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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 05:48 PM
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Sprint is nothing but a SCAM!!

heres my story:

I added a line to my account with the sprint SERO plan. I had my titan under my old plan but then swapped fones and put the titan under the sero plan and put the new fone under the old plan I had. I told tem to take off the data and text from the old plan cuz it wasn't gonna be used. So what they did is charge me $75 for "causul data usage" under the old number since they prorated me $13 for the data usage...WTF!!??? They told me the data/text wouldn't be taken of till the next billing cycle (my sprnt was showing data and text a UNLIMITED the whole month when I took it off). So I spoke to a supevisor who was a real asshole and very unhelpul so I clicked on him and called back and spoke wit someone else. She took the $75 off my account but this is ridiculous!!??? his is the 3rd month in a ROW I have add to call them becuz of their mistakes!!!! I don't know why sprint customer care is so incompitent when it comes to billing. I am really looking to switch carriers now. I dont want to have to call and deal with some issue every month. I know why sprint is dropping customers cuz the ones who are smart enough to catch their overcharging they dont want. They want morons who don't look at their bill and pay whatever the charges are.

They have bad phone support nd even worse support via the sprint stores. I hope one day sprint messes with the wrong customer and thy get a class action filed againist them. If anyon does it LET ME KNOW...They aren't giving me my deposit either...ASSHOLES!!!

Last edited by steps; 01-24-2008 at 05:51 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 05:57 PM
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All carriers have billing issues. All carriers have good stores and bad stores. Choosing a carrier is like voting for a President: take the lesser of evils. I've had Sprint, AT&T Wireless (Cingular), T-Mobile, VoiceStream, Cellular One, Verizon....they all sucked in some way. I put up with Sprint for many reasons:

2) The closest store to my house has very good and easily swayable reps.
3) EVDO Rev.A
5) Uber-current devices.....for the US anyway.
6) Yellow is WAY better than pink or orange...
7) Oh yeah....and SERO

Good luck....
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Last edited by ebmorgan; 01-24-2008 at 06:03 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 05:58 PM
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I hate being the one to do this as I suck with it also, but check your post before posting.

Anyways, we've all had our fair share with getting over charged. When I moved to the 6700, they told me they have to change my vision plan from normal vision to "power" vision and that it wasn't going to cost me anything. About 3 months later, I noticed a $15 dollar charge. Next to that about 6 months later, for some reason, my fiance got heavy into text messaging and I started seeing 100-200 bucks in charges for text messaging. Ends up, the "power vision" pack didnt include unlimited text messaging like the old vision did. Had to go back about 8 months of bills to get a refund, which I did.

To make a long story short, you will see crap like this at every carrier, and from my experience, sprint has done it the least as well as gave less troubles taking the charges off.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by cohowap View Post
To make a long story short, you will see crap like this at every carrier, and from my experience, sprint has done it the least as well as gave less troubles taking the charges off.
Yep. They are all businesses and their staff probably get paid very little. Carriers like to charge for things not under a package in order to get you onto a package. Data is best served unlimited so you never have to deal with those pesky charges. It's sad, but true. The fact remains that nobody is forced to have a cell phone so as long as people keep paying, the providers will keep charging. I prefer a cell phone over no cell phone and I like one that can access the web and other data services. I chose Sprint over the other 2 major providers in my area because they have the fastest data, the best coverage, and the lowest cost in my area. Sucks about your experience but I can almost guarantee that if you spend a few years on any carrier you will be annoyed by them every now and then.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 06:26 PM
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Sprint messed up my account really bad when I first opened up my account but then when they fixed it they gave me double the adjustment on accident so i figured they paid me for my troubles. But all carriers suck when it comes to this kind of stuff. Usually you the reps are low paid and manytimes they are outsourced or even off-shore'd. I find that personally the best way to deal with sprint is though chat on E-care or emailing e-care. T-Mobile was just as bad and I left Cingular before that for crappy care.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 06:27 PM
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Verizon is ridiculous expensive, AT&T is slower and more expensive but generally has better phones.

TMobile coverage in my area is garbage (wasn't bad in LA though), but their customer support is the best of the 4.

That basically left Sprint as the option. Good or bad, the cons are worse elsewhere for me.

Last edited by papped; 01-24-2008 at 06:39 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 07:03 PM
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I have had some bad experiences with Sprint Customer Service myself. I just switched back to Sprint from Verizon about a month ago. Took 2 weeks to port my number. I had to keep calling them and running through the same low-level, pointless excercises on my phone. I finally got someone on the line that knew what they were doing though, and the number was ported in 2 minutes. Oh well, it happens. And SERO is amazing. SERO even convinced my wife to try a Touch; before she hated the overpriced, overly complicated devices (her words).

Other carriers have problems too. I got a $4,000 bill from Verizon once. That was a shock. Some network error on their end.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 07:24 PM
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Hey "Steps":
Chill out man, you sound like you have never seen any incompetent, new, stupid or just a careless customer service rep or a worker in general . Come on man, this stuf happens all the time. You may want to invest your time in making a phone call or two or may be writing an email to e-care as I am sure your problem will be resolved. It may not get resolved as quick as you want but it will. You sound like my soon to be ex-wife..lol. Give it the benefit of the doubt and have some patience for God's sake. Otherwise we may have you go to some "Steps" program...lol yeah if you need immediate result you always can use the microwave dude.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 07:43 PM
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I am NORMALLY a calm person-- but I can truly identify with you-- I've had Sprint for around 6 years now-- and had a 'few' problems until this whole 'sprint/nextel' deal and the whole billing switchover-- Its now a regular occurrence everytime I call I will get sent back and forth 5 times before someone can "access the system" my phone is on--
my most recent big issue-- I've gone from treos to 6700 to moguls for the past few years and have "ALWAYS" had unlimited data and text-- one day I tried to call out-- and lo and behold my phone is off... I get customer finance who informs me I have incurred 276 dollars in text fees and 134 in data usage.... when I explain that I have unlimited I am transferred to the wrong customer care reps who transfer me back to finance who send me to the correct customer care who tell me to hold and send me back to finance...finally I get a customer care rep-- my plan has mysteriously been changed-- they will change my plan back and credit those charges... yay-- until 2 days later my service is back off-- I've once again been getting chrged for text and data-- I do the same carousel ride to get to someone who can help me who guarantees what the last person said was done really is done-- for the next 3 weeks.... every couple of days my phone was off with charges for data and text!!!!
I FEEL your anger!!!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2008, 08:15 PM
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Aren't you required to keep the same ESN on a SERO plan for the first 6 months or you risk being charged back for any rebates?
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