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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2008, 04:03 PM
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Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

My battery cover somehow feel off my phone last night and I didn't notice it till it was to late to go back and look for it. And then today, the white screw feel out of the phone. Somehow my phone seems to be falling part and Sprint said they wouldn't replace my battery cover without having to just buy a new one. I know 20 ain't a lot. But I mean dang still why do I pay them 7 a month then?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2008, 04:21 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

Originally Posted by Justin9825 View Post
My battery cover somehow feel off my phone last night and I didn't notice it till it was to late to go back and look for it. And then today, the white screw feel out of the phone. Somehow my phone seems to be falling part and Sprint said they wouldn't replace my battery cover without having to just buy a new one. I know 20 ain't a lot. But I mean dang still why do I pay them 7 a month then?
For that one time when it goes swimming or gets run over or walks away. Believe me, I had to buy those damn things in bulk off ebay. However when my keyboard went kaput and swimming both times got a new Mogul. I know, pain in the butt but still like a gun better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it
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Old 04-28-2008, 04:56 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

ill never pay insurance on any phone. you can get one for 200$ off ebay and probably sell a broken one for parts for 100, whats the point of insurance.
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Old 04-28-2008, 05:22 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

well we all dont ebay it... but im a sprint tech i have never had to make a claim personally but sprints insurance is pretty good... 50 bucks is better than retail or paying 200 on ebay... and let me know i go battery covers galore man...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2008, 05:27 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

the insurance for a four hundred dollar phone is well worth it
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2008, 06:10 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

Originally Posted by aughsum View Post
ill never pay insurance on any phone. you can get one for 200$ off ebay and probably sell a broken one for parts for 100, whats the point of insurance.
This is a somewhat valid point... Once a phone has been out for a while, it becomes less important to keep Insurance on it.

However, when it comes to ebay and the mogul, your current options are 200 for a crappy used phones or 300 for a new phone. You MIGHT get $100 if you sell your broken phone, but not likely if you sent your phone for a swim in the toilet... If you lost it, well, there's no way to recoup costs on ebay...

So, you're looking at a $200 minimum discrepancy between what you can buy a new one for and what you can recoup from your old one.

If you subtract the $50 deductible it costs $150 more to buy an ebay phone than it does to use insurance.. That $150 will pay for 21.5 months of your $7 insurance cost.

I'll stick with insurance for now.. It's worth the extra $15-20 over two years for the peace of mind that they'll overnight me a phone when mine takes a crap.
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Old 04-28-2008, 06:20 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

Originally Posted by aughsum View Post
ill never pay insurance on any phone. you can get one for 200$ off ebay and probably sell a broken one for parts for 100, whats the point of insurance.
Wow, $550 retail phone (most of us didn't pay that much for it though, I know I didn't when I had the mogul). Insurance is only $7 a month for TEP. If you take it to a Sprint store and it can be fixed, free. If it can't $50. I'd choose $50 over $200 any day. You never know what could happen. You could just it and splat, there goes your mogul.

Originally Posted by iggysvr6 View Post
well we all dont ebay it... but im a sprint tech i have never had to make a claim personally but sprints insurance is pretty good... 50 bucks is better than retail or paying 200 on ebay... and let me know i go battery covers galore man...
I agree with this post to the fullest

Originally Posted by soinkster View Post
the insurance for a four hundred dollar phone is well worth it
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2008, 06:22 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

Originally Posted by Justin9825 View Post
My battery cover somehow feel off my phone last night and I didn't notice it till it was to late to go back and look for it. And then today, the white screw feel out of the phone. Somehow my phone seems to be falling part and Sprint said they wouldn't replace my battery cover without having to just buy a new one. I know 20 ain't a lot. But I mean dang still why do I pay them 7 a month then?
Did you call them or take it to a Sprint store? It would seem that they would replace it if you took it to a store.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2008, 07:07 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

A) Despite the fact its a 600$ phone I highly doubt any of us paid over 200$ for it, thats what regular people do. I think mine was..188$? the day it came out.

B) It is a "600$" phone, treat it like one. When the Raphael comes out I'll buy that for a third of the retail and sell my mogul for more than I paid for the Raphael; The same formula ive been going by since my i830 in 2005.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2008, 09:17 PM
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Re: Why do I pay sprint for insurance?!?

Originally Posted by ajones7279 View Post
Did you call them or take it to a Sprint store? It would seem that they would replace it if you took it to a store.
Yeah I called the sprint retail store. I'm thinking about telling calling sprint CS. And telling them about the screws falling off and stuff and that I no longer have the screws. And I might think of something mechinal wrong with it that they can't prove. Like turning it's self off and then ask if I can do to exchange program. But I don't know all the details about that. I'm just pissed a 500 phone is falling apart after 2 months.
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