Re: Phone over heating?
Based on those symptoms, it sounds exactly like you phone is overheating. the red led is always a bad sign. Take her in... but DO NOT mention wmwifirouter.
Re: Phone over heating?
I don't get it bc it's fine when I talk on the phone plug in any other time. I just got my freakin phone set up the way i want it (for a week anyways). But I guess i'll just turn to sprite back up. lol
Re: Phone over heating?
Re: Phone over heating?
this is why only a few phones have wifi. also li-ion batteries have overheat protection, b/c charging hot batteries is never a good plan.
one of my moguls sits on the dash running navizon (gps+wifi), and I have learned to keep it plugged in at all times, this way my battery usually hovers around 3/4, plenty to swap into my other "main" mogul when it's battery gets close to dead. *edit* I need a new plan, now that summer's almost here, don't think the dash will be the best idea.
7 windows to rule them all, 7 windows to find them,
7 windows to bring them all, and in the network bind them. Navizon CM&ResProxyKiller nueRom SuspendResume777 |