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drewcam888 11-17-2009 01:51 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
Actually all new Verizon PPC are uncrippled.

sHockz 11-17-2009 04:40 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
i have gone through 3 moguls in 2 weeks, all refurbs. i refuse to take a defective device (keyboard failures, every one) and call this a replacement phone.

edit - sprint have been complete **** heads about this to. they will not acknowledge the issue.

TrueArsenic 11-18-2009 03:52 AM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
Thanks for the well wishes. I switched to Verizon over the weekend and actually ended up with the Droid. I already like it more than i liked my mogul when i got it. By far the easiest phone i've ever used. Yeah, i know Verizon might charge more, but I'd rather pay more and get more. I was with Verizon previously and they've provided better customer service than Sprint, and a larger 3g network. I use a LOT of data and I travel a lot of places where Sprint doesn't offer 3g, but Verizon does. I tried to get my mogul to roam to VZn's towers to get 3G but Sprint/Verizon didn't have a data roaming agreement in my area. Come to find out from a sprint rep that sprint just didn't feel that it was worth it in this area. The end result is where I live, 7 out of 10 people have Verizon. Sprint's been promising 3g in this area for 4 years and I just got tired of waiting. I'm actually happy with Verizon so far. I feel like i'm getting more for my money. I don't mind paying more for service as long as I can see that it's worth the extra cash.

ps- the Droid is sick. Way faster than any ppc i've ever used, and with all the apps, I've found everything i've looked for, with the exception of 2 things which are still in development. It's actually a really great alternative to a PPC.. not to bash PPC's or their users. I was a ppc user for a lonnnng time, and probably will be again in the future!

TrueArsenic 11-18-2009 03:53 AM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
And yes, the new PPC's (touch pro 2) don't have any of the vzn crippling garbage on them. Just decided to go with the Droid to check it out.

Recursion 11-20-2009 01:07 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
UP UP ...

Any changes anyone? I just activated an old Mogul & can't check yet ("...within 30 days..."). I'm hoping they swap them to a TouchPro, for obvious reasons. ;)

DAL_MOBILE 11-21-2009 06:13 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
F.Y.I. Refurb Mogul arrived 11-20-09. Sprint store didn't offer me anything else. (Dallas, TX)

surgeman 11-21-2009 07:07 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
Same here...had to do an advance exchange..and got the Mogul back..Sad fact..it was in worse shape than the one I needed exchanged..lol...11/20/2009 mine arrived

potatoofdoom 11-21-2009 10:37 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
I have had at least 6 moguls in the past 2 months, everytime I pick up my new one, it has the keyboard defect where you either get no letters at all, or 2 to 4 of the same letter from one button push.

Sprint has given me 3 options. 1) Keep going back over and over again for defective refurb moguls. 2) Take an HTC Snap instead, which has a much smaller keyboard, no touch screen, and no wifi. 3) Take a Treo Pro, which also has a rediculously small keyboard.

The two other phones would be free and I can take them without extending my contract. I'm not sure if I would get a new one in the box or a refurb. My problem is that these devices have tiny keyboards and thusly, in mind my only I think, are not comprable to the mogul. Every Sprint rep that I have talked to thus far insists that the Snap and Treo Pro are the ONLY comprable devices. I asked about the Touch Pro and, get this... A rep at the Sprint store stated that they no longer sell it. I pointed out that I could buy one from sprint online right now if I wanted to. She had an "oh crap" look on her face and stammered about how she cannot control what they sell online. I stated that Sprint is one company, not an online retailer that just happens to have independent stores set up. She shrugged and said "well I don't know what to tell you." Furthermore, regarding the Touch Pro, the rep stated "Even if we could, I wouldn't sell it to anybody because it has so many problems." Wow.

Then, I inquired about the Touch Pro 2, she chuckled at me and said, "that's a world phone, there's no way we would give you one of those for free."

So, before I rant any more, sprint still has plenty of Moguls left, and from my experience, all of them are defective, garbage refurbs. Furthermore, it seems that sprint would rather either: 1) Provide unlimited refurbished phones to everyone who still has a mogul, 2) Lose a customer of 6 years over this situation, or 3) Provide lesser, very unpopular phones in lieu of what they should provide.

I wish everyone the best of luck with their situations. All I can say is to not give up until you are satisfied, even if that means leaving Sprint to go to another, slightly better, equally bad, or worse serivce.

Austan 11-22-2009 07:18 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
they did not have a new mogal like they said I would be getting just another defective mogal from the store. it will not provision!!! I have no data at all. grrrrr waiting for another one this will be 7 this month 15 total. sprint has the worst customer service! :protest:
end rant

potatoofdoom 11-22-2009 09:04 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Originally Posted by Tonedabone (Post 881770)
Dude you went through a lot of pain and trouble for nothing. You could have read the thread and saw for $100 you could have went through Asurion on the web and got you phone without going to Sprint store, repair shop, or even having to deal with the new girl ..lol. ...and yes, they would have still sent it over night it to you.

I don't think I should have to pay 100 dollars. The phone was defective before it touched my hands. Why should I have to pay 100 dollars for Sprint's mistakes? They should be paying me at this point.

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