I have included a link at the bottom of the new cooked puppies and rainbow rom.
Sorry i have not have had time to beta test it. It only includes the paltry 1.5gb rom upgrade and firewire 2.0. To enable the puppy 1.0 you first have to get a poppa doggy and a mommy doggy and put them together, in no time you will have puppy 1.0
the rainbow hack is a little trickier, step one, enable the camera function, step 2 look for a rain shower, step three; go to a pride parade; find a nice man to dance with; step 4, when hes not looking steal his bmw mini, take it to a local mechanic; have him remove the 3.0 rainbow sticker and upload the sticker into the sd card, remember to install it into the "my documents" folder and not the inbox folder. step 4 delete the registry file, its only there to keep the man from fully understanding the magic of "el chuppra chobbra".
There you have it.
good luck