My wife graciously purchased my PPC6800 from USCC. She was not aware of the fact that it was used, (she was just told that she was getting a really good deal on it), that is, someone had returned it after using it for 10 days. When I got it, the paper that the screen protector came on, you know, the one that comes with it, well it had been removed.. so I assumed that it was installed... but how can I tell? I'm concerned that the person who installed it may have done it incorrectly and given up and tossed it and maybe I'm scratching my screen? I have a few very very very light scratches, they are VERY EXTREMELY hard to see unless I am outside in the bright sunlight and I hold it a certain angle. I ordered a screen protector, but I don't want to have TWO screen protectors on it... I tried looking at the corners of the screen with an eye piece that is used for looking at diamonds in hopes that I might be able to see any edges of a screen protector, but I can't see any...
any ideas... thoughts?