The comm manager works for me. I use it and the home plugin, but haven't used the other cabs from the Touch.
Treo 600 -> Treo 650 ->Treo 700p -> Treo 700wx -> Mogul -> Touch Pro -> Touch Pro 2 -> HTC Evo
- [Guide] Get Root access & NAND Unlock your Evo (Full Root) - My Current AppBrain List |
@ wow - OK, thanks! What are the differences with the two? I know Bruce has been busy, but I have lost track with all the updates he has done. EDIT: I found the build history on the PA site.
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,' unless you're a tweaker, and in that case you already fixed it ten times and it's still broken. - Dave Mustaine
http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n...1249020923.gif http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n...1249020658.gif |
Well I do tweak a lot too budney, but when it comes to PA... I'm a little more careful
![]() Check the comm manager thread, it is fixed... it was those 2 font files from WeatherPanel that also caused the blocky text on the in-call screen on the Treo 700. It's just that because it looked bigger I did not recognize it... and the cursive text is also the other font used on the default theme of WP. I have the HTC Touch comm manager, today plugin and dialer. I don't really use my device for music, so the audio manager does nothing for me.
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
ViewSonic gTablet - Flashback Honeycomb Alpha 10.1 --- Don't forget to Search first! |
I do listen to music, but I need my screen space,.. Hence, audio plugin was removed. Installed the HTC X-Button as well, just what I needed. All I need is a nice battery meter!
http://pda.jasnapaka.com/batti/ |
-{ Moto v620 > HTC G3 Wizard > HTC Titan > HTC Diamond > HTC Touch Pro > HTC Touch Pro 2 > HTC EVO 4G }-
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