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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 11:14 AM
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GPS on MetroPCS - HTC 6800

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting. I have been looking around for the past few weeks and for the most part i've been find the info I need by searching, but I need some help with this. I have an Alltel HTC 6800 that's been flashed over to MetroPCS (the legal way) and I can't seem to get my GPS working. It came loaded with WM6.1, ROM version 3.52.671.9, and Radio 3.42.50. So far i've got my internet working by following a few guides that are here on the forum, and i've done the same for GPS but to no avail. From what I understand, my version from Alltel comes with GPS already active so there are no settings that I need to change to unlock the GPS function. I have my location settings set to "On", and have the GPS Program Port set to COM 4, Hardware port set to "(none)" Baud rate 4800, and Manage GPS Automatically is checked. I followed this guide for super-fast lockon http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=36377 and i've went over it 3 times and set the gpsOne settings according to the ones that Fred_dj provided which is in the second post of that thread. I've double-checked in QPST to make sure the settings stuck after a soft reset and everything is still there, i've also done the registry setting changes, but all I can manage to get is "Seeking GPS satellites (0)" in Google Maps and it can't seem to lock on. Settings in Googe Maps and set correctly, i've tried standing outside to see if that works, but it doesn't. I downloaded GPSViewer and it seems to find satellites, they come up but just disappear, it's found up to 8 or 9 at one point but they just disappear and never fully lock. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please let me know, I would really appreciate it. Thanks
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 09:52 PM
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Re: GPS on MetroPCS - HTC 6800

Originally Posted by emartinez13 View Post
Hi everyone, this is my first time posting. I have been looking around for the past few weeks and for the most part i've been find the info I need by searching, but I need some help with this. I have an Alltel HTC 6800 that's been flashed over to MetroPCS (the legal way) and I can't seem to get my GPS working. It came loaded with WM6.1, ROM version 3.52.671.9, and Radio 3.42.50. So far i've got my internet working by following a few guides that are here on the forum, and i've done the same for GPS but to no avail. From what I understand, my version from Alltel comes with GPS already active so there are no settings that I need to change to unlock the GPS function. I have my location settings set to "On", and have the GPS Program Port set to COM 4, Hardware port set to "(none)" Baud rate 4800, and Manage GPS Automatically is checked. I followed this guide for super-fast lockon http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=36377 and i've went over it 3 times and set the gpsOne settings according to the ones that Fred_dj provided which is in the second post of that thread. I've double-checked in QPST to make sure the settings stuck after a soft reset and everything is still there, i've also done the registry setting changes, but all I can manage to get is "Seeking GPS satellites (0)" in Google Maps and it can't seem to lock on. Settings in Googe Maps and set correctly, i've tried standing outside to see if that works, but it doesn't. I downloaded GPSViewer and it seems to find satellites, they come up but just disappear, it's found up to 8 or 9 at one point but they just disappear and never fully lock. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please let me know, I would really appreciate it. Thanks
I do not know man but i did not try those hacks and my mogul's GPS is working without problems, did you tried to used without the tweaks?.

P.S. I get lock on within 4-8 seconds.
Network: MetroPCS

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 11:24 PM
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Re: GPS on MetroPCS - HTC 6800

Originally Posted by Sequeira74 View Post
I do not know man but i did not try those hacks and my mogul's GPS is working without problems, did you tried to used without the tweaks?.

P.S. I get lock on within 4-8 seconds.

Well, without those changes, the default settings for gpsOne are set to whatever Alltel has set up. I didn't try it with their settings since I have MetroPCS and I don't think I can connect to Alltel's servers since I don't have their service.

As soon as I started trying to get my GPS to work, I followed the post that helps you get a quick lock to gps and never tried the original Alltel settings. But, I would think it wouldn't work with the original settings because it has Alltel's server IP settings and not Metro's. I dunno....between trying to get this to work and my stupid Wi-Fi not detecting my home network, it's driving me insane! Anyways, thanks for the response. Oh, btw, you said you didn't have to mess with those settings and you're GPS works, do you also have MetroPCS or do you have a different provider?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2009, 11:46 PM
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Smile Re: GPS on MetroPCS - HTC 6800

Success!!!! I'm so happy...minutes after posting my last reply I thought about what you said, that you didn't have to mess with the settings and that it worked. So, I went into QPST and re-wrote back the original settings and changed the registry accordingly and presto! It works now...took literaly seconds to lock onto 5 satellites and the postion it said I was at was perfect. Thanks for putting my mind back into gear, I guess I got too happy with tinkering with the settings and should have just left them alone.

