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-   -   Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs? (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=56992)

endoethedon 07-22-2009 12:15 AM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
i would have to say yes, i went into sprint . they ordered a refurb'ed mogul. two days later it came to the store. and there is no mogul displayed inside either. as soon as i got that one it was still messed up more than the one i exchanged. and had to get anotherone sent to me..its four days and counting..so when the third one comes in ill let u know!!!! :violent2:

Shoot2ill 07-23-2009 11:04 AM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
After receiving 2 replacement "refurbished" (though I prefer the term "used") Moguls with defective keyboards from my local Sprint store, I refused to receive a 3rd. I spoke with the manager who informed me that all refurbished Moguls were having the same issue, and that he would order me a Touch Pro. I just received the Touch Pro yesterday and am very pleased.

Note: I have TEP.

sHockz 07-23-2009 02:31 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Originally Posted by Shoot2ill (Post 1054575)
After receiving 2 replacement "refurbished" (though I prefer the term "used") Moguls with defective keyboards from my local Sprint store, I refused to receive a 3rd. I spoke with the manager who informed me that all refurbished Moguls were having the same issue, and that he would order me a Touch Pro. I just received the Touch Pro yesterday and am very pleased.

Note: I have TEP.

Very weird, i went to the sprint repair center by me yesterday and complained and tried to get upgraded and refused to let them replace my phone with a refurb again....did you request to talk to the manager directly? What all did you say?

Shoot2ill 07-24-2009 02:14 AM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
Yeah I asked to speak to the manager. I had to wait until the next morning to see him. I told him I refused another refurbished phone. I suppose part of his lack of resistance could have been due to the number of defective Moguls he was getting in. He said that ALL the replacement Moguls they were ordering were coming in defective.

But either way, 2 defective Moguls is unacceptable. I was prepared to go to Dan Hesse had the manager not cooperated.

And I am now in love with my Touch Pro.

RELLD05 07-25-2009 04:37 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
Hey I have a similar story, Sprint Exec. Services set it up where I would get me Moto Q9C replaced with a Mogul (long story how I got that). So last Saturday I pick it up, and as soon as I start using it I notice the keyboard repeated letter constantly. I called the store manager and she wanted me to come in so that they could replace the keyboard. Not wanting this I then called CS and EVENTUALLY (also a long story) a technical service rep agreed to send me a brand new TP, should be here Tuesday.

desunnysi1989 07-26-2009 05:54 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
Okay can someone PLEASEEE help me here. i am on my 15th!!!! MOGUL. If you think your frustrated, try to understand my situation. I went to the sprint store and refused another refurb, but all they said they could do was give me a refurb. So i demanded to talk to the manager and he told me the same thing. I only had 2 replaced phone due to my error, and the 13 OTHERS were all due to defects in the MOGUL. I'm on my 14th mogul now, which WONT STOP REBOOTING, so i went back to the sprint store and they ordered me another one. I will prob get another mogul this tuesday. Is there a number i can call and have a nice little chat with someone other than the brainless customer service representatives. I dont think i can handle another mogul.....15 is enough. I tried to go through my insurance company but since i already have 2 phones replaced, they would drop my insurance and charge me $100 for the pro. I refuse to pay any other dime to sprint. I already paid for a PHONE, instead I have a thing that just lights up occasionally. Did any of you guys have to pay for the upgraded pro?

c_hernandez32 07-27-2009 12:08 AM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
I have the insurance but was wondering how it works if I got a phone from a friend. A work buddy gave me his Apache after upgrading to the Mogul and now gave me his Mogul after switching to T-Mobile. I haven't even switched the phone over but have noticed that it has a bright spot and suffers from repeated key presses. Can I get Sprint to swap it even though I got it used? Do I have to pay anything?

Shoot2ill 07-27-2009 01:53 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Originally Posted by desunnysi1989 (Post 1061224)
Okay can someone PLEASEEE help me here. i am on my 15th!!!! MOGUL. If you think your frustrated, try to understand my situation. I went to the sprint store and refused another refurb, but all they said they could do was give me a refurb. So i demanded to talk to the manager and he told me the same thing. I only had 2 replaced phone due to my error, and the 13 OTHERS were all due to defects in the MOGUL. I'm on my 14th mogul now, which WONT STOP REBOOTING, so i went back to the sprint store and they ordered me another one. I will prob get another mogul this tuesday. Is there a number i can call and have a nice little chat with someone other than the brainless customer service representatives. I dont think i can handle another mogul.....15 is enough. I tried to go through my insurance company but since i already have 2 phones replaced, they would drop my insurance and charge me $100 for the pro. I refuse to pay any other dime to sprint. I already paid for a PHONE, instead I have a thing that just lights up occasionally. Did any of you guys have to pay for the upgraded pro?


