Originally Posted by rdd0512
you dont have to run the program 6700 kb fix, just have it installed, and the diagonal thing is still not working when i use the dpad, but you can hold a direction, hold b and then hit a to jump just fine. (requires some skill not to fat finger lol)
I'm not sure how this is working for you. With the 6700 it has to run in the background. From emulamer's website he describes what the program is doing. It compares what keypresses the cpu is seeing against the key presses reported by the keyboard driver. If they don't match, he throws away the key press message from the driver. The 6700 has a different cpu than the 6800 so I didn't think it would work.
If this is working for you maybe it's something else on your Mogul? Can you try to remove the 6700 keyboard fix and try it again? For the diagonal problem, you should use the keyboard and manually press left and up at the same time. Has anyone else got this to work?