I had been trying to get it to work for 2 days and I was going crazy. Ok, now, if I can only get my Wi-Fi working...all will be well.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-24-2009, 09:11 PM
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Re: GPS on MetroPCS - HTC 6800

Yes i do have metroPCS, what GPS software are you willing to use?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2009, 12:10 AM
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Re: GPS on MetroPCS - HTC 6800

Hello! i manage to get my sprint mogul flash on metropcs. I have the internet working, but not MMS. Which program do u use for the gps? my phone came with "sprintnav" but it only work when im in a wifi connection and does not work over metro internet, and i've also try using google maps and it kept dialing (#777) over the sprint network and does not automatically dial it for metro's network. any idea why? and also in order to use metro's internet do you guys have to go to setting -->then connection-->under new network then u connect? or is there a way it could automatically dial to metro's connection without trying to connect to sprint?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2009, 07:22 PM
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Re: GPS on MetroPCS - HTC 6800

Originally Posted by cliff4sho View Post
Hello! i manage to get my sprint mogul flash on metropcs. I have the internet working, but not MMS. Which program do u use for the gps? my phone came with "sprintnav" but it only work when im in a wifi connection and does not work over metro internet, and i've also try using google maps and it kept dialing (#777) over the sprint network and does not automatically dial it for metro's network. any idea why? and also in order to use metro's internet do you guys have to go to setting -->then connection-->under new network then u connect? or is there a way it could automatically dial to metro's connection without trying to connect to sprint?
Ok, for MMS:
GPS, I use Garmin XT you do not need internet connection and it works 100%,
forget about Telenav. Now, if your phone is flashed to metroPCS I'll recommen you to Flash a custom ROM (DCD'S) and then create the internet connection, the problem is that you have the stock ROM "Sprint" in your Mogul so when you try to connect to internet it override any new connection, if you do not know how to create the internet connection for MetroPCS follow this:http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=37362 , Hope this help you, Let me know.

P.S. DO NOT let the customization run, you know the 3,2,1.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2009, 01:30 AM
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Re: GPS on MetroPCS - HTC 6800

I have a Mogul on MetroPCS and you should make sure to set the GPS ComPort to COM4. I'm not sure why but after I made the changes, Google Maps, Live Search and some other GPS based applications work very well.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2009, 10:31 AM
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Re: GPS on MetroPCS - HTC 6800

Originally Posted by Sequeira74 View Post
Ok, for MMS:
GPS, I use Garmin XT you do not need internet connection and it works 100%,
forget about Telenav. Now, if your phone is flashed to metroPCS I'll recommen you to Flash a custom ROM (DCD'S) and then create the internet connection, the problem is that you have the stock ROM "Sprint" in your Mogul so when you try to connect to internet it override any new connection, if you do not know how to create the internet connection for MetroPCS follow this:http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=37362 , Hope this help you, Let me know.

P.S. DO NOT let the customization run, you know the 3,2,1.
Yeah, i've found that the htc_cm_guardian file, or whatever it's called would run and delete all the metro settings, replacing that file with a "dummy" file with the same name prevented the alltel settings from coming back. My wife's sprint 6800 did the same thing until i replaced that file. Btw, what would be the advantages of running a DCD custom rom over say, my alltel rom? Also, any ideas where I can "acquire" garmin xt?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 12:23 PM
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Re: GPS on MetroPCS - HTC 6800

Originally Posted by emartinez13 View Post
Success!!!! I'm so happy...minutes after posting my last reply I thought about what you said, that you didn't have to mess with the settings and that it worked. So, I went into QPST and re-wrote back the original settings and changed the registry accordingly and presto! It works now...took literaly seconds to lock onto 5 satellites and the postion it said I was at was perfect. Thanks for putting my mind back into gear, I guess I got too happy with tinkering with the settings and should have just left them alone.

I had been trying to get it to work for 2 days and I was going crazy. Ok, now, if I can only get my Wi-Fi working...all will be well.

I just sent you a PM about this as well. I am on metropcs with a flashed HTC vogue (formerly sprint). I am running NFSFAN's latest ROm v7 6.5. I have managed to set the internet and MMS working, but the GPS is a no-go at the moment. Am trying to get the GPS working. Could you post your exact settings that you used for QPST and registry:
1. QPST - did you uncheck all boxes, or check them completely, or partially?
2. QPST - what settings are you using for PDE port, PDE IP, PDE transport and Position calculation.
3. Registry - what settings are you using (Alltel or Metro) based on the post http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=36377 here? What is your server IP, GPS mode, and server port under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\SUPL AGPS ?
4. Location Setting under "Phone\menu\options...\Services\Location Setting" set to ON?
5. under " GPS settings:
start/settings/system/external gps" Program Tab: Com 4
Hardware Tab: gps hardare port= none, baudrate = 4800 baud
Access Tab: check 'manage gps automatically'

Would be really grateful if you could post exact values that work for you.

Last edited by anithinks; 04-24-2009 at 12:30 PM.
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