Daniel.R.Hesse@sprint.com - Dan Hesse - President and CEO (Yes
Dan@Sprint.com is an auto responder)
Robert.H.Brust@sprint.com - Robert Brust - Chief Financial Officer
Keith.Cowan@sprint.com - Keith Cowan - President, Strategic Planning and
Corporate Initiatives
Paget.L.Alves@sprint.com - Paget Alves - President of Sales and
John.A.Garcia@sprint.com - John Garcia - Acting Chief Marketing Officer
Chris.A.Hill@sprint.com - Chris Hill - Vice President, Corporate
Governance and Ethics, Corporate Secretary
Len.Kennedy@sprint.com Len Kennedy - General Counsel
Bob.johnson@sprint.com - Bob Johnson - Chief Service Officer
Richard.T.C.LeFave@sprint.com - Richard LaFave - Chief Information
Sandra.J.Price@sprint.com - Sandra Price - Senior Vice President of
Human Resources
Kathryn.Walker@sprint.com - Kathryn Walker - Chief Network Officers
barry.west@sprint.com - Barry West - Chief Technology Officer
bill.white@sprint.com - Bill White - Senior Vice President of Corporate

desunnysi1989 07-27-2009 07:35 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?
I have this e-mail written out and I am sending it to ALL the e-mails. Sorry for the "----" and "###", just blocked out the information for safety purposes.

Monday July 27, 2009
Mr. Dan Hesse, Sprint Board of Directors, et al.
I have been a sprint customer for over a year now and I am really disappointed with your service. I purchased two (2) HTC moguls through sprint.com when I activated my plan. Both Moguls have been complete failures. I always pay my phone service bill and insurance fees. My phone, ##########, alone has gone through almost fifteen (15) replacements. If you do not believe me, I am asking you to check my account history. My account number is #########. Two of the fifteen were my fault, and I paid for a replacement, but the other thirteen (13) have been due to glitches or malfunctions of the actual device. My other line, ##########, is going thru similar issues. Now here is where I am very disappointed with your service.
I tried calling customer service asking for another model phone, but that was of no help. They only lied to me and told me they would contact me back, but they never did. Instead I called them back, and they claim to have no record of my 1.5 hour long conversation. On June 6th 2009, I spoke to sprint customer service representatives by the name of Ruspy, Kitaline, and Capalina. I also left a voice mail on Capalina’s manager’s phone since Capalina advised me that her manager is not available and will call me back in a day. Capalina’s manager never called me back so I called again a few days later and another sales representative said that they cannot find specific sales representatives and that there is nothing they can do. Instead she gave me some useless CARE email:

eTicket #
Ending in 15769
Date/Time Received
06/16/2009 04:46 PM CST
Customer Name
UTStarcom PPC-6800
Description of Issue
Keypad Inoperable Keypad Inoperable
Estimated Time
Will vary depending on the Sprint store you visit
Estimated S&R Cost
To be determined by the Sprint store upon your device inspection

This did absolutely nothing for me other than waste more of my time. I am tired of this constant run around that Sprint keeps doing to me. I refuse to be handled like this. As I am doing my research online, it seems I am not the only one who feels as if they are getting this run around by Sprint.
Every Mogul I have received after my initial purchase has had some sort of problem with it. I am constantly going to the sprint store to have it “repaired”. The store has always failed to actually repair the phone, so instead they send me a replacement, which then I have to wait 2-5 days for. Now I am without a phone for that duration, a duration which I am still paying for “service”. The second from last time, my 13th phone, the reason I had it replaced was due to the fact the device constantly kept turning off and I kept seeing spots all over my screen. I made my way to the sprint store, as usual, and told them about my problems and just as I predicted they stated to order me another one.
When the new phone came, it had similar problems when it came to the white spots on the screen. I told the sales rep that I refused to take this phone because of the damage. The sales rep stated that I would have to accept this phone because they do not cover “cosmetic” damage issues. Let me remind you that this is the NEW phone that sprint was giving me, in return for the one I had sent in for constantly turning off and white spots. I explained further to the sales rep that they cannot give me a phone that is already cosmetically damaged. When I said this, the sales rep went ahead and put in the order for another Mogul “without white spots”. Finally the next phone came in and it has a tiny white spot on it but I decided to let it go and not give the staff a hard time. Now this next phone they gave me, with the tiny white spot, is constantly rebooting. AGAIN, I am back at the sprint store complaining and AGAIN, sprint orders me another phone. As of right now, I am without a phone since I have to wait 2-5 days for a replacement to come in. When that phone comes in, it will most likely have white spots on the screen, and will begin to malfunction within 30 days.
I refuse to have to constantly go back and forth to the sprint store anymore. Over fifteen (15) total replacements are enough for me. I am going to take action against the Sprint PCS Company if BOTH of my moguls are not replaced with another phone with the SAME features as I have already paid for other than the Mogul. I am willing to hire an attorney and even more willing to report Sprint PCS to the Better Business Bureau. I have had a great deal of patience with Sprint PCS, but I’m sorry, that patience has ended and it’s time to take action. I have started by writing this e-mail, and am very willing to go to further lengths to have me message heard. I look forward to hearing back from you very soon and I thank you for reading my message.


