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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2009, 02:15 AM
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Re: back to a dinosaur

Ok well in that case I will call asurion tomorrow and see how much they are going to charge me for another phone, if it is a over 50.00 then I might reconsider and just stick with the dinosaur I will keep you all updated.
Well now IVe had the touch pro for about a year and welll its just as dissapointing as the mogul was ....now they may give me this TP2 but i wonder if its time to go a different route than this WM
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2009, 02:48 AM
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Re: back to a dinosaur

So i just went on the web and was going through the asurion online etc. and got to the point that they tell me what phone they are going to send me and LORD BEHOLD IT SAYS HTC Touch pro, (formally the number not the name but it does say something like 6850 or something) but then it tells me sorry cannot be completed. please call asurion I WAS LIKE DANG YOU GOT TO BE B.S ing me. SO I have to call tomorrow and see what they say with my luck they will change it up.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2009, 09:34 AM
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Re: back to a dinosaur

=D> Wow have you been paying attention lately. They have been giving Pros out for along time but it is hit and miss now that refurb are back in stock. I'm not even a sprint user and I know this.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 02-25-2009, 11:16 AM
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Re: back to a dinosaur

Originally Posted by drewcam888 View Post
=D> Wow have you been paying attention lately. They have been giving Pros out for along time but it is hit and miss now that refurb are back in stock. I'm not even a sprint user and I know this.
LOL yes I have been paying attention drewcam but i wasnt getting my hopes up because like you said it was hit or miss....and for good reason because I CALLED today and it was a MISS. they are sending me another reconditioned mogul and you being a sprint user or not has nothing to do with you know the information that is collectively on the same phone model forum that you have.

O well back to the mogul lets see if asurion gets it right this time last time I had my mogul replaced they sent a phone that was reconditioned and still had problems. And I had to send it back then they sent a brand new in the box mogul that was fine for a while.
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