -at-sprintpcs-dot-com - so if my name was bob jones, it would look like this
Im pretty sure at this point, that one of these profiles is for internet on the phone, and one of them is for tethering. Looks that way
So my question would be, what if i changed the NAI option under the default profile (tethering profile?) to the same as the NAI option under the profile #1?? or vice versa, i might have them mixed up. It looks to me that along with the registry tweaks, this may or may not give us tethering for sure. Does anyone have any knowledge on this?? if so please elaborate
please note that the -at- i put in here equals the 'at' sign , the same sign you put inemail addy's .. i just couldnt include them cause of forum spam rules . im a new user and it wont let me put 'addresses' in my post yet
another edit. had to trim my post even more. thanks anti spam filter, now i cant put the dot in dot com