Shoot2ill 07-27-2009 09:10 PM

Re: Is Sprint still giving out refur'ed MOGULs?

Originally Posted by desunnysi1989 (Post 1063537)
I have this e-mail written out and I am sending it to ALL the e-mails. Sorry for the "----" and "###", just blocked out the information for safety purposes.

Monday July 27, 2009
Mr. Dan Hesse, Sprint Board of Directors, et al.
I have been a sprint customer for over a year now and I am really disappointed with your service. I purchased two (2) HTC moguls through sprint.com when I activated my plan. Both Moguls have been complete failures. I always pay my phone service bill and insurance fees. My phone, ##########, alone has gone through almost fifteen (15) replacements. If you do not believe me, I am asking you to check my account history. My account number is #########. Two of the fifteen were my fault, and I paid for a replacement, but the other thirteen (13) have been due to glitches or malfunctions of the actual device. My other line, ##########, is going thru similar issues. Now here is where I am very disappointed with your service.
I tried calling customer service asking for another model phone, but that was of no help. They only lied to me and told me they would contact me back, but they never did. Instead I called them back, and they claim to have no record of my 1.5 hour long conversation. On June 6th 2009, I spoke to sprint customer service representatives by the name of Ruspy, Kitaline, and Capalina. I also left a voice mail on Capalina’s manager’s phone since Capalina advised me that her manager is not available and will call me back in a day. Capalina’s manager never called me back so I called again a few days later and another sales representative said that they cannot find specific sales representatives and that there is nothing they can do. Instead she gave me some useless CARE email:

eTicket #
Ending in 15769
Date/Time Received
06/16/2009 04:46 PM CST
Customer Name
UTStarcom PPC-6800
Description of Issue
Keypad Inoperable Keypad Inoperable
Estimated Time
Will vary depending on the Sprint store you visit
Estimated S&R Cost
To be determined by the Sprint store upon your device inspection

This did absolutely nothing for me other than waste more of my time. I am tired of this constant run around that Sprint keeps doing to me. I refuse to be handled like this. As I am doing my research online, it seems I am not the only one who feels as if they are getting this run around by Sprint.
Every Mogul I have received after my initial purchase has had some sort of problem with it. I am constantly going to the sprint store to have it “repaired”. The store has always failed to actually repair the phone, so instead they send me a replacement, which then I have to wait 2-5 days for. Now I am without a phone for that duration, a duration which I am still paying for “service”. The second from last time, my 13th phone, the reason I had it replaced was due to the fact the device constantly kept turning off and I kept seeing spots all over my screen. I made my way to the sprint store, as usual, and told them about my problems and just as I predicted they stated to order me another one.
When the new phone came, it had similar problems when it came to the white spots on the screen. I told the sales rep that I refused to take this phone because of the damage. The sales rep stated that I would have to accept this phone because they do not cover “cosmetic” damage issues. Let me remind you that this is the NEW phone that sprint was giving me, in return for the one I had sent in for constantly turning off and white spots. I explained further to the sales rep that they cannot give me a phone that is already cosmetically damaged. When I said this, the sales rep went ahead and put in the order for another Mogul “without white spots”. Finally the next phone came in and it has a tiny white spot on it but I decided to let it go and not give the staff a hard time. Now this next phone they gave me, with the tiny white spot, is constantly rebooting. AGAIN, I am back at the sprint store complaining and AGAIN, sprint orders me another phone. As of right now, I am without a phone since I have to wait 2-5 days for a replacement to come in. When that phone comes in, it will most likely have white spots on the screen, and will begin to malfunction within 30 days.
I refuse to have to constantly go back and forth to the sprint store anymore. Over fifteen (15) total replacements are enough for me. I am going to take action against the Sprint PCS Company if BOTH of my moguls are not replaced with another phone with the SAME features as I have already paid for other than the Mogul. I am willing to hire an attorney and even more willing to report Sprint PCS to the Better Business Bureau. I have had a great deal of patience with Sprint PCS, but I’m sorry, that patience has ended and it’s time to take action. I have started by writing this e-mail, and am very willing to go to further lengths to have me message heard. I look forward to hearing back from you very soon and I thank you for reading my message.


I forgot to mention that the manager at the store I was at had to circumvent their replacement order system in order to get me the Touch Pro. Now that all the Sprint stores have returned their Touch Pro's to their warehouses (they're supposedly going to have a web sale and make room for the Touch Pro 2), he had to order an additional Touch Pro under someone else's name who already had an order in for one. I believe mine is refurbished, but it has zero defects.

Good luck. :mrgreen:

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