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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 03:26 PM
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Talking Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2? Not according to the tech at the local repair center

Today at lunch myself and two other co-workers decided that we were going to stop by the repair depot so they could check out our batteries because after 6 months we are experiencing very short battery life. My boss didn't get his phone checked because they insisted on hard resetting it just to put the battery on the conditioner and he has software installed that has data we haven't sync'd with our inventory database yet. I installed the new ROM this morning and my other co worker was still several rev's behind. When we stopped back after lunch the sales guy went back to get our phones and the first thing he said to me was, "We couldn't test your phone because you have a bootleg ROM installed. It's something by Telenav or something" At this point I must have forgotten to count to 10 before I opened my mouth because it went downhill from there. I tried to explain to him about the new release but he refused to believe me because of what his "tech" had told him. He handed me the phone with their paper that said, "Battery p*****. Cannot service phone w/bootleg ROM." The store manager was walking by and stopped for a moment and said, "Actually that ROM was officially released and it isn't bootleg." At this point this should have been over but when the sales guy went back to talk to the tech he then decided to come out and tell me it wasn't real and it was a bootleg. I then had a few words with him and he then returned to the back of the store. All was well UNTIL he decided to come back out and say, "Ok if that's real then show me where you downloaded it because I don't believe you." OH SNAP! At this point everyone in the store was watching what was going on and I bet people walking by outside probably heard me tell him and the manager about their horrible customer support and support on their phones and I did it all without any colorful language! I know my battery isn't right but they insist it's fine so I am now going to have to revert to contacting a CSR in order to get any service. So if you want to have some fun just stop by your local Sprint repair depot to have your phone looked at and see what kind of response you get. On the way back to work it was bugging me because the tech looked familiar and then I think I figured it out. He used to work at a Radio Shack next door to a computer store I frequent and if it's the same guy he was also pretty clueless when he worked there also. So far other than the hassle from the Sprint tech I've had good luck with the new ROM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 03:33 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2? Not according to the tech at the local repair cen

give them the direct link to the new rom.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 03:49 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2? Not according to the tech at the local repair cen

I took mine in last week to be re-provisioned with the beta software on it. When i got it back, the tech nor the sales rep was even clued in at what they were looking at. Some how when restarting my phone they must have missed the 3.16 rom version at the time.

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Old 03-10-2008, 03:59 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2? Not according to the tech at the local repair cen

Go back and tell that douche it's up on Sprint's site now, and let us know what happens! http://www4.sprint.com/pcsbusiness/d...CS_AM_Ship.exe
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 05:59 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2? Not according to the tech at the local repair cen

OMG I was just about to post this

Ive had ongoing issues with the phone freezing. I thinks its related to many many drops. the case is banged up and cracked pretty good. After updating and it still happening with a fresh new rom I decided to stop by the repair center on lunch to get a new phone ordered. they refused to look at it because it was running a "unsupported rom"
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 06:13 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2? Not according to the tech at the local repair cen

not surprised, sprint is fking MORONS, they fked my SERO bill up charging me 75 bucks for 'casual data usage' I went into the store told the manager my problem and he asked if unlimited data is part of SERO plan.....I had to literally go on their own website and show them my plan in order to get the charge taken off fking idiots.

When it comes to Sprint CS that's when I wish I for that moment I was with t-mobile because they have some of the best cust. service.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 06:16 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2? Not according to the tech at the local repair cen

I called over not being able to roam, and the CS over the phone asked me if my plan had roaming. I asked her if she could tell me a plan that didn't have roaming, and she couldn't.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 06:54 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2? Not according to the tech at the local repair cen

This is what irkes me about some people on this board.

Just because your a sprint tech or rep does not mean your a Sprint Mogul rep. You dont have to know the latest about the phones, especially a leaked rom or a down to the minute firmware release.

Now I bet all you would have had to do is show them the sprint page or even engadget showing the update, but I bet you shot your mouth off to look smart and thats what got you in your predicament, it turned into a pissing contest on both your sides instead of getting your phone fixed.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 07:15 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2? Not according to the tech at the local repair cen

wow, i would've made them issue me a $50 service credit on the spot just for their stupidity!!!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2008, 07:33 PM
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Re: Official Sprint ROM 3.35.651.2? Not according to the tech at the local repair cen

Originally Posted by Modus Operandi View Post
not surprised, sprint is fking MORONS,

When it comes to Sprint CS that's when I wish I for that moment I was with t-mobile because they have some of the best cust. service.
Sprint is fking MORONS but you went to a worse network over CS
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