Originally Posted by Sequeira74
I do not know man but i did not try those hacks and my mogul's GPS is working without problems, did you tried to used without the tweaks?.
P.S. I get lock on within 4-8 seconds. 
Well, without those changes, the default settings for gpsOne are set to whatever Alltel has set up. I didn't try it with their settings since I have MetroPCS and I don't think I can connect to Alltel's servers since I don't have their service.
As soon as I started trying to get my GPS to work, I followed the post that helps you get a quick lock to gps and never tried the original Alltel settings. But, I would think it wouldn't work with the original settings because it has Alltel's server IP settings and not Metro's. I dunno....between trying to get this to work and my stupid Wi-Fi not detecting my home network, it's driving me insane! Anyways, thanks for the response. Oh, btw, you said you didn't have to mess with those settings and you're GPS works, do you also have MetroPCS or do you have a different provider?