Re: Noob Question
To clarify...The Operator is your service provider and on my buddy's 6800 from Sprint, you see SprintPCS stuck in the corner of several different screens. One, for example, is the Now screen from spb Mobile Shell. We both have it (spb Mobile Shell) and his shows SprintPCS in the top bar, but mine does not show Alltel. I don't particularly care whether Alltel appears up there or not, I was just wondering if there may be something set-up incorrectly on my phone to cause this to not show and if so does it need to be fixed?
As for the Personalizer, I have downloaded it and it works perfectly. I can have anything I want to appear in those spots, but that still doesn't get me past the question, Should Alltel appear on mine without the Personalizer and if so why isn't it? As far as I know, Alltel may not do this, but I would think that all service providers would want their name splashed on your screen.
Overall, if I have a configuration issue that is causing me not to have the operator show up on the phone, is the same configuration issue causing other problems that I haven't found yet?