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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2007, 10:23 PM
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Thank you Electro Rice ;)

It took me 10 min to figure it out after i got sprint to give me my msl.

I finally figured out that i should go to connections under settings.

click on manage existing conn, and select phone as modem and just exit.

I had to reset my phone a few times for the tethering to work.

I knew i was on the right track when i finally clicked on internet explorer on my pda and it finally connected online. If your phone will not get online here then something is wrong. Maybe try softbooting.

click on internet sharing next, check phone as modem, click connect before you plug in the usb. Plug in the usb and in 30 or so seconds you should be online.

PS you do not have to disable active sync.

electrorice yoo soo rule.

Just a fyi from a newbie to other newbies.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2007, 11:22 PM
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doesnt work for me
gives me errors and would not connect even with my pocket IE after i try the internet sharing

help please...
i did everything step by step
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2007, 10:37 AM
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I may not be correct on this, but as far as I understand it Mobile IP Only vs. Mobile IP Preferred doesn't really have much to do if you are allowed to tether.

On CDMA 2000 you have the option of a Simple IP or a Mobile IP. A Simple IP is an IP that will not handoff between towers. A Mobile IP gives you a persistant IP that stays the same as you move between cell areas.

Mobile IP Preferred just means that it prefers to get a Mobile IP but will accept a Simple IP if it can't get one (so I can see how this fixed the data problem of the original poster). I can't see how this option will prevent Sprint from billing you for PAM if they want to (but I don't know what the registry settings might affect).
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2007, 10:50 AM
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i dunno what the need is to hide the modem. i use my 6800 as a modem all the time, downloading files surfing the web and even playing wow for hrs on the go, i've never done a reg hack to hide tethering and i've never been billed for it same goes for when i on my 6700... and all i have is the sero plan.... dunno so this all kinda seems pointless to me
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2007, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by evilecho
i dunno what the need is to hide the modem. i use my 6800 as a modem all the time, downloading files surfing the web and even playing wow for hrs on the go, i've never done a reg hack to hide tethering and i've never been billed for it same goes for when i on my 6700... and all i have is the sero plan.... dunno so this all kinda seems pointless to me
The concern here is 6700 was not PAM support device and Sprint reportedly has no way to know whether you are tethering (which you shouldn't do under terms and conditions unless you have paid for PAM plan) or using data on your phone. On the other hand, 6800 is PAM aware device and Sprint can charge you if they have evidence that you are tethering. I think people here are discussing two different things. One is how to use 6800 for tethering without getting caught, and the other is how to tether using PAM rather than Sprint PCS connection since PAM seems to provide faster connection. For me, I'm more intereseted in the first issue since the speed is already acceptable for occasional emailing and web surfing on my latop, but certainly I don't like to be charged huge $$ for tethering.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2007, 07:39 PM
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I was using my mogul tethered for 2 days. As per electrorice's methods.

Today i woke up grabbed my phone and every time i try to access the internet on my phone, It dials #777 and i get a 67 error.

I have softbooted 10+ times, checked my config settings which are correct, and each time i get 67 data error.

im going to go home tonight and change back my msl back from mobile ip preferred to the mobile only.

If that does not work i will have to hard reset my phone.

any suggestions?
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2007, 07:57 PM
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i dunno why you would get error 67 again. i've been using it ever since the first time i changed it and I've had no issues. You don't have to hard reset the phone, just re-provision the data services. Go back into EPST using your MSL code and go to menu, then Reset to reset your data profile. it'll have you reset the phone when it's done. once you've finished loading back up, try to connect to the internet, at which point sprint will provision data services again and you should be on with no issues.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2007, 01:16 AM
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Is the Mobile IP change required to do this change?
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2007, 07:19 PM
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it is a possibility.. i'm not for sure. the only reason i recommended it was after i changed the Mobile IP setting, I was able to dial-up/tether using PAM without an error.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2007, 07:36 PM
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in regards to electrorice, sprint had me re-provision the data services. with the MSL code in the menu, and reset.

The phone came back up fine, but i was still getting the 67 error.

He tried re-provisioning it on his end but kept on comming up with errors.

Now it works but had to hard reset / reset the data services / re-provision.

I was at my witts end before i deciced to call sprint.

Atleast the tech was kool and knowledgable.

thanks for the replies yall..
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