Originally Posted by emartinez13
Success!!!! I'm so happy...minutes after posting my last reply I thought about what you said, that you didn't have to mess with the settings and that it worked. So, I went into QPST and re-wrote back the original settings and changed the registry accordingly and presto! It works now...took literaly seconds to lock onto 5 satellites and the postion it said I was at was perfect. Thanks for putting my mind back into gear, I guess I got too happy with tinkering with the settings and should have just left them alone.
I had been trying to get it to work for 2 days and I was going crazy. Ok, now, if I can only get my Wi-Fi working...all will be well.
can you show us what qpst gpsone settings you used... what you have checked and unchecked on the left hand side... PDE ip address you used... PDE port number... PDE transport... and position calculation...
and what you used for the registry settings under HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\SUPL AGPS
gps mode
server port
server ip